Chapter 857
"Who? Come out!" Since he left the trading market, Zhang Menglong has always felt that someone is following him.

Logically speaking, he had already changed his aura and appearance during teleportation, so he shouldn't be recognized by others.

"Still coming out?" Zhang Mengyu's tone also became a little cold. He has never been soft on anything that threatens him. Although he is in the Universe Underground Expo, he is always ready to waste the first time Deal with all kinds of dangers.

At this moment, a half-grown child finally came out from a corner.

"A child?" Zhang Mengyu was a little surprised.

For those who can come to the Universe Underground Expo, the tickets of hundreds of thousands of universe coins are enough to set a threshold first. Generally, those who are qualified to come are at least people with a second-level civilization or above. No matter how poor they are, At least it can be regarded as the middle class in the universe.

But the clothes on this child can only be described as ragged, or even tattered!If you put aside the differences between his foreign trade and the people on Earth, if he meets him on the road, he will be regarded as a little tramp.

Such a person can still get these hundreds of thousands of tickets?This can't be smuggled in, right?

Of course, Zhang Mengyu didn't think that someone could sneak in through such a checkpoint.

"Master, I want to learn skills from you. I can endure any hardships. I am very obedient. Please let me follow you!"

Before Zhang Mengyu could react, the child directly knelt in front of him.

"What's the situation?" Zhang Mengyu helped the child up, and there were already people looking at them with strange eyes. If they were recognized, it would probably cause a little commotion.

You know, almost everyone in the Universe Underground Expo is now looking for this mysterious master. Some people want to buy medicine pills and blind boxes from him, and some want to invite him to their own civilization. Some people have some not-so-pure purposes.

After all, in the eyes of outsiders, no matter how powerful Zhang Mengyu is, he is still only a fourth-level living body. Even if he is well-connected, his weak strength will give people an opportunity to take advantage of.

What's more, he has a huge sum of money now, so it's better to avoid showing his face as much as possible.

"How did you recognize me?" Zhang Meng asked in a low voice.

"Master, although you have changed your appearance and breath, I can smell your soul."

"Good guy," Zhang Mengyu said to himself, "do you want to engage in metaphysics with me?"

"God, show me the origin of this kid?" Zhang Mengyu said.

name: gane

Race: Maha
Life level: first level higher

Potential Index: 97
Evaluation: The young man's skeleton is amazing, I think you are a rare martial arts wizard who is rare in a hundred years.

"What a high potential index!"

So far, except for those teachers in the Super Theological Seminary, Zhang Mengyu has never seen a life with a higher potential index than this child named Jia Nei. Even the eighth-level life forms he knew before have the highest potential index. It's just 81.

If the potential index of a civilization is to be raised to more than 80, it will require at least tens of millions of years of continuous development and genetic optimization!As for this 97, it is simply too high to be scary.

"Strange, such a high potential index is actually only a higher life level?" Under normal circumstances, individuals with such a high potential index may have a fourth or even fifth life level when they are born.

It's a bit strange that the potential index of 97 only has this level of life.

"Goudan, do you have any information on the Maha clan?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

"Let me search," Goudan said, "This civilization should have appeared before I came to your earth, and my database needs to be updated!"

After a while, Goudan found the information Zhang Menglong needed.

"This race is interesting."

"How to say?"

"This race should basically be exterminated," Goudan said, "Most of the creatures in the universe civilization are carbon-based, a small part is silicon-based and other elements, and their race is a species that is not on the earth's periodic table of elements. an isotope of carbon."

"The life forms in this universe are really strange."

"They should be regarded as a very peculiar kind of civilization among the countless civilizations in the universe," Goudan said, "Their individuals are actually very weak, and they are born without the need to continuously iterate their life levels through practicing martial arts."

"What's that for?"

"Eat metal!"

"Damn it? Devour the golden-horned beast in the starry sky?"

"It's a similar concept," Goudan replied. "Theoretically, as long as there is enough metal, their life level can break through without bottlenecks."

"But I think this may not be a good thing for them."

"That's right," Goudan found a piece of information, "Even if they devoured all the metal elements on their entire planet, they could at most create a fourth-level life form, but their technological level is very low, not even as good as yours." on Earth, and their existence was discovered by a group of space colonists."

"So they are an enslaved civilization?" Zhang Mengyu understood, no wonder the child named Jia Nei looked so ragged.

"As long as their masters are willing to spend a lot of money, they can have a very powerful slave. Through some technological means, slaves cannot rebel. Therefore, they are a very popular slave race in the civilization of the universe. Their entire civilization has been ruled by a very The strong fifth-level civilization has been bred."

"I understand." Seeing the persistence and strength on Gane's face, Zhang Mengyu probably knew what was going on.

"Your name is Kane, right?"

A shocked expression appeared on the child's face, "Master, how do you know my name is Kane?"

"Not only do I know that your name is Ganai, I also know that you are from the Maha tribe."

His own race was revealed, and Gane was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on. He quickly looked around vigilantly. Once he was found to be from the Maha tribe, the consequences would be very serious.

"You don't have to be so nervous, no one can touch you by my side," Zhang Meng smiled, "Why do you want to follow me?"

"I want to learn skills from you, and then drive away those intruders and liberate my family and clan." Gane said stubbornly.

"Then why do you think I can help you?" Zhang Mengyu said, "Maybe I will treat you as my slave just like I treat your clansmen."

"Then I am willing too," Ganesh said, "I know you are very rich, if I become your slave, I can become very strong, so that I have a chance to defeat them!"

"Interesting," Zhang Mengyu became more interested in the child, "How did you get here?"

"My people said that I was the most gifted in our civilization for so many years. They risked their lives to send me out when this batch of slave controllers were installed, and then they used the power of the whole family to help me get A ticket, where they said they could find someone who would help me."

"You are really lucky." Although the generalization is very simple, Zhang Mengyu can also feel that this civilization has pinned all its hopes on this child, "It is your luck that you can meet me. Between us fate, but I have no interest in taking slaves."

"what do you mean?"

"You can be my apprentice." Zhang Mengyu also felt that it would be more troublesome to travel alone in the civilization of the universe. "Would you like to be the third-generation disciple of my Ritian Sect?"

(End of this chapter)

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