I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 678 You ask them who dares to touch me

Chapter 678 You ask them who dares to touch me

"Mr. Britos, your companion seems to have something to say to you!" Locked in the interrogation room, Zhang Mengyu didn't look like a prisoner, but more like a big boss visiting.

As soon as Britos turned around, a middle-aged man next to him seemed hesitant to speak.

"What's the matter with you? Anything to say?" Britos asked.

"Britos," the middle-aged man leaned into his ear, "just now the currency markets of the 13 allied countries were in a hurry, and more than 2 trillion US dollars of funds flowed into their currency markets, and four of them were less than The position was liquidated in 4 minutes, and the remaining 5 are struggling.”

"What did you say?" Britos looked at Zhang Mengyu, what he just said was actually true!

"Mr. Britos, it seems that you already know what happened?" Zhang Meng said with a smile, "I'm sorry, but I've always been greedy for life and afraid of death. Since you are trying to kill me, Then I can only be ready to accept the call at any time, how about this gift?"

"Hmph! Zhang Mengyu, don't forget that you are still a prisoner, you are not qualified to negotiate terms with us, do you think I can let you go with this method?"

"Oh, I really don't plan to leave here for the time being?" Zhang Menglong raised his legs.

Britos obviously didn't understand that the "temporary" Zhang Mengyu said meant even, and even thought that Zhang Mengyu had already accepted his fate and fate.

"I'm thirsty, bring me a Frappuccino! I want vanilla, a large glass, and some macarons!"

"Zhang Menglong!" Britos slapped the table fiercely, "Do you think we brought you here as a dinner treat?"

"Isn't it?" Zhang Mengyu said, "Give you an hour, I want to see what I want to eat appear in front of me."

"Zhang Mengyu, what qualifications do you think you have to negotiate with us here?" Britos said, "Do you think you can threaten us with this alone? Don't forget, our money printing machine prints It's dollars!"

Britos said to the people around him, "Let the bank mobilize a sum of money for them!"

"Are you sure?" Zhang Mengyu said, "How much money do you still have? Five trillion or six trillion? Your national debt is still more than 20 billion. If you still borrow money from outsiders, do you still have money to repay the debt?" ?”

Zhang Mengyu continued, "I have prepared 100 trillion US dollars this time, as long as you have the guts to help them, just come!"

"100 trillion U.S. dollars?" Britos took a deep breath. Is this money printing machine theirs from the United States or Zhang Mengyu? 100 trillion US dollars is equivalent to their GDP for 5 years. How did he save it?He meow is still cash!
"Actually, there weren't so many of them," Zhang Mengyu said, "The main reason is that I gave me 45 trillion for nothing a month ago, a wave of fat!"

Britos gritted his teeth. It is true that they printed US dollars, but how can they resist such a large-scale fund of 100 trillion US dollars?It will only give more money to Zhang Mengyu!
"Mr. Britos, just a few minutes ago, three more countries have liquidated their positions, and Zhang Mengyu has made nearly 1000 billion US dollars."

"Damn it!" Looking at Zhang Menglong's smug expression, Britos wished he could cut him into pieces right now, but Zhang Menglong couldn't kill him yet, and the secrets on him had not been discovered yet.

"Mr. Britos, please help us. If our currency continues to depreciate, our country's economy will be over!" The leaders of these 88 countries are gathered here. They wanted to avenge their shame today, but Zhang Menglong has not been sanctioned yet, but they have heard bad news one after another.

"Zhang Mengyu, tell your people to stop, or I will make you suffer first!"

"Why are you so fierce!" Zhang Mengyu said aggrievedly, "If you want to give them an order, you must give me a communicator, right?"

"Give it to him!" Britos gave the people around him a look.

The unique metal door opened, and a god-level power user walked in, and handed something that looked like a mobile phone to Zhang Mengyu. On this island, communication is blocked, and contact with the outside world Special equipment is required.

Zhang Mengyu quickly got in touch with Hong Yi.

"Mr. Zhang, have you already escaped?" Hong Yi was a little surprised. Didn't Zhang Mengyu say that he wanted to play for a while?
"No, they are too enthusiastic to let me go."

"Really?" As soon as Hong Yi heard Zhang's hazy tone, he knew that he was acting weird again.

"Yeah, they're going to treat me to a Frappuccino soon!" Zhang Mengyu said, "How's the battle going?"

"Our traders have already started operations in 28 target markets, 11 of which have been liquidated, and the remaining 17 are still resisting. So far, they have made a profit of about 3380 billion U.S. dollars."

"Well, well done, keep up the good work, 60 more goals!"

"Zhang Mengyu!" Britos was angry, "I told your subordinates to stop their actions, not for you to ask about the results of the battle!"

"Oh, by the way, I forgot the business," Zhang Mengyu scratched his head, "Hong Yi, don't stop, increase the intensity of the attack, these 17 markets, let them all collapse within 10 minutes!"


"Zhang Menglong! What are you doing?" Hearing Zhang Menglong's order, the representatives of the supernatural organizations in those 17 countries couldn't bear it anymore.

"Didn't you tell me to stop? As long as I kill them, they will stop naturally. Is there something wrong?"

"You're looking for death!" Those people pointed at Zhang Mengyu with trembling fingers, almost getting angry with Parkinson's syndrome.

"I just like to see you look like you want to kill me but can't," Zhang Menglong continued provocatively.

"Zhang Mengyu, do you really think that we are being so polite to you because we are afraid of you?" Britos said, "Break one of his legs first."

"Here" the two supernatural beings standing next to Zhang Mengyu look at me and I look at you. They are all among the 302 supernatural beings who participated in the attack on Zhang Mengyu this time. They have already seen how powerful Zhang Mengyu is. After that, he just wants to come here to play, otherwise who can catch him?

"What are you two still doing in a daze, isn't my order working?" Britos roared angrily.

But the two supernatural beings remained motionless, and even their eyes kept dodging.

"Hahaha, ask me, which one of them dares to touch me?"

"What's the matter with you two?"

"Mr. Britos. I. We dare not!"

"Hahaha, look, they said they didn't dare!"

"What are you afraid of? He is just a prisoner, his hands are handcuffed, what can he do?" Britos almost roared.

"Crack!" As soon as the voice fell, the special alloy handcuffs snapped, "They didn't tell you that I wasn't arrested, did I come here willingly?"

Britos' pupils dilated in a circle almost visible to the naked eye, what does this mean?
"Wait!" Britos fell into deep thought.

According to the report, Zhang Mengyu didn't have any bodyguards, and this time in order to control Zhang Mengyu, they killed more than 160 god-level supernatural beings, and almost all others were injured. This shows that Zhang Mengyu is extremely powerful!

If he is caught, it must be a hard fight.

But Zhang Menglong looked like he had gone through a big battle, and he wasn't even injured from the outside!
How on earth did he get caught since he wasn't hurt?

"No! Zhang Mengyu has not been subdued!" Britos never thought in his life that he dispatched 302 god-level supernatural powers, and even used a Tianyuan realm warrior like Zhou Boquan, without hurting Zhang Mengyu.

Since he wasn't captured, he came here on his own initiative
Zhang Mengyu threw the handcuffs aside, pointed at Britos and said, "You two, break his hand!"

(End of this chapter)

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