I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 732 Do You Have a Card?

Chapter 732 Do You Have a Card?



"Why does he have instructions? Isn't this a robot from other civilizations?"

"Is he a fucking alien?"


"mother fucker?"


"Where did you get Mr. Zhang?" Meng Tianhe was dumbfounded.

"My family's ancestors picked it up!" Zhang Mengyu made up, as an intelligent system that spans all parallel time and space, Goudan is simply a super encyclopedia.

Not to mention an instruction manual, even Zhang Mengyu can provide the blueprint of this robot.

One of the robots' eyes suddenly locked on Zhang Mengyu's body, and immediately regarded it as the first attack target.

"Swoosh!" It moved its two mechanical legs and rushed towards Zhang Mengyu like an assassin.

"Spicy Tiansai!"

A wave of energy that was almost invisible to the naked eye popped up from Zhang Menglong's body. When the robot sprinted to a position about one meter in front of Zhang Menglong, it stopped as if it had touched a wall that could not be reserved.

Afterwards, that force ruthlessly sent it flying and hit the metal wall of the tunnel.

Those supernatural beings fought for a long time just now, and the metal wall didn't sink in the slightest, but Zhang Menglong's attack almost caused half of the robot's body to sink into the metal wall!
"Be honest!" Zhang Menglong stretched out a hand, and a strong magnetic field enveloped it, and the two mechanical arms and mechanical legs were tightly attached to the metal wall as if they were attracted by magnets.

"How is this possible?" Otto had personally come into contact with this metal monster, and the metal robot that he tried his best to cause no damage was actually like a chicken in the hands of Zhang Mengyu.

"Chief instructor!" A member of the supernatural alliance stuck to Otto's ear, "Just for a moment, my detector detected an energy fluctuation of nearly 30 units!"

"What? 30 units?" Otto couldn't help but tremble.

"Be careful, everyone, this kind of thing is still very dangerous," Zhang Mengyu walked to the side of the robot, "Although its function is only to explore the robot, it also has a small part of the combat function, and ordinary second-level civilizations can even Use it for home or spaceship security."

Zhang Mengyu took out another laser pointer while talking.

"Look, here is its camera, and its motion capture ability is more than ten times stronger than that of a frog," Zhang Mengyu said, pointing to those supernatural beings, "Their attack just now, in front of this camera, is almost like Like a turtle crawling."

"This place is its energy core, and it has two driving modes: battery charging and energy crystal core,"

"Here is where the chip is inserted. Users can set different programs in it to achieve different functions. I guess the owner of this spaceship will most likely use them to fight."

"He's really here for the social practice class!" In the morning, Meng Tianhe thought it was outrageous for Zhang Mengyu to bring these people here.

But after a few sparring sessions, they had already known how terrifying power these youths contained, and now, Zhang Mengyu really started to give lectures!

Please, this is a machine that can kill people. Haven't you seen how many people have died in its hands?

As if noticing that his companion was being controlled by Zhang Mengyao, the head of another robot was aimed at Zhang Mengyong instantly, and then, two red scorching rays shot out from both sides of its chest!
"Hazy, be careful, the temperature of this ray exceeds [-] degrees! It can cut even steel in an instant!" Meng Tianhe reminded immediately.

However, Zhang Menglong didn't even move his footsteps. He stretched out a hand and blocked the murderous ray with his flesh and blood!

"Go away, don't disturb me explaining knowledge!"

Another invisible wave spread out, and the other robot was also sent flying.

"How could he be so strong?" Everyone present was terrified. The invincible robot in their eyes couldn't even get close to Zhang Mengyu's body!
But what happened next made their jaws drop in shock.

Zhang Mengyu took out a magnetic cable and connected it to the robot, then took out a computer and started typing codes.

After a few minutes, the robot's scarlet eyes dimmed, then turned green.

"Boom!" The robot stood on the ground again, but he did not attack Zhang Mengyu and the others again, but stood in front of them like a guard.

"Actually, their technological content is very low. As long as we use our second-year coding knowledge, if everyone is proficient, they can tamper with the intelligent program in at most 10 minutes!"

"This kid is evil!" Seeing Zhang Menglong controlling those robots, people from other countries not only did not look happy at all, but were full of envy and hatred.

They have seen the power of this robot. Just one robot can easily slaughter the entire second world. If Huaxia has such a robot, and if it researches its design and structure and conducts two battles, then who will fight in the future? Dare to compete with them in military strength?

So far, they have not been able to deal with China's Longyin fighter jets. If they have a batch of these new weapons, they can directly dominate the world!
"Zhang Mengyu, since you are so powerful, why didn't you come to help just now?" Ao Tuo asked, "Because of you, we lost at least 10 powerful people just now!"

"It's none of my business if you lose people?" Zhang Mengyu sneered, "Am I your father or your grandfather? Morality kidnaps me? I'm sorry, as long as I have no morals, you will never be able to kidnap me. I have this obligation to protect you ?"

Zhang Mengyu felt that this was really ridiculous. If he hadn't subdued these two robots, the aisle would have been filled with blood, and this Otto actually questioned himself from a moral point of view?

Doesn't he know that by now he might be dead without himself?
"I just asked everyone outside, do you need Long Xia's emergency rescue service, you said no!" Zhang Mengyu looked innocent, "My energy is also limited, I can only protect our Long Xia Xia’s own people, if they want to save you, this is another price!”

"You're dreaming!" Otto picked up his broken battle ax distressedly, "We can still explore this spaceship without you!"

"You said it yourself!" Zhang Mengyu said, "What about the others? I will give you another chance to save 1 million US dollars once. If you apply for a card with 10 billion US dollars, you can enjoy unlimited rescues for a single person. What are you still thinking about? ? Action is worse than heart, after this village, there will be no such shop!"

If they thought Zhang Mengyu's behavior was ridiculous just now, no one dared to look at him with the same eyes just now.

Facing this powerful robot, the oppressive strength Zhang Mengyu displayed proved that he was really capable of protecting them!
But how many countries do not owe China money for this money?They can hardly come up with any money!

"Boom, boom, boom!" came another commotion.

"No, my instrument shows that there are 24 energy sources approaching us!"

"Is there more than two of them in this spaceship?"


They can't even deal with one robot, there are 24 of them, they just lie down and prepare to have a feast!

"How is it? Do you want to apply for a card?" Zhang Mengyu rubbed his fingers.

"Mr. Zhang Zhang, we paid the money, can you really protect our safety?" Someone finally cast their eyes on Zhang Mengyu.

"I, I'll get a card!"

"I also want!"

(End of this chapter)

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