Chapter 816
"Sir, you have successfully purchased the planet numbered EV7RYVF54. You have all the sovereignty and self-defense rights for this planet. Please pay the purchase amount of 1 universe coins!"

"It's really cheap!" Zhang Menglong paid the money in the Universe Alliance's system without any hassle.

He was worried that Zhang Kai would leave him enough money to buy the earth, but now that he thought about it, such worries were a bit ridiculous.

"I didn't expect our earth to be the lowest value." Zhang Mengyu complained.

"Dean, this is normal. Your earth's technology has only been developed for a few hundred years, and it is still in the most elementary form of a first-level civilization. This price is already very worthy of you!"

"Sir, you have completed the payment," said the staff in charge of the planet claiming business respectfully. Those who can get [-] universe coins can be regarded as very wealthy people in the entire universe, at least compared to them. This kind of low-level staff has countless times more money.

"Thank you!" Zhang Mengyu's mailbox also quickly received a letter from the Cosmic Alliance, which lists the permissions of various planet owners, and all rights are protected by the Cosmic Alliance.

From now on, Zhang Menglong has become the master of the earth. Of course, they have been thousands of years ago.

"Huh? Why is there another message?" Zhang Mengyu saw that there was another message in his mailbox.

This is a message from the civilization of the galaxy.

Mr. Zhang Mengyu, we just learned that you have subscribed for the planet numbered EV7RYVF54 in the Cosmic Alliance. According to the coordinates you uploaded, you do not belong to the jurisdiction of any second-level civilization, and the safety of your planet will be protected by the Milky Way.

According to the relevant laws of the galaxy, you need to pay 10% of the planet's annual gross output value as tax. Considering that you just bought the planet, the tax will be halved for the first 100 years, and a staff member will contact you later to discuss related matters.

Although it sounded very tactful, Zhang Menglong could still hear the core of it. This is to collect protection fees!
Zhang Mengyu originally planned to build a fleet to go back this time. Even if they are invaded, they can protect themselves, so why should they pay you protection fees?
Even if the Milky Way is blown up, they won't be able to blow up the earth, maybe they still need to pay protection fees to the earth, I really don't know what to say!
Sure enough, not long after, Zhang Mengyu received a communication request.

"The work efficiency is really high!" Zhang Mengyu directly agreed to the communication request.

An ET who looks a bit like growing hair appears in the hologram.

"Hello, lord of EV7RYVF54, I'm Exa from the Galactic Comprehensive Management Office, and I'm now in touch with you on tax-related matters."

"Wait!" Zhang Mengyu stopped him directly, "Let me ask you a question first."

"Please tell me." Although Exa's words were all respectful, it could be heard that there was no respect in his tone.

You know, this so-called Galaxy Comprehensive Management Office is equivalent to a government department of the Milky Way, and the staff there are civil servants at the Milky Way level!
Especially those who are in charge of taxation, not only have a high status, but also have a very high income.

People with a third-level civilization, even if their life level is not high, but they look down on people with a first-level civilization and a second-level civilization, even if they are the masters of a civilization.

"I bought my planet from the Cosmic Alliance, so I should be the owner of this planet, right?"

"Yes, it can be understood that way."

"I have all the right to profit, self-defense and sale of my planet, isn't that right?"


"Since this is my planet and has nothing to do with you, why should I pay taxes to you?"

In fact, such questions often arise. Many people who have just become planet lords will have such questions as long as they are not sent by the civilization above.

"My lord, our current universe is peaceful as a whole, and some parts are in war, even including the Milky Way. You have to know that the planet you bought is only a first-level civilization, which is very weak."

"And we can provide you with protection within our ability, you can no longer worry about threats and armed attacks from other civilizations, and we only collect a certain percentage of taxes, which is a very fair thing."

"Oh, no need," Zhang Mengyu rebuffed, "I will form my battleship formation by myself. I don't think any civilized idiots will attack us, so I don't need your protection."

"My lord, we have your relevant information here. Your planet numbered EV7RYVF54 has been evaluated by the Cosmic Alliance, and it is currently at the lowest level of a first-level civilization. It’s also vulnerable.”

"And we don't guarantee that there will be any other civilizations that will deliberately create conflicts and conflicts. We hope that the lord will carefully consider it!"

This sentence already carried some threatening meanings.

As the boss of the entire galaxy, some slightly stronger first-level civilizations or even second-level civilizations don't mind being thugs to curry favor with the boss.

"Isn't it just to collect protection fees?" Zhang Meng said with a smile, "Why don't you ask your lord if he has the guts to ask me to collect protection fees?"

"You! How dare you provoke the lords of our galaxy?" Under normal circumstances, those thorny lords will basically obediently pay taxes, and Zhang Mengyu is so stubborn that he even confronts them in the middle. This is the first time he has encountered the lord of the line!
"Provoking your lord? I'm just provoking. Ask him if he dares to fart!" Zhang Mengyu said, "Okay, the phone is out of gas, I'm hanging up!"

"Forget it, say hello to Olorenz, so as not to cause any trouble when I'm not on Earth."

"Have you not found out what's going on?" Olorenz looked at his subordinates with a dark face, "We have a fleet of two-whale cosmic empires coming to our galaxy, and you don't even know about it?"

"Lord, the fleet of the fifth-level civilization can't be detected by our technology at all, and there is nothing we can do about it." The legion commander of the galaxy also looked aggrieved. Even if they were detected, what could they do?
"Then what happened to the Izek civilization?"

"No witnesses saw what happened, but we found two residual energies there, and the energy level has reached the level of a sixth-level life form!"

"Sixth-level lifeform?" Olorenz was frightened half to death. One sixth-level lifeform can turn the dual-whale universe empire upside down. What are the two sixth-level lifeforms doing in his small galaxy? ?Engage in demolition?
"Does it have something to do with that adult?" Olorenz couldn't help but think of the mysterious figure who wanted to buy the Izek civilization before.

At this moment, Olorenz's intelligent system sent another application for communication.

"It's him!" Olorenz didn't dare to neglect. "Mr. Zhang, hello."

"Olorenz, I need your help."

"You say."

"I recently bought a planet numbered EV7RYVF54, and your people are going to collect my taxes. I think I can protect my own planet. What do you think?"

"What idiot! Are you looking for death?" Olorenz began to curse the universe on the spot. Who would dare to collect this old man's tax when he is tired of work?

"Don't worry, I will deal with this matter immediately."

"It's troublesome!" Zhang Meng smiled.

"Well, Mr. Zhang, may I ask you something?"

"what's up?"

"A few days ago, the Izek civilization appeared two breaths of six-level life and a formation of five-level warships. I shouldn't have asked about it, but I am the lord of the galaxy after all. This."

"Oh, that formation was called by me. A profiteer wanted to kill me. He found a sixth-level life form to kill me. I punched and disabled him."

"One punch disabled a sixth-level living body?" Although he didn't know the authenticity, just being able to drive a formation of a fifth-level civilization already scared him to the pee.

"Is there a problem?"

"No problem, no problem." Does Olorenz dare to have a problem?Not to mention beating a sixth-level life form with one punch, or killing his own mother with one punch, he wouldn't dare to have a problem!
(End of this chapter)

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