I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 775 Turns Out I'm a Cosmic Rich 2nd Generation

Chapter 775 So I'm a Universe-Level Rich Second Generation
"Mengyu, what do you mean by this sentence?" All eyes once again focused on Zhang Mengyu.

"What's the point, just pretend to be mysterious!" the American said in a strange tone. After all, Zhang Menglong sneered at them during the interview.

"Yeah, the development of the current situation is obviously beyond our ability to solve it. In a few years, no matter how fast our technology develops, it is impossible to compare with the fleet of the third-level civilization!"

Although they don't know how powerful the third-level civilization is, a second-level civilization spaceship can defeat the earth's army, and the third-level civilization will only be more terrifying.

"The layout is too small," Zhang Menglong glanced at the group of ashen-faced people, "This is just beyond your ability to solve it, not me!"

"Hazy, what did you mean when you said you have a background?"

"Yeah, could it be that your family has contact with aliens?"

If you think about it carefully, this is not impossible!

You know, there are all kinds of UFO incidents every year, etc., maybe there are some aliens around.

And Zhang Mengyu's family was originally a family full of secrets. Maybe they themselves are aliens hiding on the earth. This kind of speculation is no longer a day or two.

"I can't say that well, I have to ask first!" After speaking, Zhang Mengyu left the room alone.

"Where did he go? Whom should I ask?"

"By the way," someone suddenly thought of something, "Do you have any information about Zhang Mengyu's family?"

"We have investigated, but there is no information about his parents or other relatives, it seems that all information has been wiped out."

"You said, he can't really be an alien?"

"What about aliens?" Mr. Zhou and the others sighed, "Now we can only pin our hopes on him."

After leaving the Planetary Council, Zhang Mengyu directly entered the Super Seminary.

"Goudan, I have something to ask my parents, help me contact them!"

"Deduct 100 points to force the number to establish a plane connection"

"The connection has been connected!"

A holographic projection was projected in front of Zhang Mengyu, and it was Zhang Mengyu's parents in the picture.

I saw them in a smoky place, and I couldn't tell what kind of world this was.

"Mom and Dad! Where are you?" Zhang Mengyu asked
"Hey, son!" Zhang Xiaoyun lowered his voice, "We don't know where we are now, but this place seems to be full of gods, I suspect it is a mythical world, I arrested a guy named Zeus two days ago Throw it into the Super Seminary, remember to check it!"

"Zeus, good guy, you have captured all the main gods of the West."

"That guy is pretty good at fighting, with a life strength of more than 80 points. It took your mother and me three days to knock him out," Zhang Xiaoyun said, "We have been eyeing an old guy named Hongjun recently, look Let's see if we can give him a sap in these two days!"

I didn't get any other news, but Zhang Menglong got a very important piece of information. His parents actually caught Zeus whose energy intensity exceeded 80!According to the cosmic civilization's definition of life levels, this is a ninth-level life form!
Then his parents are at least level nine or above life forms?
According to what Katz said, life forms above the fifth level are already very rare, and his parents are definitely super gods!

"By the way, son, why are you looking for us?" Zhang Xiaoyun asked.

"Mom and Dad, are you free? Come back and help with some things?" Zhang Mengyu asked, "Don't you know that the earth has been invaded by aliens, can you believe it?"

"That's it?" Zhang Xiaoyun showed a calm expression, as if Zhang Mengyu just said that today's meal is too full.

This is because the earth has been invaded. Maybe the people on earth will be destroyed!
"Isn't this serious?"

"It's only a second- and third-level civilization. We need to deal with this matter? The time between me and your mother is very precious, and it is a waste of our lives to deal with these things!"


"As I said, there is almost nothing in this world that our family can't handle. This matter not only includes the earth, but also includes our little broken universe."

"Little broken universe?"

"You don't know. After we left that universe, we discovered that this broken universe is really small, and the level of civilization is still low. The advanced civilizations of other universes can create very abnormal things. We last month"

"Wait!" Zhang Mengyu seemed to have captured a key message, "Have you had contact with other civilizations on our planet?"

"Of course!" Zhang Xiaoyun said, "One of our ancestors named Zhang Kai, probably more than 3000 years ago, encountered an alien who seemed to come from a third-level civilization millions of light-years away. , was later killed by our ancestors, he had nothing to do, so he ran to the universe to play."

"I've got nothing to do." Zhang Meng was speechless, how much free time does this have to have?
"It is said that he has played outside for two or three thousand years, and has met many friends. I heard that he has made some achievements in self-employment. He should have small assets in the Universe Bank. I saw him when I was a child, and I don't know where to go. Parallel world to play."

"Self-employment, small assets!" These two words lifted Zhang Mengyu's spirits, "Is the relationship strong?"

"It should be okay," Zhang Xiaoyun was also a little uncertain.

"How rich is the small property he said?" Zhang Menglong asked. On the earth, if you have a few million assets, it is already considered a small property, but this kind of property is less than Zhang Menglong's pocket money.

"He said so himself. You can ask the administrator of the Super Seminary for the bank account. I don't know how much money there is, and we dare not ask."

"It's easy to do if you have money!" Zhang Mengyu suddenly gained a lot of confidence, "Is it enough to buy our earth?"

"I don't know about this. Your ancestor said that there seems to be a six-star account. I have never been in contact with the cosmic civilization of our world. You can go to the Cosmos Bank and ask. You will know, but it has been a business for two to three thousand years. , there is always some money."

"Okay, I got it!"

Zhang Mengyu exchanged a few words with his parents, and then left the Super Seminary.

"Unexpectedly, I am not only a rich second generation on earth, but also a rich second generation at the cosmic level! There is also a property waiting for me to inherit!"

Zhang Mengyu looked up at the starry sky that had fallen into darkness, "It seems that I have to take a trip in the universe now."

Money can turn ghosts, Zhang Mengyu believes that this law not only works well on the earth, but also works well in the civilization of the universe.

As long as the funds are sufficient, he can buy the earth and become the lord of the earth. At least in the civilization of the universe, he can protect his own civilization openly.

And maybe he can go to some fifth-level civilization to buy a few battleships of the fifth-level civilization. He doesn't believe that the third-level civilization behind Katz will dare to come to him to pretend to be aggressive!
Who will be beaten at that time, I don't know yet!

Just how to get out?
The spaceship that Katz and the others came over has been smashed, and more than 80% of the power system has been destroyed.

"By the way!" Zhang Menglong suddenly remembered the spaceship he drove back from the glacier. The power system of that spaceship was still intact. Although the model was a bit old, he modified it a little and put the two spaceships together. , it should be barely usable, right?

"Good guy, I'm going to cosmic civilization to pretend to be aggressive, it's a bit exciting to think about it!"

(End of this chapter)

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