Chapter 621
This is a very detailed map of China. The circle drawn by Zhang Mengyu is an area in the west of China, and the area he circled is almost as big as a modern city.

"Menglong, do you mean that there are ancient city ruins under this place?" Elder Zhou was a little unbelievable. The place drawn by Zhang Menglong is a desert on the current map. There is no grass around, and the environment is extremely harsh. There are more than 5000 people in such a place. Has civilization existed for thousands of years?

You must know that the establishment of civilization in ancient times was very dependent on the environment. Take the civilizations discovered in China so far as an example, all of them were born in the Yangtze and Yellow River basins, surrounded by mountains and rivers.

If civilization was established in a desert, what would they eat and drink?This simply does not meet the environmental conditions for the establishment of civilization in that era.

"Didn't you know it after you dug it?" Zhang Mengyu said with a smile, "Although this place is a desert now, more than 5000 years ago, it was considered a geomantic treasure."

"I don't doubt that," Zhou Lao said. The geological activities in this area are relatively active, and some plate movements often occur. Geologists once speculated that this area was not a desert before, because in the desert Fossils of some aquatic organisms have been unearthed here.

It's just that this area is very strange, and there will be a process of ordinary geological movement, unless it is a violent change caused by a volcanic eruption or an earthquake, which will form such a rapid change.

But according to the data they measured, in the deep geological layer, no major changes have occurred in the past ten thousand years, but in the surface layer, there are traces of this geological change.

This is very strange. The epicenter of an earthquake is usually very deep. How could it be possible that the surface has changed, but there is no change in the interior?

"Well, if you have any doubts, I will pay for the excavation," Zhang Mengyu said, "But you should find some authoritative experts, I don't want to see those people from Qingqiu who refuse to admit their debts and find them for me." Come up with a lot of messy reasons."

"That's not necessary. The country still has a lot of money. If there is such a large-scale archaeological discovery, it will be worth spending more money!"

The Kumtag Desert is one of the eight major deserts in China. The desert in winter is extremely cold and dry. At night, the temperature even drops below zero. Few normal people will step into the desert at this time.

In the night sky, a ray of light gradually enlarged and landed in the center of the desert. It was China's latest Longyin fighter jet, and there was a symbol of "Longxia Special Operations Team" on the outer wall.

Two men and one woman, three people wearing special leather clothing came out, and then glanced at the boundless desert.

"What the hell is going on at the headquarters, asking us to do archaeological investigations in such a shitty place in the middle of the night?" A young man with fiery red hair who looked about 20 years old said with some reluctance.

"That's right, the investigation of this thing still requires the help of our Long Xia people." The girl also had an impatient expression on her face.

They, Long Xia, usually carry out some important and dangerous tasks. Investigating a desert is like shooting mosquitoes with cannons. Are those archaeological teams all waste?

"Okay, don't complain," the slightly older man said, "The superiors said that there is a large ancient city very likely to exist seventeen or eight meters underground. It is too difficult to excavate at such a depth, and The cost is too high, so let's check to see if the news is true.

"How could there be a city in such a deep place?" The young man curled his lips, "There is no volcano here, even if it is buried by volcanic ash, it will not be buried at a depth of seventeen or eight meters, right? That ancient city called Pompeii , only six or seven meters were buried.”

"That's right, the average depth of this desert is only three or four meters, and there is a layer of rock below it. It's impossible for this city to be buried under the rock, right?"

"Where is so much nonsense, since the above has explained it, then obey the order," the team leader said, "If there is really an ancient city buried below, this is definitely a great discovery!"

"I'd rather go to the border and fight those damn foreign supernatural beings for [-] rounds. It's no fun to come here to dig mud!" Although the young man said this, he honestly followed the instructions above and started to do it.

A blue light flashed in his eyes, and the sand in front of him rushed towards the surroundings like it was alive. His ability is to control the rocks and sand. If the ability is strong enough, he can even trigger an explosion. Earthquakes above magnitude 10!
"Captain, look, isn't there a rock formation below?" A bunker with a diameter of more than ten meters appeared in front of the young man, but inside the bunker was the hard Gobi.

"I'll go and have a look!" The team leader jumped down, took out an instrument and started testing it on the ground.

"Captain, there definitely won't be any. If there is such a big city below, it would have been discovered long ago. Someone will definitely treat us as fools!"

"No!" The captain suddenly said, "The composition of the rock formation here is different from that in the data!"

"What?" At this moment, the faces of the two young players changed, "What do you mean?"

"Look, according to the records, the rock formations here should have been formed by a geological change 12 years ago, but the rock formations shown here are only 2 years old. There is no way such a fault can appear!"

"You mean, these rock formations were migrated from other places?" As a superhuman who manipulates the rocks of the earth, the young man knows this ability best.

"That's right, these rock formations should have been migrated by other means."

"It's impossible! According to the map, the city covers more than 20 square kilometers. Even the team leader's ability cannot support such a huge migration of rock formations. How could people more than 5000 years ago do it? Could it be aliens? No?"

"I also prefer to believe that this is a masterpiece of aliens," the captain took a deep breath, "If it was really done by the supernatural beings of that era, then they are too powerful, and I am afraid they will need at least 30 units The energy is barely able to do it, right?"

"Don't jump to conclusions, first look at what's below!"


Everyone's mood has also changed from impatience at the beginning to full of curiosity. This is not only a huge discovery for geology and archaeology, but also a huge discovery for humans to understand the origin of supernatural beings!

"Galala la la!" The underground rock formations began to shake.

"Su Nian, help me, the rock here is too hard, all made of granite, it's too hard for me alone!"

The supernatural being named Su Nian also joined in.

Cracks stretched out on the ground, one meter, two meters, five meters, until they were about ten meters away, they finally found an underground space!

"The bottom is not solid! There is a huge space underground!"

The three of them looked at each other, and they were almost sure that the above news should be true, there might really be a city underground!
"Go down and see!"

The three of them are all supernatural beings of the earth attribute. With their joint efforts, they finally opened a crack that runs through more than ten meters and allows people to pass through.

They jumped down directly along the crack, and with a burst of smoke and dust, they stepped on a flat ground, but the surrounding area was pitch black and they couldn't see anything.

"Let's go!" A light source trigger rod with the latest technology was thrown out, and the surrounding area was illuminated like daylight.

"This..." The lips of the three kept twitching, "This, what a hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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