Chapter 688 Are You Sick?
Although I don't know how Zhang Mengyu managed to make these pirates flee, but it seems to be safe now. The kelp has returned to his pirate ship with no armor and armor, and then turned around and started to run away on the spot.

The people in the accompanying group suddenly became courageous, as long as their warships and aircraft carriers came, would they still be afraid of a hammer?Who will be afraid of whom?Now these pirates want to run away, can you run away?

"Call the aircraft carrier formation, Mr. Zhang's yacht has been attacked by pirates, please support as soon as possible!" The people in the accompanying group immediately called for help to the person in charge of the aircraft carrier fleet.

"What? Mr. Zhang met pirates?" Hearing the news, the captain immediately became nervous. If this hazy picture or the people around him were kidnapped by pirates, whose responsibility would it be?
Although it was done by pirates, this happened in South Africa. If something really happened, wouldn't you have to find them?This is because you have not done a good job in the security of South Africa's sea area. If you don't ask you to hold it accountable, who can you turn to?
"The fighter jets are dispatched immediately, and all warships advance at full speed, pay attention to the hidden reefs! The small troops are dispatched first in motorboats, and the personal safety and property safety of Mr. Zhang and others must be absolutely guaranteed!"

"This is really a ghost!" Gorik returned to his boat and was still in shock.

Having worked as a pirate for several years, he has been in the rain and the waves, and he has walked on the verge of death for countless times. His courage is naturally needless to say.

But what happened today was so miraculous that he couldn't help but not be afraid!What kind of method is this to remove the bullet in the gun chamber from his hand in the air?Is this something that humans can do?
"Oriental people are really evil. When we meet Chinese people in the future, it's better to stay close and far away." Golik said to his deputy, "Leave this sea area as soon as possible, maybe the South African Coast Guard or even the United Nations will The battleship is coming."

There is an international reward of 200 million US dollars for Golik's head, and several pirate leaders under him are also worth a lot of money. Once they are discovered, they will be moving money bags.

"It's not good!" A pirate minion rushed into the captain's city, looking flustered.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"Captain. Warship! There are warships in the distance! There are planes in the sky, and several combat boats are already heading towards us!"

"What? Do you know where the warship is?"

"There's a South African flag flying on it, and I just saw a big thing that seemed to be an aircraft carrier."

"What did you say?" Goric, furious, killed the pirate with a single shot.

"Go out and see!"

Goric took a few henchmen to the deck.

They are already surrounded!

Three destroyers appeared to surround them, and five armed helicopters hovered in the sky, with black weapons aimed at them, ready to fire at any time.

The combat boats below are ready to board at any time for a storm.

In the distance, the huge monster hundreds of meters long looked desperate.

The people who accompanied the group told him just now that the yacht was protected by an aircraft carrier formation, and he took it as a joke. Now the reality tells him that there is really an aircraft carrier formation!
Nima, even if you are the richest man in the world, you just go out to sea for a while. You said that it is fine if you bring a security team, but what do you mean by bringing an aircraft carrier formation?You can't afford it, you little trash, you really have no strength, you!

"Listen, people on the boat, you are surrounded now, put down all your weapons and surrender immediately, otherwise we will attack by force, and I will give you one minute!"

In fact, the pirates do not encounter invincible opponents once or twice, but you must know that in most cases, the pirates have hostages in their hands, so even if they are surrounded by some warships, they can still pass the hostages. Deal with each other.

But they have been out of business for a long time, where can they get hostages?They were terrified by Zhang Mengyu's weird methods just now, who would remember to take one or two people as hostages.

This has led to the fact that the aircraft carrier formation can attack them without any scruples. Anyway, there are pirates on board, so what if all of them are killed by a missile?They don't need to catch alive.

"Captain, what should we do?"

"What else can we do? Can we beat it?"

Although the pirate ships are also well-equipped, even comparable to the warships of some backward countries, but they are aircraft carriers, how do you fight?
If there is hope of winning or escaping, these desperadoes definitely have the guts to fight these regular troops.

But the point is, there is no need to fight at all!There is no pirate ship that cannot be solved by one missile. If one missile does not work, then two!

As for jumping into the water and running, do you think their battle boats are toys?As long as they come up to take a breath, they will be shot in the head!

Even if they can escape, there is no place to stay for ten kilometers nearby, where will they escape?

"Surrender! South Africa does not have the death penalty." Golik showed a helpless expression
"Surrender, we surrender!"

"Crack!" Gorik was tied up and thrown in front of Zhang Mengyu, "Mr. Zhang, this is the leader of the pirate ship, Gorik, what do you plan to do?"

Golik looked up at Zhang Mengyu. This Chinese man can not only mobilize the aircraft carrier formation to protect him, but also directly order the fleet!The top leader of this aircraft carrier formation is actually asking Zhang Mengyu for instructions on how to deal with it!

"Who the hell are you?"

"Don't I already know?" Zhang Meng smiled and said, "Are you wondering why they listen to me?"

"It's very simple. They owe me tens of billions of dollars. They owe me so much money. It's not too much for me to let their aircraft carrier formation protect me?"

"This..." Goric was speechless. He thought that this Zhang Menglong had some kind of terrifying identity, but this is it?Being rich is really a superpower!
"Now that we have become prisoners, we will kill you as much as you want, and we have come to this business, and we have already realized it!"

"That can't be done, kill you, who will play with us!" Zhang Meng said with a smile, "How many pirates are there on your ship?"

Goric was stunned for a moment, Zhang Mengyu asked why?

"A total of 54 people."

"Too few!" Zhang Mengyu shook his head, "It's not exciting enough, do you have any friends?"

"What on earth are you going to do?" Goric was puzzled, what does it mean to be not exciting enough?

"We want you to play a room escape game with us!" Zhang Mengyu said, "Oh, here we come!"

"What's coming?"

At this time, an airdrop box suddenly dropped from the sky, and landed on Zhang Menglong's yacht with incomparable precision.

That's a pretty big short, almost the size of a shipping container.

"Kang Dang!" Zhang Menglong opened the container and took out a set of equipment.

"Hey, brand new live-action CS shooting equipment!" Zhang Mengyu said, "We are going to play a live-action version of Pirates of the Caribbean. Isn't this more exciting than fishing and swimming at sea? You just happen to be professionals, so let's play NPC!"

The pirates were stupid, and so were the officers on those battleships.

You spent a long time catching this group of pirates, and now you tell me that you want them to act as NPCs to accompany you to play real cs?Is the business scope of pirates already so wide?
You are not a pervert, are you?What's wrong with you?If you want us vicious pirates to play with you, are you not afraid of being played to death?

"You are all criminals. According to South African law, although you will not be sentenced to death, you will not be able to escape after being imprisoned for hundreds of years," Zhang Mengyu said, "As long as you behave well, I promise to give you the most fair punishment." Treat it, at least you won't be raped by other prisoners in prison!"

(End of this chapter)

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