I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 604 I have a great temper

Chapter 604 I have a great temper
"Global shooting strategy games are affected by "Operation Mine", and the pre-occupation market share is estimated to exceed 80%."

"Experts commented that "Operation Thunder" is well-made, and the engine and rendering capabilities it uses are more than five years ahead of the top game engines currently on the market. It is estimated that within five years, this game will not find any rivals in terms of quality."

"Steam removed "Jedi Survival", and the focus of game operations has shifted."

"Bao Lei Network took down "Watch Battlefield", the team disbanded, and the core developers and operators were transferred to the "World of Warcraft" team. The manager of Bao Lei Network announced that the company will invest 2000 million US dollars in team optimization and expansion to further strengthen the market Competitiveness!"

"It's awesome, this time our Huaxia game has really risen, and it directly wiped out all the old game companies."

"There's no way, such a powerful VR game, and the game's cost is so low, it's almost a dimensionality reduction blow. As long as the publicity is in place, this result is not surprising at all."

"Mr. Zhang is still very good at marketing. Have you ever heard of playing games to give away houses and cars? Even people in their 50s like my dad are fighting on the battlefield with 98k."

"Don't talk about brother, my grandpa is playing."

"I dreamed that my ancestor asked me to play with my whole family in a dream. Who can resist this kind of temptation!"

"Mr. Zhang, can we start preparing the top-up system now?" According to Ma Hua's usual urgency, if the traffic comes up, if you don't make money, you're a bastard!
"What's the rush?" Zhang Menglong didn't care about making money or not. "When all the other companies are killed, we will be the only one left. Are you still worried that you won't be able to make money?"

In fact, we can’t blame Ma Hua and Ding Sanshi for being so impatient. After all, their company’s vitality has been severely damaged some time ago. The game has not yet been realized, but the operation and maintenance personnel, advertising expenses, etc. are still flowing out. They have money, but they also feel distressed. "Look at your mailbox," Zhang Menglong said calmly.

The two looked at each other, then opened the mailbox, and saw a list of companies and contact information in the mailbox.

"These people approached me a few days ago to represent our "Operation Mine"!" In fact, when Cashew Nut Company got the American agency rights of "Operation Mine" a few days ago, many companies began to try their best to contact him to get various Regional agency.

Of course, Zhang Meng ignored them. As a scumbag, you must know how to fish. As long as your bait is good enough, you are not afraid that no fish will be hooked.

Seeing the ever-increasing downloads in the cashew shop these days, these game companies are more anxious than one another. If there is only one battlefield shooting game on the market that can survive, it will undoubtedly be "Operation Thunder", get it early Agency rights, do you still worry about not being able to share the benefits in the future?

Of course, Zhang Mengyu is very clear that these game agents must be very talkative, so he decided to hang them for a while, and then they will understand who is asking for whom, and who has the initiative.

"I will trouble the two bosses to negotiate the agency rights. I don't care how much the agency revenue ratio you negotiate, it will be yours. I want half of the revenue from this game!"

The eyes of the two suddenly lit up. Strictly speaking, Zhang Mengyu is actually the developer of this game. The two of them are agents. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for game developers to get such a high proportion of.

But this doesn't apply to Zhang Mengyu. They originally hoped to get 30% of the income from Zhang Mengyu, which is already very good. Unexpectedly, this is far beyond their imagination!

Of course they want to make more money. It is impossible for the two of them to fight each other. It must be out of their minds to bargain with Zhang Mengyu, so if they want to make money, they must squeeze those agents!

"Reia Games? Sony Games" Ma Hua smiled when she saw the familiar old friends above.

He still remembered that when foreign countries boycotted Huaxia games and Huaxia players, these old friends immediately stood against them.

What kind of friendship and cooperation, what common development, are all nonsense, and they are quicker than anyone else when things get worse.

Moreover, they also demanded a large amount of compensation for destroying the brand image, and also reduced the commission ratio of Tencent's game agents. Ma Hua has not forgotten these things at all.

And now, they are all waiting in line one by one to represent their games. What an ironic reversal?Ma Hua even had a picture in her head.

Aren't you amazing?Don't you think that the game you made is the best in the world?If you have the ability, don't come to introduce our Huaxia games!

If you want an agent, you can pay first!
Ding Sanshi's face was also filled with an excited smile, he had been thinking for a while how to disgust these fools, this time they had revenge and redressed their grievances!
"You two, we are ready to release the game "World of God Kings"!" Zhang Mengyu said.

"One type?" Ding Sanshi was taken aback, why only one type was released?Now the games they developed are in the limelight, and taking them all out can definitely create a shocking effect.

"Mr. Zhang, since the remaining 13 games are going to be released, why don't we release them all at once?" Ma Hua asked, "Shouldn't such an impact be even more shocking?"

"That can't be done!" Zhang Mengxiao said with a smile, "If you slap him to death, it would be meaningless. I like to play slowly."

Zhang Mengyu continued, "Didn't their Thunder Games have already taken "Overwatch Battlefield" off the shelves, and they want to invest all their financial resources and manpower into "World of Warcraft"? Not only them, but also several companies have released the game. In role-playing games."

"You said that when they invest in it, the money goes down, and then a game that can instantly kill them suddenly appears on the market, what do you think will happen to them? The same is true for other games!"

"Hiss!" Zhang Mengyu's words sent chills down the spines of Ma Hua and Ding Sanshi.

If Zhang Mengyu released all the games at once, he would have almost occupied most of the games on the market. There is nothing wrong with that. No matter what the game companies do, they will not be able to wrestle with them.

But those companies can survive until now, they must have their way of survival. In these 14 types of games, it is also possible to find some gaps in survival.

And this premise is that they still have enough manpower and material resources to go through this period of transformation.

It's better to say that this kind of large-scale client games can't be done, they can definitely make small games, aren't some small mobile games and online games also have a monthly turnover of tens of millions?
Once they release all the games, the other party can notice it at the first time, and then immediately challenge the strategy and spend all the money and people where they should be used.

But what if they play one game at a time?
Every time a new game comes out, they will transfer the game's personnel and funds to another game, and when they run out of money, they will make another game.

At that time, these game companies will spend money, but at this time, a better game than them appears, so at this time, they will be empty-handed.

You have worked part-time for ten years, and finally earned some money, paid the down payment for a house, and are going to propose to the goddess.Suddenly a rich second generation appeared, who brought his own luxury car and mansion, how do you fight with him?The goddess and the family ran away, and you still owe a lot of debt.

This is the effect Zhang Mengyu wants to achieve!

"Take the sun!"

"You have taken all the bamboo shoots on the mountain!"

Ma Hua and Ding Sanshi had to rejoice that they were now on the same front as Zhang Mengyu. This person was not only terrifying, but also very insidious!
"Challenge my bottom line?" Zhang Mengyu didn't think he was cruel at all, survival of the fittest, nature is like this, business games are also like this, and it was because of Thunderbolt game that touched his anger point, "Sorry, I have a big temper Very good!"

(End of this chapter)

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