I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 805 If you have the ability, you jump out and hit me

Chapter 805 If you have the ability, you jump out and hit me
"What did you say?" Yilok's expression suddenly became much more ferocious.

Since he can still remember the teaching kindness of the old ancestor of Sibosk, it can be seen that he is a person who respects his teacher very much.

And Zhang Mengyu actually asked his teacher, a master of a fifth-level civilization and a sixth-level life form, to beg him!This is simply a huge contempt and insult.

"Didn't you hear clearly? Then let me say it again," Zhang Mengyu sneered, "Let your teacher come to me personally, and I can consider whether to let him go."

Binard originally came here with malicious intentions. If Zhang Menglong did not have the protection of his ancestors and fell into his hands, there would probably be no good end. Zhang Menglong was never polite to his enemies.

Someone wants to protect his enemy, and he is also his enemy. No matter who comes, it will not save face, and Zhang Mengyu doesn't know the master of Sloan Universe Empire at all. face?

The master of the fifth-level civilization is amazing, isn't he?Are sixth-level lives amazing?If he saw a ninth-level life form like his parents or other ancestors, he would probably be scared out of shit, right?Maybe the pets raised by his parents are more than six-level life forms.

Don't say that people who have lived a long time are seniors. Be polite to them. Do you, a human being, need to give face to a turtle that has lived for 100 years?The level of life is not on the same level, so why give you face?
"You're looking for death!" The power on Yilok's body was surging. As a fifth-level life form, his power shocked everyone present.

"What do you want to do?" Yi Moer stood in front of Zhang Mengyu. How could someone want to attack a star user of the Universe Bank?That is their food and clothing parents!In other words, their dad!
Imol is also a Martial Daoist who is about to break through to the sixth-level life form. His strength is not weaker than Imol's. There are even more than 2000 fifth-level warships in the sky!

Yi Luok was suddenly awakened by his own recklessness, he almost couldn't hold back his attack on Zhang Mengyu just now.

Although this person named Imol is of the same level of life as him, he seems to be an elite from a fifth-level civilization, and he is just a person who has some opportunities and has come out of a fourth-level civilization.

In terms of background, I am afraid that there will be a huge gap between the two, which is equivalent to being born in Keban and Ye Luzi, which is a world of difference.

What's more, there is that fleet and thousands of pilots in the fleet who also have the fifth-level life body level!
If he had dared to do something just now, he would probably have been beaten to death, and Zhang Mengyu would not take any responsibility because of emergency avoidance.

"I don't care about this!" Yiluok waved his hand and immediately planned to leave. This matter has exceeded the scope of what he can handle.

"Ilok, you can't leave!" Binard panicked, "At that time, you were about to be killed by your enemies. If my ancestors hadn't saved you, how could you have achieved what you are now??"

Hearing this sentence, Yilok stopped walking immediately, his expression was very complicated, and he was entangled in something right now

"Hey, it's moral kidnapping again." Zhang Mengyu actually quite admires this Yilok, a person who values ​​emotions is always worthy of respect.

"I'll help you this last time." Ilok seemed to have made a very important decision, "From now on, I will cancel everything I owe you to the Sibosque family, and I will never visit you again."

He has a silver bracelet on his wrist that looks like it's some kind of high-tech gear.

A holographic projection was projected in mid-air. It was a huge space that looked like a training ground. A man in a strange attire sat quietly in the center of the training ground with his eyes closed, as if he was in a very focused state. inside.

The man suddenly opened his eyes, "Ilok, didn't I say, don't bother me if there is nothing important?"

The man's voice was vicissitudes and ancient, as if it came from ancient Sanskrit.

"I'm sorry, teacher, but this time I really encountered something that needs you to deal with it," Yilok said respectfully.

"Didn't you go to find the descendants of that unlucky guy in Sibosk? A small second-level civilization, what trouble can you encounter?"

"It's really tricky," Yilok said, "The descendant of the disciple's first teacher has offended a young man with a very unusual background, and now he insists on dealing with him."

"Oh? How unusual?"

"He can mobilize the fifth-level battleship formation of the Twin Whale Cosmic Empire."

The person in the holographic projection obviously had some changes in mood, "Is it the descendant of that guy Kabuci?"

"I don't know," Yilok said, "Teacher, I have never asked you for anything. This time, I hope you can come forward to save Binard once."

"You, you just have too many things to worry about," the man sighed. "It was the same in the past. If you put all your energy into cultivation, how could you only have the achievements you have now? I don't want to think about it." Don't worry! That guy Kabuci is very troublesome, if he knows that I bully his juniors, I don't even know how to get rid of him."

"Teacher!" Yilok actually knelt down directly, "You just help me once, and I will completely let go of this past in the future, and go to your Universe Empire dojo to practice with you wholeheartedly!"

"Is what you said true?"

"Disciple promise!" Ilok said seriously.

"Okay, then I'll help you once." Ilok is indeed a student he likes very much, if this time he can devote himself wholeheartedly to martial arts, then this deal is still very cost-effective.

"Hey, are you two finished?" Zhang Menglong said impatiently.

"Young man, are you a descendant of Kabutz?" The picture of the person in the holographic projection continued to enlarge, and Zhang Menglong finally saw the figure clearly at this time.

"Hahaha, Lu Benwei?" Zhang Menglong is a professional, and usually can't laugh unless he really can't help it. Yilok's teacher actually has a baboon face, and he even looks very much like a famous TV show. Competition anchor!

"Lu Benwei?" The man with the baboon face searched for the name in his memory, but there was no matching information. Could it be that this is also a boss of a fifth-level civilization?
"Young man, I am the master of Sloan Universe Empire. If you are a descendant of Kabutz, you should have heard of me."

"Sorry, I haven't heard of it." Zhang Mengyu shook his head, "Do you want to intercede for him?"

Kabutz was stunned for a moment. Logically speaking, the only people who can mobilize the fleet of the Twin Whale Cosmic Empire should be relatives or cronies of the owner of the empire.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, Zhang Mengyu is a descendant of the core figures of other fifth-level civilizations, and he came to the Twin Whales Universe Empire to play or do other things. The people from the Twin Whales Universe Empire specially sent a fleet to protect him.

But no matter what the situation is, Zhang Mengyu's identity is not ordinary.

"Yes, little guy, I know your elder, for my sake, let him go."

"Do you know Zhang Kai?"

"Zhang Kai?" Baboon shook his head.

"I don't know you, just say a fart," Zhang Mengyu, "You don't care about the handsome guy, I don't bully wild animals."

Hearing this sentence, Imol panicked. How could he not see that the person in this holographic image is the master of a fifth-level civilization, and his identity is comparable to the master of their twin whale universe empire!

Although Zhang Mengyu is the owner of a five-star account, if they make the other party anxious, they and this fleet can't protect Zhang Mengyu at all!

"You are so unreasonable!" The baboon has a clear face. His appearance is very close to that of many civilized early intelligent creatures, but no one has ever dared to say that he looks like an "animal" in front of him!
"If I say this to you today, I will teach you a lesson on behalf of your elders!"

"He's in a hurry!" Zhang Mengyu pointed at the baboon's face and said confidently, "You jump out and hit me if you have the ability!"

 There was a problem with the content of the previous chapter, it has been fixed

(End of this chapter)

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