Chapter 836

"Hahaha, brother, you really know how to joke. What I just said is the truth," Apache said, "I watched Shayana grow up, and of course I hope she can have a good home."

Although his back was sweating coldly, Apache still carried his shamelessness to the end. Just kidding, it's a big deal for someone like this to fall in love with his sister!

He heard it clearly just now, more than 100 level 3 civilizations, and nearly [-]-star universe bank deposits, such assets, even a lord of an ordinary level [-] civilization cannot get them out!
Yrel is still very young, it is obvious that these assets cannot be worked out by himself, it must be given to him by his elders.

To be able to come up with such assets, his elders have at least dozens of assets on the scale of ordinary cosmic empires, right?It is at least a seventh-level life form, and to receive such attention, Yrel's status in the heart of this elder is definitely very high.

Such a person can fall in love with his sister, this is no longer smoke from the ancestral grave, this is the ancestral grave!

"Brother, that's not what you said just now!" The eccentric Shazina began to ridicule her brother from the side.

"What do you know?" Apache still didn't change his face, "If you are an older brother, you will know how hard your brother works."

Apache originally wanted to put his arms around Yrel's shoulders, but he suddenly realized that he was just a prince of a third-level civilization. The important juniors of the body have such an intimate move.

"Since Brother Apache doesn't object, we will be a family from now on. Since we are a family, you don't have to be so cautious." Yrel offered to show his favor.

"Who is with your family!" Shayana blushed and gave Yrel a blank stare.

In fact, he doesn't blame Apache's attitude. If he is Apache himself, he certainly hopes that his sister can marry someone powerful. Civilization has an extra layer of protection.

Of course, many things cannot have the best of both worlds. In many cases, some people's happiness will still be sacrificed.

Hearing this sentence, Apache immediately smiled, his brother-in-law was actually so easy to talk to, "Yriel, if you don't mind, just call me brother like Shayana."

"In this case, then I'm not going to be polite," Yrel said with a smile, "Brother, just now you said that Shayana's father is going to marry her to someone else, what's going on?"

"Hey!" Apache sighed, and the expression on his face suddenly became a lot heavier.

"Brother, what is your expression?" Shayana and the two sisters suddenly felt as if he had something to hide from them.

"Isn't something wrong with our civilization?"

"Since everyone is our own, I won't hide it from you," Apache said. "Shayana, you also know that there have always been some territorial frictions between us and the ancient Gol civilization."

"I know that," Shayana nodded, "Haven't our two civilizations been fighting for hundreds of years?"

"Yes, in fact, the strength of our two civilizations is very close. This war is nothing more than a war of attrition. Whoever wins in the end will win. It's that simple," Apache said, "But I don't know what's going on. , The ancient Gor civilization has recently caught up with the Xizhi civilization, and has also received support from their fleet!"

"Western civilization? The fourth-level civilization of our cosmic empire?" Shayana's expression suddenly changed.

"Yes, that's them," Apache said. "I don't know what they paid for military assistance. In the past few years, our fleet has suffered a lot and lost a lot of territory."

"Does our cosmic empire not care?"

"This is a civil war within our cosmic empire, and it's not a colonial war or a resource war, it's just a territorial war, they don't care at all!" Apache said, "Unless people from other cosmic empires come in."

"So father wants to use me as a bargaining chip in exchange for military support?"

"Shayana, you have to be considerate of father's difficulties," Apache sighed, "There are more than 100 civilized people in that area. If they continue to attack, they will be very dangerous."

"Where is Sister Katrin? Didn't she marry a fourth-level civilization?" Shazina asked.

"She was married to an ordinary nobleman of a fourth-level civilization. She didn't have any right to speak in the army, so she couldn't help us at all," Apache continued. My beloved youngest son has also reached the age of marriage, so."

"Brother, you are too naive," Shayana said, "Although the number of fleets of Xizhi civilization is almost the same as that of Jialuo civilization, the average level is one level higher than them. Do you think they will be willing to fight for us and Xizhi civilization?" What is Zhi Wenming doing against you?"


"A fourth-level civilization, what's there to be afraid of," Zhang Mengyu said, "Yriel, didn't you just get more than 100 fourth-level civilizations here? Wouldn't it be good to just send two fleets over here?"

"Brother Zhang, I'm afraid this won't work," Yrel said, "Let's not say that most of those civilizations are far away from our cosmic empire. Otherwise, the fleets of other cosmic empires are not allowed to enter and intervene by force."

"You mean, if you want to fight, it must be the internal power of the Twin Whales Universe Empire, or you must get the permission of the Twin Whales Universe Empire?" Zhang Mengyu confirmed.


"It seems to make sense," Zhang Mengyu nodded. If the fleets of other cosmic empires entered casually, it would be a mess. The fleets of the Cosmos Bank also followed this rule, and other civilizations naturally did not dare to mess around.

"But this is not a big problem," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "isn't it just an approval, that is, the difference between voluntary approval and forced approval?"

"Forced approval? What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting, I'll go to the group to shake someone first."

"Shaking someone?" Yrel didn't understand Zhang Mengyu's meaning.

Zhang Mengyu opened the Juxin group and sent a message directly.

"Is there anyone whose cosmic empire is very close to the Twin Whales cosmic empire? I have a favor and I would like to ask everyone to help."

As soon as the news came out, the whole group exploded!

The master finally took the initiative to speak in the group!

"Master, my civilization is 200 billion light-years away from the Twin Whale Cosmic Empire, which is very close!"

"You pull it down, you, 200 billion light-years is close? Master, my civilization is only 120 billion light-years away, so I am close!"

"Master, is there anything I can help you with? As long as we can do it, we will do our best, and if we can't, we will find a way to do it for you!"

"It's like this, my friend's civilization has been messed up, understand what I mean?" Zhang said vaguely.

"Who dares to touch the master's friend? Don't want to live anymore?"

"Fuck him, master, what level of civilization is it?"

"It's just a third-level civilization," Zhang Mengyu said, "It's more troublesome for foreign civilizations to enter, after all, they have to go through the barrier of the Twin Whales Universe Empire."

"Hahaha, it's just a two-whale cosmic empire, not one-tenth the size of our civilization. Even if my fleet enters by way, none of them dare to stop us!"

"Master, give me the coordinates, and I will make arrangements for them clearly now!"

"Master, if it's a trivial matter, leave it to us."

"Master, do you want to kill the third-level civilization that bullied your friend?"

"Master, I'll send a few more fleets over there. Do you want to kill the dual whale civilization?"

 Forgot to set auto-posting sorry hahahaha
(End of this chapter)

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