Chapter 845
In the headquarters of the universe trading market, a group of operation personnel and sales personnel are working hard.

In fact, buying and selling planets is similar to buying and selling second-hand houses. Their daily work is to find some wealthy people from the second-level civilization, and contact them through various methods to promote the planets currently on sale.

For example, in fact, there is basically no difference between the planet trading department of the universe market and a second-hand housing trading platform on Earth.

"Hello, I'm an employee of the universe trading market. I'm contacting you to recommend a civilized planet to you."

"This planet is very rich in resources. The resident population is about 100 billion. The cosmic environment is also very stable and suitable for life."

"Of course, of course we accept loans. We have a cooperation with the Universal Bank. The current 300-year interest rate is around 5.15%, and the loan can be granted in at most half a universal year."

"Yes, yes, we provide pick-up and drop-off services. If you have any doubts about the real effect of AI viewing the planet, we can provide you with relevant viewing services for free."

There are hundreds of millions of people in the department of the entire headquarters, and almost all the sales elites who can work in the headquarters are the sales elites in the planetary trading department of the universe trading market, and their performance is also the best in the entire department.

There is a huge holographic projection in the center of the towering building, which records the number and amount of planet transactions every day. Today, the work has only been carried out in less than one universe, and the number of planets that have completed transactions has reached tens of billions. There are many people, and the transaction amount exceeds 10 stars.

"Okay, then I'll send you the contract now, can you see what's the problem?" A staff member just finished negotiating a business of 10 planets, and he was relieved. The KPI of this quarter can be regarded as already finished.

He opened the system, and was about to lock and place an order for the planet in the area that the customer purchased, but the moment he opened the interface, the list was blank.

"What's the situation?" The staff refreshed several times in a row, but only the information of hundreds of planets popped up.

There are 900 trillion civilized planets in their inventory. Which refreshment is not densely packed?Those planets evaporated in an instant?
"Isn't there a problem with the technology?" The staff immediately contacted the technical department, but the technical department insisted that there was nothing wrong with the system.

Just kidding, to build such a huge system, any bugs have been almost solved in a long time, and there have been no problems for millions of years. How could something go wrong?

"It's impossible for someone to quietly place an order to buy all the planets, right?" A very outrageous thought came to him.

Although this happens occasionally, the number of planets is not very large. This is 900 trillion living planets. Even if the price of a planet is only 9 universe coins, the total amount is as high as [-] stars!

Who the hell would spend so much money to buy planets? People who are able to buy so many planets are basically life forms above level [-]. Such people have long since lost interest in planets. With this money, Isn't it good to get some martial arts weapons, panaceas or even other things that are helpful to one's martial arts?


At this moment, there was an exclamation from the whole building.

The staff member left his station and looked towards the central area of ​​the building. The original figure of more than 900 billion suddenly doubled by [-] times!
"Someone bought all the planets in the inventory just now?"

The expression on the staff member's face was a little stiff, and now he understood why the inventory list was blank when he refreshed for the first time, and someone actually packed all the inventory!
As for the civilizations that appeared later, it was not a system error, but a civilization newly added to the warehouse after the system completed the verification.

"This is outrageous, is this person crazy?"

"He won't really pay, will he?"

"No, in order to prevent people from maliciously placing orders, we have made regulations. Only the cash assets of the universe bank exceed 30% of the order before placing an order. This person's bank account also has at least 20 star universe coins in cash!"

"At least this is a Samsung user? He won't really pay, will he?"

There was a sound of breathing one after another, and when everyone was guessing whether this person would pay or not, another number in the center of the hall changed!
The total amount of civilization transactions today: 652711 stars


"This man really paid, he really bought 900 trillion planets!"

"Who is this?"

More than 60 stars, even among the Samsung users of the Universe Bank, there are very few deposits with this scale, but for Zhang Mengyu's account deposits, there is not even any obvious change.

No way, too rich!
The universe trading market works very quickly. After Zhang Menglong paid the money, those planets immediately entered his pre-stored name.

What is a pre-deposit quota?Because many people buy the planet as a gift or for other purposes, not in their own name, so after purchasing the planet, it will not be bound to anyone’s name immediately, but only a temporary state, otherwise It is very troublesome to do notarization changes again.

Zhang Mengyu has almost understood the market conditions in this trading market for a while. Here, a planet worth 1 universe coins can reach the minimum price of 0.6 dark coins.

But Zhang Mengyu didn't care at all, he directly started to modify the price at the announcement of the booth.

Wholesale a large number of civilized planets (only accept dark currency transactions):
Level 5 Elementary Civilization Planet: 10 Dark Coins/[-]

Level 1 medium civilization planet: [-] dark coin/piece

Level 3 medium civilization: [-] dark coins/piece

Level 5 Advanced Civilization: [-] Dark Coins/piece


Don't be afraid that I am out of stock, I am only afraid that you have no money!

The price of Zhang Mengyu is almost 10% lower than other stalls!

As soon as this announcement was made, it immediately caused a commotion in this small circle.

"So cheap? Where did this prodigal son come from? It's fine to buy a dilapidated stall for so much money, and sell the planet at such a loss?"

"I'll go. At this time, if you change hands and sell them, at least half of the profit will be made!"

"It's a fool not to take advantage of this kind of advantage!"

"Little brother, is your price real?"

"Of course it's true," Zhang Mengyu said with a smile, "You pay, and I'll deliver the goods, but we don't support seven-day no-reason returns!"

"You are really interesting. I want to buy 1 first-level advanced civilization planets, preferably in the same cosmic empire!"

"Okay!" Zhang Mengyu directly screened out the [-] planets that this person wanted, and then directly generated a transaction contract.

Pay, sign, and complete the entire process in one go.

"Cheer up!" The middle-aged man immediately began to contact his friends, "Hurry up and come to the trading market, there is a big guy, his planet is at least half cheaper than the universe trading market, bring more dark coins!"

"Is this kid here to grab business?" The other stall owners around looked like they were gnashing their teeth, because many people would also look at other things while buying planets, and when the traffic increased, they would also Driving more consumption, those things on his booth are actually decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye!
"He is using the price of the planet as a gimmick!"

"Isn't it just trading at a loss? Who can't?"

Sometimes it's just such a difference in thought!
Other stall owners also started to lower their prices, even lower than Zhang Mengyu!
"Fuck!" Zhang Mengyu looked at the customers who were attracted by the price reduction, and lowered the price again.

"Fight me in a price war? Do you have as much money as me? I'll kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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