I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 66 They Are All Scared

Chapter 66 They Are All Scared
"Everyone, open the online meeting immediately, there is an urgent task! Those who don't show up in the meeting within 10 minutes, prepare the resignation report tomorrow!"

All the senior management of Tengxun received the news from the president at almost the same time.

But within 5 minutes, all the high-level officials who received the notification appeared in the online meeting.

"President, what happened to call us together so urgently?" a technical director asked curiously.

"From now on, all information about Zhang Menglong's female friend will be blocked from all of our Tencent platforms."

"President, isn't it necessary? You're not afraid because of the threat of that young man named Zhang Menglong?" said a shareholder of Tengxun.

Blocking and blocking information is just a trivial matter. For their technology, it is almost not too difficult, and it can be done in a short time.

"That's right, President, even if he acquired Weibo, such a large amount of funds must have hurt his vitality. Even if we Tengxun want to acquire Weibo, we have to delay for a while. Is he still the richest man in the world? ?"

"President, you don't have to do this."

"Enough!" The president slapped the table hard, "He is not the richest man in the world, he is richer than the richest man in the world!"

Being questioned by those subordinates and shareholders, the anger in the president's heart was instantly aroused. It was him, Zhang Menglong, who just called me and wanted to buy all the shares in my hands, at a maximum premium of 40%!

Everyone fell silent, it was the first time they had seen the president get angry like this.

"It's impossible! How could he have so much money? Not even the biggest company in the world!"

"Idiot, he threw $5000 billion into my bank account directly, do you think I'm joking with you?" The president was even a little hysterical.

"5000 billion?"

"Or dollars?"

"That can buy more than 50% of the shares."

"It's not just me. Even if I return such a large amount of money, it will take an hour to operate. A few minutes later, Li Hong told me that he also received 5000 billion US dollars there!"

Hearing this, everyone was dumbfounded, and the entire video conference was so quiet that a needle could be heard falling to the ground.

According to the president's intention, in just a few minutes, Zhang Menglong took out $1 trillion in cash?
You must know that even if it is Linxun, its total assets are only 1.65 trillion!

They even wondered if the president had been working too hard recently, and what kind of hallucinations had occurred in their hearts?
"With the money in his hand, let's not talk about buying my shares. Even if we buy our entire company, it is possible!" The president's words were not alarmist, but Zhang Menglong's current high-profile work behavior and his free and easy character of going his own way. Look, this kind of thing is really not impossible.

"In an hour, I want to see the results! Immediately deploy!"

"Yes, President, we'll go right away!"

"Nima, I believe this evil!"

"Work, work!"

Such a scene happened almost scene by scene on Baidu's side.

Half an hour later, the news about Lu Yiyao on Baidu, China's largest search engine, had disappeared without even a trace, and news, Weibo, and various headlines had also been removed.

Those accounts that are unwilling to delete posts or related information are directly banned, and everything is exactly the same as the products under the Unicorn Group!
"Thank you for the cooperation of the two bosses. I am very satisfied, so I don't plan to acquire Tengxun and Baidu for the time being."

Zhang Menglong posted another shocking dynamic on Weibo.

"He really did it? They all confessed!"

"What did he do? All the information on Baidu and Tengxun really disappeared."

"Wait, what do you mean temporarily? I'm cracked."

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! This time I really got it!"

"A friend of mine told me that they held an emergency meeting just now. It is said that Mr. Zhang directly gave the president and Mr. Li two choices, either buy their company or block the news. I just thought he was bragging. of."

"You can really do whatever you want with money - Lu Xun."

"Lu Xun heard the scolding from Baicao Garden all the way to Sanwei Bookstore."

"Boss, take my knee."

"I have a friend who wants to ask, does Mr. Zhang still lack a dog? The kind that walks on two legs."

"It's a coincidence, I also asked my friend about it.

"What about you guys?" The heat of the matter continued to ferment, and at this time, Zhang Menglong had @reviewed some smaller companies again and again.

"President Zhang is merciful, we will delete it immediately!"

"Wrong, wrong, dare not dare."

"You are the big brother, you can't be offended!"

Most of the Internet companies directly choose to admit counseling, there is no way, their big brothers are counseled, can they still not be counseled?None of the bosses of these Internet companies are fools.

"What is Zhang Menglong? We just don't delete it, do you have the ability to buy us?" A company called Leihun Technology actually stood up and was the first to challenge Zhang Menglong head-on.

"What the hell? Iron-headed baby? Brother, your company will be gone soon!"

"Do you want to be crazy? Do you think Mr. Zhang is joking?"

"Here I suggest you kneel down and apologize directly. Otherwise, it's not a question of whether your company is popular or not, but a question of whether your company can still exist."

"I understand, you all only thought about the second floor this wave, and their bosses have already reached the atmosphere!"

"Upstairs, explain?"

"You think, even if the two giants are convinced, how rich and powerful Mr. Zhang must be? If their company is acquired, they will be Mr. Zhang's employees in the future. How can their treatment be poor?"

"Dude's unique thinking! It's an enterprise-level understanding."

"It's really the truth, it's worthy of being a big v, this wave of analysis is full score!"

With this example, many companies actually started to imitate one by one, as if Zhang Menglong wanted to quickly acquire their companies.

"Damn, what the hell are these people thinking?" Seeing the incomparably powerful companies, Zhang Menglong was speechless, "You want to trick me into buying you, do you think I'm a Muggle?"

Zhang Menglong immediately called the technical director of Weibo.

"Mr. Zhang. Are you looking for me at this time, do you have any instructions?" Although it was less than half a day after the change of boss, the technical director responded very quickly.

"See those companies that are clamoring? Change all their certification names for me!"

"Change to what?"

"You think for yourself!"

"Hahaha, look, the certification name of Tears Technology has been changed!" The sharp-eyed netizens noticed some bright spots at once.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"The certification of Zhulu Technology has also been changed, hahaha!"

"And this one, hahaha!"

"Hahaha, I can't do it!"

"It must be Director Zhang. They are authority dogs. How dare they scream on Weibo!"


Tonight's Weibo is destined to be full of joy.

 Are there still tickets?want to!

(End of this chapter)

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