Chapter 642

"What do you mean?" Wang Ling asked.

Zhang Menglong's composure exceeded Wang Ling's imagination again. What kind of person can be so calm in the face of financial bomb attacks from 89 countries?Is he resigned to his fate or is he confident?
He believes that Zhang Mengyu can fight against a country by himself, and he has proved countless times this year that he does have this ability, but if you fight against 89 countries at once, is this still human?
"Isn't it just 89 countries? Even if all the countries unite, I'm not afraid," Zhang Mengyu said confidently.

"How much do you know about this?"

"You know, our old house was dug up last time, and now the whole world knows that our house is awesome, so they went back and checked."

"Check what?"

"Check the debt," Zhang Mengyu said, "These countries either owe our family money or their land, or our family controls the lifeline industry. If you are the boss of these countries, what should you do?"

"I definitely won't watch my country being choked by others. If it were me, I would either kill you or take away your bargaining chips."

"So," Zhang Mengyu shrugged, "Their goal is to smash all my assets and make me a poor ghost, a poor ghost, even if they renege on their debts, what can I do to them?"

Zhang Mengyu continued, "This time, the developed countries of the world are among them. They raised 50 trillion U.S. dollars to destroy our currency market first, and then they guessed that I would not watch our country's economy be destroyed. Definitely will step in to help stabilize the exchange rate.”

"By this time, they can blow up all the warehouses I built and make me lose everything. If I have no money, there will be no threat in their eyes."

Zhang Mengyu easily analyzed this.

"It's crazy, what ability do you have to make 89 countries hate you so much?"

"I don't know, maybe they are jealous of my handsomeness." Zhang Menglong said shamelessly.

"50 trillion per year, how much is the world's GDP in a year? They are really determined. Do you really have this confidence?" Wang Ling can hardly imagine how Zhang Mengyu will fight against this force, 50 Trillions of dollars!You can smash a country.

He knows that Zhang Mengyu's wealth is far more than 10 trillion US dollars, but it is impossible to exceed 50 trillion US dollars, right?
"What did you mean when you said you were interested in making a fortune together?"

"Hey," Zhang Mengyu showed a smirk, "It's no fun to make money alone, and it's better to have fun alone than to have fun with others. If you really want to deal with them, I can't do it alone, but what a noble person I am Zhang Mengyu what!"

"Stop talking nonsense and get to the point!"

"They are now concentrating on attacking our China's currency market. They must have mobilized all the US dollar reserves they can use. Even if they don't have it, there must be [-] to [-]%. At this time, their own currency market must be extremely fragile. Yes, if I give them this at this time."

"Wuhu, get rich!"

"But to hit their money market, I also need a sum of money. I will give you this opportunity. You can go to crowdfunding now, and I will give you the money you earn from them in proportion. !"

"What the hell, this is going to steal half of the world!" Wang Ling was shocked by Zhang Meng's bold plan.

"It's not rude to come and go. Since they think so highly of me, Zhang Mengyu, then I naturally have to give them something in return, lest people say I'm rude."

Seeing Zhang Mengyu's confident look, Wang Ling was finally shaken.

"How confident are you kid?"

"100%!" Zhang Meng laughed.

"How many traders do they have?" Wang Ling knew a thing or two about these things, and he never fought a battle without preparation and winning percentage.

"There are about 1800 top traders," Zhang Mengyu replied, "It should be only three or four hundred people have been mobilized now, and a small half of their combat effectiveness has not yet been brought into play."

"how about you?"

"As much as you want!" Zhang Meng said calmly, "Every year, my family selects a group of financially gifted people and sends them to a special place for training. Their teachers are all superb. There should be 3 to [-] people who came out of the seminary."

"They all serve as honorary consultants in major consortium organizations. Some of them who like freedom earn tens of millions of pocket money by speculating in stocks every year. But I have already informed them that as long as I give an order, they can enter Battle mode!"

"Good guy, no wonder you are not worried at all!" The people who come out of the Super Seminary, this is definitely used by one person as thousands of people. The so-called master trader is definitely crushing, and Wang Ling is still confident in this.

"This is money for nothing!"

Knowing Zhang Mengyu's plan and his background, Wang Ling's haze just now was swept away, replaced by an uncontrollable excitement and joy.

"You wait, I'll find someone now!"

"It's okay, the market will only open tomorrow morning, and I don't plan to start a counterattack in the next two days. I will play with them first, let them have a little confidence, and wait for them to swell and invest enough chips. This is the time." When cutting leeks."

"You old bastard is about to start stalking people," Wang Ling said, "If the Third World War breaks out because of you, Zhang Menglong, I won't be surprised at all."

"Don't worry, the Third World War is absolutely impossible," Zhang Mengyu said calmly, "If anyone has this idea, he will disappear immediately!"

"Mmp, wait for me, I'll raise money, if I win this time, I'll turn my bicycle into a motorcycle, and the villa will be by the sea!"

"Dad, do you have any money?" Wang Ling called his father directly.

"Why are you asking me for money again? Didn't you make a lot of money recently? I have never seen a rich second generation who can chew on the old better than you. I gave birth to it myself, absolutely!"

"Dad, I have an investment to make, give me as much cash as you have, you will never regret it."

"It's impossible for you, don't even think about it, even if you sever the father-son relationship with me today, and you want me to die from the palace, I will not give you a dime!"

"It's a hazy item!"

"What? Zhang Mengyu's project?" Wang Ling could hear the sound of a chair falling to the ground, "Wait a minute, I'll transfer the money to you right away. Is 30 billion US dollars enough? Is it enough for me to mortgage my money?" property to borrow money!"

"...Beep the dog, who is your son?"

Wang Ling successfully obtained 50 billion US dollars from his father. He has already borrowed all the money he can borrow and mortgaged all the money he can mortgage in a short period of time. If the ship capsizes this time, their old Wang family At least half of the industry collapsed!
"Not enough!" Wang Ling said to himself, if he wants to subvert a country's foreign exchange market, even if they don't save any of their injured funds, it won't be overturned with 50 billion US dollars. He has to raise more Money, even if it is going to crowdfunding, has to go.

"Qin Feng, do you have any money in your hand? I will lead you to start a project, and you can make a steady profit without losing money. It is not a dream to get ten times and a hundred times the return!"

"I'm not dreaming!"

"I didn't enter the MLM den!"

"I'm not going to be a male model!"

(End of this chapter)

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