Chapter 755

"Money! It's money again!"

100 million to answer a word, this f*cking word is not so expensive!
Now that they have walked out of the fog, the people from the four colleges are not in the mood to continue wasting time with a kid. They will find out how powerful the Super Seminary is after a while.

"Hey, don't go!!"

"I'll give you a discount, the big deal is 10 euros a word!"

"One million answers to one question!"

"Wooooow, it's rare that there are so many rich fools, and today they earn less, woooooooo!"

"This mountain is only 300 meters above sea level from a distance. Why is it so difficult to walk?" The group felt that they were at least 500 meters away, but they seemed to be still halfway up the mountain.

"Teachers, come and see this!"

Suddenly, a student of the Holy Knight Academy suddenly found some strange marks on the nearby mountain wall. These marks were sonorous and powerful, piercing three points into the rock, as if left by a sword blade.

"Hiss!" The student touched the mark with his hand, but a tingling pain came from his fingertips, and a wound appeared on his mobile phone inexplicably, and donated blood slowly seeped out from the wound.

"This is sword energy!" Sirius said, "I once fought against an elder in Jiedao, and he said that this kind of sword energy can only be achieved by ancient warriors who have practiced swords for dozens of years and have reached the Tianyuan realm. Such marks are left on rocks and trees, and such marks can last for years or even decades."

"Unexpectedly, there are such ancient warriors in this Super Seminary," Sirius said, "This sword energy is stronger than that elder of Jiedao!"




"Two!" Just as they were shocked by the sword energy, there was a burst of orderly voices not far away.

They followed the sound, and there was actually a fairly wide open space on the mountainside, where dozens of teenagers and girls in white clothes were practicing swords.

"This is a student of the Super Seminary?" They noticed that there were uniform symbols on the chest of the clothes, which seemed to be symbols of the school's school emblem.

"Hahaha, in what age, these Chinese people are still practicing swords like this."

"What's the use of this kind of boxing and embroidered legs? Isn't it the same as those ordinary martial arts schools in the world? What kind of lethality can this kind of swordsmanship be trained?"

"I don't think this Super Seminary is very good!"

"Is this Huaxia's Tai Chi sword? I'm afraid it only has the effect of strengthening the body and nourishing the body. With this level, we were almost scared just now!"

In the other four major academies, their study and training are much stricter than this seemingly ostentatious. In their eyes, this set of swordsmanship is not much different from the radio gymnastics of ordinary junior high school students and high school students. the difference.

But in the next moment, their expressions changed suddenly.

This subtraction was obviously very slow, but countless swords, lights and swords suddenly appeared in front of them, and the shadows of swords and swords enveloped the entire platform!

Only at this time did they notice that the ground and walls near the platform were actually full of deep swords!
"Sword Qi, these are all sword Qi!"

"Magic Shield!"

"Ice Shield!"

The magicians and supernatural beings were suddenly shocked by the scattered sword energy.

Didn't this Sirest say that only warriors above the Tianyuan realm, and who have studied swordsmanship for decades, can possess sword energy if they reach the level of unity of human and sword?

Why do these young people who seem to be only about 20 years old have sword energy?Could it be that they are all old monsters who have used some medicine to rejuvenate?

After being ravaged by the blade storm for more than ten seconds, those young people finally stopped.

The leader was a young man in blue clothes, who seemed to be older than these people, or had a slightly higher status.

"Okay, that's all for our morning practice today, everyone go back and practice hard, take a shower and get ready for class!"

Morning exercise?They call the terrifying sword formation morning exercises?

Even if it is a super god-level power user, if he breaks into such a raging sword array alone, he will peel off his skin if he doesn't die. This thing is just a morning exercise?
"Hey! So you are here!" The furtive people from the four colleges suddenly heard a voice from behind.

A handsome young man was looking at them from behind with a smile, "Aren't you the principals and leaders of the four colleges? Why are you hiding in this place? Hurry up to the mountain, lest people say we don't know how to take care of guests!"

"Oh, by the way, let me introduce myself first. I am Zhang Mengyu, the dean of Super Seminary. Welcome everyone to come to our Super Seminary for exchange and study today," Zhang Mengyu said, "Beside me are some of my students. .”

Standing beside Zhang Menglong were Chen Bingyu and others, as well as the Chen Xiaoyuan who was wearing a shofar braid just now, and Chen Xiaoyuan made a face at them.

"I'm sorry, Xiaoyuan just caused trouble for you."

"No trouble, no trouble," Zhang Mengyu put the scene so politely, the principals of these four schools were embarrassed to say anything, and just now they watched the morning exercise of the students of the Super Seminary, and now they are suddenly interested in this mysterious oriental The strength felt a little afraid.

"Principal Zhang, is it your core disciple who did the morning exercise here just now?"

"Core disciple?"

"Oh, it's similar to the key class." Although it teaches magic and abilities, there are also ordinary classes and key classes in the four colleges. Those with better talents will receive special training in the key class and guidance.

"Oh, those are all students from the branch school of our Super Theological Seminary," Zhang Mengyu shook his head, "Their talents are not good enough, so they can only be in the branch school. If they want to enter the school headquarters, they are still far behind!"

"Just the students of the branch school?"

"You can use sword energy at this young age, is this called bad talent?"

"Come on, everyone!" Zhang Menglong led them towards the top of the mountain.

"Dean Zhang, I have a question I want to ask. Could you please clear up our doubts?"

"Several please tell me." Zhang Meng said with a smile.

"In the past, our four colleges and the expensive Jiedao ran schools together and communicated with each other, but this year we suddenly lost contact with Jiedao, and then your super seminary suddenly rose. I want to know what is the relationship between the two? ?”

"Oh, you said Jiedao," Zhang Mengyu replied, "One of them wanted to rob my brother's woman, and I taught him a lesson."

"But we sent a lot of owls to contact Jiedao. If we just taught them a lesson, we wouldn't be unable to contact them."

"That's right, none of them participated in this year's five-school hegemony."

"So those owls belong to you?" Zhang Menglong suddenly realized.

"Have you seen those owls?"

"Of course I've seen it," Zhang Mengyu said, "I have converted their boundary island into a resort, and I will stay there for a few days every now and then. As for those owls."

Zhang Menglong suddenly showed an embarrassed expression.

"What's wrong with those owls?" Dean Boduo asked. These owls are not ordinary owls. It takes a lot of resources and hard work to cultivate one, which is very precious.

"I'm hungry, let me tell you first, I really didn't mean it," Zhang Mengyu said, "I thought those owls were native creatures of Jiedao. Fresh, especially sprinkled with cumin, my friends and I are crying!"

(End of this chapter)

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