Chapter 652 There is no one who can fight

"Hazy, what kind of hatred do you have? They actually sent 60 fighter jets to kill you?"

"I'm really speechless, isn't it just that they have earned 45 trillion US dollars? Is it necessary?" Zhang Meng shrugged, "And I didn't take the initiative to make this money, they can't pretend to be If you get fucked instead, blame me?"

"45 trillion" Lu Yiyao's seniors twitched their mouths.

In this society, sometimes thousands of dollars or even hundreds of dollars can make people take risks. In those warring countries, you can find a group of desperadoes to work for you with a few million dollars.

No, 45 trillion. Do you think people can find ways to kill you?

But now it seems that these people don't seem to have the ability to kill Zhang Mengyu.

"Turn off the AT force field, increase the distribution of GN particles, and expand the GN shield!" Zhang Mengyu said these incomprehensible terms.

The surrounding golden force field disappeared, replaced by an energy force field composed of green particles. These examples kept flickering, looking as beautiful as the aurora.

But these particles are sub-particles of photons, which have a very powerful ability to affect magnetic fields and electromagnetic waves. According to the settings in the anime, this technology is at least 200 years ahead of this era.

It took a lot of effort for Zhang Mengyu to barely make such a one. With this solar furnace, Zhang Mengyu's private jet can fly without fuel, even in static suspension. The anti-gravity device has to be advanced by 50 years.

The moment the solar furnace started, the natural vibration of the plane's engine disappeared, and they seemed to be standing on flat ground.

"Okay, don't worry about those people, unless they use nuclear weapons, don't try to break through my protective shield!"

"Slap!" One of Zhang Menglong's juniors slapped him hard on the face.

"Junior brother, why are you beating yourself? You beat yourself up when you're crazy?"

"Senior brother, I think I must be dreaming now!" Zhang Mengyu's junior brother was about to cry, "I don't study much, so don't lie to me, what AT force field, what solar furnace GN particles, aren't they all from anime Something? I must not have woken up yet!"

"Yeah brother, I have studied physics for more than ten years, and I don't even have a theoretical model for this kind of thing. If you take this thing out now, I feel that my worldview of the past twenty years has collapsed. gone."

"If you show me this thing, it's almost like telling me that there are superpowers and magic in this world!"

"Superpowers and magic really exist!" Zhang Menglong curled her lips, but now everyone seems a little incapable of accepting it, so it's better not to challenge their worldview.

"Fuck, what the hell is this?" The pilots of these 60 fighter jets are now a little bit collapsed.

After finally seeing some hope, who knew that a strange green light appeared on the plane again, this light made all their electronic devices fail, and even the attack had to be aimed manually.

Even without the assistance of the system, as elites, their hit rate is very high, and at this moment, they seem to be forced out of their potential, and almost none of the missiles miss.

But such indiscriminate bombing still did not cause any harm to him. The missiles on the fighter jets have all been fired, and the bullets of the machine guns have also been consumed to a great extent. Their planes are no longer comparable to ordinary passenger planes. It's such a big difference.

"Friends on the left, friends on the right, friends above, friends below, why don't you attack anymore?" Zhang Menglong provoked wildly in the special line communication.

They really wanted to scold back, but all their equipment failed, their communication was blocked, and only Zhang Menglong uttered a unilateral message, but there was nothing they could do.

"Your missiles are not powerful enough, so you still want to deal with me? Hurry up and ask your scientific research team to apologise, spending so much money to create such a powerful weapon?"

"Why did it stop? Can you do it, men can't be so fast! Do you want me to recommend a few hospitals to you, all of which are run by my own family, which will definitely help you increase your durability and regain your glory!"

"Why are you fat four? Do you mean to escort us now? Forget it, you guys, it's embarrassing!"

"Ah, this bastard Chinese, I want to die with him!" The pilots of these fighter jets are already a bit superior, how can they bear being provoked like this?After flying fighter jets for so many years, they were provoked by a private airliner for the first time!
"Idiot! Do you think you are qualified to die with him? None of our missiles can hurt him. Have you seen that green light? You just need to put it on, and you will be the one who will be smashed to pieces!"

"But they are about to leave the Indian Ocean, and we will be warned by other countries if we attack again!"

"But dear brother, we have run out of ammunition. Even if we leave the Indian Ocean, we have no way to continue our attack."

"Menglong, it's not a solution for them to follow us like this," Lu Yiyao said. Like Zhang Menglong, she is not afraid of danger, but she is afraid of trouble. "I always feel that it will not be peaceful for us to come out to play this time."

It would be fine if she and Zhang Mengyu came out to play by themselves, mainly because they brought so many senior brothers and sisters with them this time. Although they could protect their lives and safety, they couldn't bring everyone any good experience.

It was obviously because they were about to graduate and everyone came to celebrate and relax, but who knew that they were bombarded by 60 fighter jets all the way just after they set off, who would not be scared to death?
It is estimated that it is because of the face of Zhang Mengyu and Lu Yiyao that it is difficult to say anything. Maybe some timid people have already collapsed in their hearts. After all, not everyone has such a good psychological quality.

"That's right!" Zhang Mengyu nodded, "It's really not my style to not fight back after being beaten. It will only make them make troubles even worse. It's time to give them a warning!"

"Smart assistant, activate the floating cannon system!"

With Zhang Mengyu's order, small storage spaces opened up on the metal shell of the plane, and slender metal units floated out like flying swords in fantasy novels.

The Floating Cannon is also a weapon in the Gundam series. It is a wireless unmanned long-range attack weapon. It is equipped with an independent propulsion engine, an optical camera system, a beam cannon and a control system.

The popular understanding is a small drone with its own attack weapon. The conditions for users are very harsh, and ordinary pilots cannot use it. However, Zhang Mengyu is equipped with advanced artificial intelligence, which can completely launch attacks by itself!

"Whoosh, whoosh!" The hundreds of floating cannons spread all over the sky and covered the sky at once. Its speed even far exceeds the speed of an airplane, and its maneuverability is extremely high, and it can even make terrifying "sharp-angle turns"!
"Floating Cannon, shoot them all down for me, leaving only one alive!"

"Then what is that?"

"Is it a drone?"

"Why are there so many? What kind of black technology is this?"

"Whew!" The pilots were still wondering what it was, and the light from one of the floating cannons had already penetrated the fuel tank of one of the battle planes.

"Boom!" The fighter jet suddenly exploded violently, and the plane was destroyed in an instant.

"That's an offensive weapon, dodge! Dodge!"

But their resistance is doomed to be in vain. The speed of these floating cannons is far faster than them, and the speed of beam weapons is not at all comparable to their rags with two or three Mach speeds.

All the floating cannons just fired a salvo, and in less than a few seconds, gorgeous fireworks burst into the sky.

Zhang Mengyu looked back at the moon with a move, looked at the thick smoke that day, "Cut, there is no one who can fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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