I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 809 Show me the most expensive one directly

Chapter 809 Show me the most expensive one directly
"He is simply a devil!" Yrel's brothers and sisters were shocked by Zhang Menglong's tricks.

You should know that this kind of bicycle is a convenient means of transportation. In their Izek civilization, it is almost always a means of transportation for office workers who are relatively close to the company.

The self-driving cars used in space are sightseeing in nature. Although they do not need to consume energy and are completely driven by manpower, the peak speed is only 200 kilometers per hour.

Even if you are a sixth-level life body desperately trying to pedal, the strength of the machine determines its upper limit of speed.

You said that on a planet, such a means of transportation is indeed convenient. If it is on a planet the size of the earth, it can be said to be an artifact of transportation.

But you want Binard to pedal home on a bicycle?
His house is in the center of the Milky Way, at least [-] light years away from the Izek civilization.

What is the concept of thirty thousand light years?Even at the speed of light, it takes 3 years to travel in the universe! It takes 200 million years for a high-speed rail at a speed of 540 kilometers per hour to travel one light year, and 1620 light years, that is [-] billion years!

The universe has not been born for 1620 billion years!

Even if it is the second-level civilization that owns the Sibosk Corporation until recently, it will take millions or even tens of millions of years, and many fifth-level life forms may not necessarily live for so long.

Of course, there is no friction in the universe. In fact, the speed of this bicycle should be getting faster and faster. Maybe after a few years, a light may appear in the universe. You think it is Ultraman, but in fact it is a person walking Pedaling the bicycle, his speed is close to the speed of light, which is a bit outrageous to think about.

But even if the actual time is not a few million years, it is estimated that it will take several thousand years. After all, it will take a long time to accelerate and decelerate.

Riding a bicycle for thousands of years, you want my life so badly, just say it, there is no need to go around the corner and kill me, right?I don't want this life, can't I?
"Do you want to kick?" Zhang Menglong stared at Binard and said, "If you don't, I will kill you right now!"

"Pick! I'll kick!" I have to say that Binard is indeed a bit of a brave man, and nothing is more important than survival.

As long as he kicks the ground fast enough, perhaps only a few hundred years, he can reach the nearest West Bosque branch, and he will be saved then.

As for his legs, if they had been kicked for hundreds of years, they would have been physically sanctified, right?

"Yriel, send Mr. Binard the best bicycle, and prepare more food. I remember that kind of capsules, right? After strong compression, the distance between molecules is infinitely squeezed, enough for him to eat. Hundreds of years old."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements for it!" After getting these assets from the Sibosk Company, Yrel became much more courageous. Even if Zhang Menglong left the Izek Civilization in the future, relying on these assets, he would be afraid I'm afraid it should be Binard.

Everything is calm, and the entire Izek civilization has returned to the way it was before Zhang Mengyu came, except for the change of owner.

In order to take over the assets transferred from Binard, Yrel has also been busy. After all, this is a huge company covering dozens of third-level civilizations, and Yrel has nothing to trust right now. Some people can help him manage the company's affairs, and many things need to be done by himself.

As for Zhang Mengyu, he has to do a very important thing now, which is to quickly replace his old antique broken spaceship!
On the earth, online shopping has become a mainstream. In civilizations above the second level, there are no physical stores on many planets except food.

They will transform many unmanned planets into storage and logistics bases. Most of the goods will be piled up here, and customers need to buy things, only need to go through the internal network of the major universe supermarkets.

In their Izek civilization, at most they can buy some spaceships of the third-level civilization. After all, the spending power of the second-level civilization is limited. Even the lord of the galaxy may not be able to afford a spaceship of the fourth-level civilization.

But if it's just for a test drive or a look, it can be done on any planet.

Yrel told Zhang Mengyu that the best private spaceship company in the universe is called Langlot Company. The founder of this company is a very ancient civilization. They are almost the first civilizations in the universe to enter the industrial age. So far So far, their civilization is still very prosperous.

It is said that the territory of the civilization where the Langlot Company is located is almost as large as thousands of twin whale cosmic empires. Their automated machinery technology is also the best in the universe, and they even have the best designers. The spaceships they produce are well-known!
"I want to link to Langlot Company!" Zhang Mengyu directly connected to Langlot Company's virtual store through the Cosmos Alliance network.

With the high development of artificial intelligence, the profession of sales still exists even in the top civilizations, because they will never be able to replace humans in certain fields.

This is a huge virtual space, and Zhang Mengyu even doubts whether this space is as big as the earth.

Around him, there are private spaceships one after another. The shapes and designs of these spaceships are almost completely different, and they are probably used to meet the various needs of different civilizations.

It is said that this Langlot company only produces spaceships above the third level, and those who have the ability to consume in this place are at least people with the status of the second-level civilization lord or above.

But the universe is vast, and the whole universe is full of warehouses and factories of Langlot Company, so their guests are almost endless.

"Handsome!" Zhang Mengyu seems to understand why they put so many spaceships here, just like sports cars, no one can refuse such an attraction, as long as there is enough money, many people will be attracted by it Lose the ability to think.

For this company, this is just a bunch of data. This level of virtual reality technology has basically been realized in the third-level civilization, let alone this kind of private spaceship company on a universe-wide scale. .

"Sir, it is a pleasure to serve you. My name is Anninas. It is an honor to serve you!"

"Fuck, elf girl!" Zhang Mengyu guessed the race of this salesman at a glance. She has fair skin, long green hair like nature, pointed ears, those long legs, that waist-to-hip ratio, and that figure. !

"Hahaha, Dean, as long as there is a certain level of company in this universe, the sales positions will generally hire elf women or men. They are born with a kind of affinity, and their appearance is also in line with almost all intelligent creatures. Who can say no to handsome men and beautiful women?"

"Tsk tsk tsk," Zhang Mengyu couldn't help sighing, "This company obviously has the traffic password."

"This is just an ordinary race of elves," Goudan said. "There is a race called Charm Fairies. They are born with a halo of charm. As long as there are people of this race, they will basically be the top sellers in any company!"

"Hey guy, is the whole universe involved?"

"Hello, my name is Zhang Mengyu!" Zhang Mengyu quickly drove away his old-fashioned attributes, "I want to buy a private spaceship. I heard that your company's private spaceship is the best in the universe, so I want to see it today. Look."

"Excuse me, what kind of civilized spaceship do you want to buy?" Anninas is also secretly looking at Zhang Mengyu. When entering the virtual space, the clothes on her body will also be uploaded through data analysis, so the virtual is still real. Hardly any big difference.

It's just that Zhang Mengyu's label in her heart has already been marked with the word dick, because the fabric of his clothes is only the most common protein silk material of the first-level civilization.

Most of these people just come and see, right?
But a really good company, the quality of the employees is also very high.

But Zhang Menglong's words almost broke her defense.

"Spaceships of the fifth-level civilization, just show me the most expensive one. If you like it, I'll take it away in full today!"

(End of this chapter)

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