Chapter 864

"Sir, we are here." Clark parked the old aircraft on the side of the road,
This area is almost on the back of the entire planet, and there is only one teleportation point on the entire planet, so it is conceivable that this place is far less lively than near the teleportation point.

Although Clark's expression seemed a bit disappointed, he didn't show it in front of Zhang Mengyu and others, because his sister taught him that all guests must be treated equally, and they should not treat them differently because of their dignity .

"You have taken us so far." Zhang Meng smiled, "You are not a salesman of this company, are you?"

"Hey, you still found out," Clark smiled embarrassedly, "My sister is an employee of this company."

In fact, each staff member has several quotas that can bring their family members to the expo. Clark grew up with his older sister. Due to some special reasons, her older sister was assigned to the most remote station, so Clark I will use this method to help my sister get some business.

"You're not angry, are you?"

"No, take me to meet your sister," Zhang Menglong's affection for Clark became stronger, anyway, since he was not familiar with the place, who would he buy it from?Besides, Clark introduced a lot of things to him along the way. I believe his sister must also be a very enthusiastic person.

"Sister!" Clark beckoned to a girl at a booth not far away.

That girl was very beautiful, and quite in line with the aesthetics of people on earth. The only thing that was different was her long light green hair.

However, she didn't feel weak at all. On the contrary, the work uniform of Saild Company made this girl look more like a female warrior. It might be more appropriate to describe her as heroic.

"Clark, where did you go again?" The girl grabbed Clark by the ear, "It's such a mess here, what if you bump into some big guy by accident?"

"Look, I've brought you a guest!" Clark quickly pointed at Zhang Mengyu and Gane.

The girl froze for a moment, and the expression on her face softened a lot, "You child!"

Of course, the girl knew why Clark was running around. Today is the first day of the transaction, and the customers have just started to walk around. There are only a few sporadic customers coming to inquire about her booth, and no order has been placed yet. , Clark is also impatient to think of this way.

"Guest, I'm sorry to make you laugh." The girl bowed towards Zhang Mengyu, "My name is Tila, and I'm a staff member of Saild Company."

"You are very lucky to have such a younger brother," Zhang Meng smiled, "Let's go, let's talk about business."


The girl brought Zhang Mengyu to the booth, and then handed Zhang Mengyu what looked like a tablet computer, "All the weapons and equipment sold by our company can be found here."

"If you want to test drive or see the power of weapons and equipment, I can also arrange an experience for you. The virtual experience is free, and the physical experience requires you to place an order before I can apply for it."

"Okay, let me take a look first." Zhang Mengyu opened the menu. There are many types of weapons, such as individual weapons, artificial intelligence, detectors, battleships, mobile suits, etc., which can be bought in the universe trading market. , almost everything can be bought here.

Zhang Mengyu directly opened the part of the battleship, and then turned the page to the area of ​​the fifth-level civilization.

Clark has been watching Zhang Mengyu nervously from the sidelines, because the spending power of customers can be basically judged from the content they browse.

Zhang Menglong skipped the previous content and directly turned to the part of the fifth-level civilization, which made Clark's eyes suddenly brighten.

In fact, the reason why Clark is so anxious is because this is her sister's last chance.

In fact, with Tila's appearance and sales ability, her performance will be very good.

The fact is also the same. During the period when she first joined the company, she completed many large orders one after another and received a considerable commission.

However, as some customers repurchased, she gradually faced some excessive demands. At first, she just accompanied the customers to eat or chat, and later some customers directly raised nasty demands without concealment.

This kind of thing, any civilization is not immune!
However, Tila's principles are very strong, which makes her inevitably offend many customers. The company's resources on her are getting less and less, and the performance is naturally plummeting. Even in this rare expo, her booth was blocked Arranged into the worst position.

This time, everyone is carrying a very high target. If she can't complete it, she will lose this job, so Clark is also trying her best to help her sister find business because of this.

He heard that Zhang Mengyu was only from a first-level civilization, and he had already given up hope, but this action of his undoubtedly rekindled his hope.

"It's not just a look, is it?"

After a while, Zhang Mengyu skipped over the areas of elementary civilization, middle civilization and high civilization.

This action caused Clark to fall into disappointment again. If Zhang Mengyu opened the area of ​​elementary civilization, he might still have the ability to purchase. The cheapest advanced warships of level 1 civilization all start at 100 star. If converted into dark coins, then That is [-] billion dark coins.

This is just a naked battleship without any equipment configuration. If it is adjusted to the highest configuration, there will be at least a 50% increase.

This price can be bought in the universe trading market. As for this kind of trading market, at least 200 billion dark coins are needed to get a fifth-level civilization advanced battleship with some combat power!
"This is ugly! Who would buy it!"

"Wuhu, this one is quite handsome!"

Zhang Mengyu browsed a large number of warships as if he was shopping on Taobao.

"Is he really here to buy a spaceship?" Even Tira whispered to Clark with some uncertainty.

At this time, Zhang Mengyu has skipped the advanced battleships of the fifth-level civilization, and has rowed to the battleship part of the fifth-level peak civilization. The starting price of the warships here is as high as 1000 billion dark coins!

There are not many civilizations that can reach the peak of the fifth level, so the types of spaceships are relatively much less, plus some models that have been eliminated by history, there are still more than 2000 models in total.

"It's not bad!" Zhang Mengyu took a fancy to a battleship called the Interstellar Wanderer. It was developed by the strongest mechanical civilization main force, and its comprehensive combat capability is 20 times stronger than the mainstream fifth-level peak civilization standard spaceship in the market. %above.

"Is this thing in stock?" Zhang Mengyu asked, pointing to the Interstellar Wanderer.

"You want to buy the Interstellar Wanderer?" Tira's two siblings showed incredible expressions. As one of the strongest level five peak civilization battleships, the price of the Interstellar Wanderer is almost breathtaking!

The basic price of 4999 billion dark coins is equipped with only the most common weapons, and the top-equipped interstellar wanderer has reached a terrifying price of 12999 billion dark coins!
"I plan to form a fleet of Level [-] peak civilizations." Zhang Mengyu said directly.

"This" the two brothers and sisters were dumbfounded. They randomly picked up a super rich man on the street?
A standard fleet of level five peak civilizations is composed of 200 level five peak battleships and 2000 level five advanced civilizations!

And a spaceship formation with interstellar wanderers as the main battleship, even a low-profile one needs 200 trillion dark coins!

(End of this chapter)

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