I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 854 Do you want to know more about Diamond VIP?

Chapter 854 Do you want to know more about Diamond VIP?

The next morning, the entire trading market was crowded with people, at least tens of thousands of people gathered outside Zhang Mengyu's small tent.

Among these people, the weakest living body is at least a fifth-level living body, and they all come with the orders of the lords behind them.

These people looked at each other very vigilantly. You must know that there are only 20 Shenli Pills, and there are tens of thousands of people who want to fight for it. Anyone is their competitor.

"I didn't expect there to be a master alchemist in the world who can refine such a strange thing."

"Yes, even the laws of the universe can be comprehended, and I heard that the Eighth Prince of Xingyao Civilization brought back the remaining few Shenli pills last night, and the role of these Shenli pills is not only that!"

"Oh? What do you say?"

"I heard that the first Shenli pill made the lord of Xingyao civilization complete the genetic transition from a seventh-level primary life form to a seventh-level intermediate life form!"

"Then Shenli Pill can also help seventh-level lifeforms improve their genetic level?"

"Yes, there are two kinds of Shenli Pills. One is red, which is used to increase the genetic level, and the other is purple, which is used to help comprehend the laws of the universe."

"The second one, he touched the law of force!"

"Later he tried three more. The red Shenli pill was still effective, but it would be greatly reduced. As for the second purple Shenli pill, he comprehended the second law of the universe. Comprehending two should be the limit, because The third one did not take effect."

"This thing can make people comprehend two laws?"

This is another shocking news!

It allows people to comprehend one law of the universe, which is already like listening to the heavenly scriptures, but to comprehend the second law, among the eighth-level life forms, almost none of them comprehend more than two laws!
In this way, the effect of Shenli Pill exceeded their imagination!
Those people were chattering about Zhang Mengyu's origin and the magic of this Shenli Pill, and at the same time they were waiting for Zhang Mengyu to open a stall today.

Soon, a few cosmic hours passed, because it was at the junction of the morning and evening lines, and there was no day and night change in this place, but according to the cosmic standard time, it was already daytime, but Zhang Mengyu's tent still remained silent.

"Why hasn't Master woke up yet?"

"Yeah, according to normal times, this time is already the busiest place in the trading market."

"Should we call the Master?"

"I want you to go! I won't go. If the master is angry, we won't be able to buy Shenli Pills!"

"That's right, let's wait quietly for Master!"

"That's right, the lords of the Jieyuan civilization are still waiting here in person!"

"Really? He's an eighth-level life form. People like him have come here in person?"

"Do you think there is only one eighth-level lifeform? I just saw the lord of the Bremis civilization. Today there are at least a dozen eighth-level lifeforms!"

"Damn, shall we rob or not? Can't afford to offend!"

"We sell things, and whoever has money will return it. Even eighth-level life forms don't dare to mess around, and they may not bring more money than us!"

Almost half a day passed, and at this time, some movement came from Zhang Menglong's tent.

He brushed his teeth and walked out of the tent in this dinosaur pajamas.

"This is the master alchemist?"

"Why is this different from what I imagined?"

"It's too young. If it weren't for so many people to prove it, I would have doubted it."

"Damn it!" After Zhang Mengyu refocused his eyes, he was shocked to see the sea of ​​people outside the tent, "So many people?"

"Master, you are finally awake."

"Master, we have been waiting for you for a long time, when will you start setting up a stall?"

"What's the reminder?" Zhang Mengyu said angrily, "You think I'm willing to get up so late? Didn't you crackle outside last night and make it look like demolition."

These big bosses are all powerful everywhere, but under Zhang Menglong's reprimand, none of them dare to speak, a master alchemist who can forge seventh-level martial arts weapons, and can also refine Daliwan and Shenliwan, Who can afford it!
"Master, this is our fault, don't take it to heart."

"Yes, master, haven't you eaten yet?" A lord of a fifth-level civilization handed over a delicious-looking food, "This is a specialty of our civilization, would you like to try it?"

"Yo? Have a heart!" Zhang Menglong took it over unceremoniously and opened the very delicate insulated box. This was a food he had never seen before. It seemed to be the meat of some kind of sea creature. He sang a mouthful, then The taste is indeed very delicious!

"Master, how does it taste?"

"Very good, thank you for your breakfast," Zhang Mengyu said, "Do you want to buy Dali pills or Shenli pills?"

"Master, I want to buy 100 Dali pills and [-] Shenli pill," the lord's face suddenly showed joy, he didn't expect that this breakfast would win Zhang Mengyu's favor.

"Fuck! This scheming bitch!"

"He actually bribed the master with a single meal!"

"Damn, why didn't I think of it?"

"Is the money ready?" Zhang Meng asked lazily, "I think you have a lot of style. With so many people today, I can give you a limited chance to apply for a card and buy first."

"Thank you, master!" Na immediately took out the dark coins that had been raised all night, "This is 110 trillion dark coins. I will apply for a platinum membership card and then buy a purple magic pill."

"Okay!" Zhang Mengyu refined all the materials sent by those people last night, and now he has more than 12000 Dou Ling Pills, 20 Dou Huang Pills and 20 Linglong Pills.

"Thank you boss, welcome to come next time!"

Paying the money with one hand and delivering the goods with the other hand, the lord swallowed the Linglong Pill as soon as he got the item. No one dared to do anything to him in this place, but if he left the venue, he didn't know what would happen something happened.

"Master, I want to apply for a card too!"

"Master, I came first!"

"Fuck you, I was the first one to arrive last night!"

Seeing that another Shenli pill was missing, the lords immediately became anxious, and they wished to stuff the money directly into Zhang Mengyu's pocket.

"This..." Zhang Meng looked at the crowd, "It's hard for me to do this!"

"Master, I am the lord of Jieyuan civilization. If you are willing to sell me one first, I will owe you a favor in the future!" The lord of Jieyuan civilization immediately pushed thousands of people away easily.

"Fuck, eighth-level lifeform?" This is the first eighth-level lifeform that Zhang Mengyu has known so far. I'll give you a discount!"

"Thank you, master!" The lord of Jieyuan civilization was flattered, "Master, this is 101 trillion dark coins, and I only need one Shenli pill."

"Talking about money hurts your feelings. I'll wipe the change for you. Just give 100 trillion dark coins. How polite are you?" Zhang Mengyu shouted, "Is there any boss of the eighth-level life body? We Leave a contact information first, but the quantity is limited and each person can only buy one."

"Master, our lord doesn't have time to come over, but he is also an eighth-level life form, I hope the master will save face!"

"Get out!" Zhang Mengyu said unceremoniously, "Look at him, he came here in person, he gave me enough face, and your lord sent you here, why are you looking down on me? Go to the back and line up!"

"Master, this is my money!" The rest of the eighth-level lifeforms came out. These tens of thousands of people actually came with 12 eighth-level lifeforms. If one of his subordinates came over, the end would probably be the same. "

Soon, there were only 20 of the 8 pills left. The master said that the eighth-level life forms are the priority, and they have nothing to say, but they still hope to fight for the rest.

"Master, how to distribute the rest?"

"Master, we have brought enough money! You can figure it out!"

"Oh? Have you all brought enough money?" Zhang Menglong once again showed the face of a profiteer, "Do you want to know about my diamond VIP?"

(End of this chapter)

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