Chapter 868

"Sir, your order has been confirmed." It didn't take long for Tira to come back with a smile.

She has just received the notice from the above, as long as this order is successfully completed, then she can be promoted to two levels in a row and directly become the sales director of a universe empire region!

"Thank you!" Zhang Menglong took Jia Nei and left after confirming that there was no problem with the order.

"Gane, are you familiar with this place?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

"It's okay, big brother, is there anything I can help you with?" Kane asked obediently.

"I'm going to buy a big ticket!" Zhang Mengyu said, "There should be medicine and other things for sale at this fair, right?"

"Yes, and there are many precious medicinal materials that cannot be found in ordinary places. You can find almost everything you want here."

"Very good," Zhang Mengyu transferred a file to an artificial intelligence watch he just bought for Gaine, "You can help me buy a batch of medicinal materials according to what I wrote, the more the better, we will make a ticket big!"

"Get a big one?" Although Gane didn't know what Zhang Mengyu was going to do, he still went to buy medicinal materials very obediently.

"What should I do?" Zhang Mengyu fell into deep thought, "God, can you help me find out the distribution and quantity of dark coins issued by the civilization of the universe?"

"Of course!" As a product of civilization far above this world, this is not too difficult for Goudan.

"Dean, the current number of dark coins issued in the entire universe is about 314 trillion, of which 70 trillion are distributed in the hands of a few top civilizations, and the rest are evenly distributed among various civilizations."

"In other words, most of the tens of trillions of dark coins I earned some time ago should have been earned from these 70 trillion dark coins."

"You can understand it this way," Goudan said, "If you want to earn more dark coins, just staring at the people at the top is efficient, but the effect is still very limited."

"Yes," Zhang Mengyu nodded.

It's like doing business. It seems that the business form of B to B is the most efficient, but in fact, the consumption power of those C-side customers is also a huge treasure trove!

The reason why Taobao became popular on earth is because it aimed its commercial positioning at those individual customers.

The purchasing power of one or two people is weak, but tens of thousands of people have very strong purchasing power.

And now, Zhang Mengyu is trying to find a way to get rid of all the dark coins in the hands of the remaining holders of more than 200 trillion dark coins!

Don't look at how many people came when Zhang Mengyu set up a stall in the trading market before, but in fact, these people only accounted for a small part of the people who really needed it, and there are still many people who are on the sidelines .

Of course, there are still many people who have enough dark coins in their hands, but due to various reasons, such as the distance is too far, the message has not been answered, and so on.

"By the way, why don't I start a wave of live streaming?" Zhang Mengyu had a whim.

Most of the people standing at the top of the pyramid have a circle, so there is no need for Zhang Mengyu to do marketing. This time, his goal is to kill!No one's wallet is going to be on holiday today!

"Yriel, I have a question for you." Zhang Menglong still doesn't know much about the cosmic civilization, and Goudan is also rushing to fill in information because of the blank period.

"What's the matter? Let me tell you first, I may not be able to answer you, I am a younger brother of a second-level civilization."

"I just want to know if there is any live streaming software that covers the entire universe with a high coverage rate, the kind that is used by all ages, low life forms and high life forms."

"Yes." Yrel said, "There is an application called Cosmic Light, which is developed by the largest Internet company in the universe. Basically, everyone can use it. The content of lower civilizations is basically some type of entertainment. Higher civilizations There will even be some technical knowledge lectures, martial arts guidance and the like."

"Can I buy goods live?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

"Of course, these live broadcasts can sell goods, but they can only be traded in universe coins. You are so rich, do you want to buy things to earn dark coins?"

"Yes," Zhang Mengyu nodded.

"That can't be done," Yrel said directly, "Although this dark currency is well known, it is something that is boycotted by the Cosmos Alliance, and it is impossible to trade dark currency, and if there is any related information in the live broadcast room Information-sensitive content, such as offline transactions, will also be blocked."

"It's okay, I can solve this small matter." Zhang Menglong only needs a platform, that's all, and the rest is just a technical problem.

"Good guy, this thing is really big!" Even with the ridiculously fast quantum transmission network, the app took several minutes to download, and the registration was not very troublesome. nickname.

I opened the "Light of the Universe", and there were a lot of live broadcast rooms. The first live broadcast room was a live broadcast of the official account of the Universe Martial Arts Association. A sixth-level life form was explaining how to help fifth-level life forms The body breaks through the sixth-level courses.

This has actually involved a very high level, so there is only a short interception of the live broadcast outside. To enter this live broadcast room, you need to pay 10 billion universe coins.

The developer of Cosmic Light is not too dark, gifts and anchors are split 1-[-], and shopping and such admission tickets only charge [-]% technical service fees.

On the homepage, there was also a live broadcast that the alchemist forged a seventh-level martial arts weapon. Similarly, the entry amount for this live broadcast was as high as 12 billion universe coins.

But even with such a high threshold, the audience is still countless.


A deposit is required for live broadcasting. 500 level-[-] civilization currency can be used to open the live broadcast permission and delivery permission in the first-level civilization, but their content will not appear in the content of the second-level civilization.

The highest live broadcast permission needs to pay 500 universe coins. When Zhang Mengyu starts the live broadcast, it will be displayed in front of all users of the live broadcast platform. Of course, because of the popularity ranking mechanism, it is almost impossible for his live broadcast room to be seen.

But Zhang Mengyu is very clear that there is nothing that can’t be done with money. Taobao has a direct train to the diamond exhibition, and Douyin has Douyin. He doesn’t believe that there is no way to charge money for this thing.

Sure enough, after a little searching, Zhang Mengyu found a popular and recommended function.

There are several methods of hot recommendation, including billing according to the number of viewers, and billing by display position. If you want you to have money, it is easy to send you directly to the recommended position on the homepage of the platform.

When multiple users want to be on the home page at the same time, it is a form of bidding, and whoever pays the most will get it.

Now the No.1 live broadcast room and No.2 live broadcast room are in the state of bidding, and the current price has soared to 820 billion universe coins per minute, which is almost burning money.

Zhang Mengyu opened the bidding page, and bound his universe bank account.

The bidding between the two live broadcast rooms is still going on, and the price will change every few minutes. Each time the price will increase by hundreds of millions of universe coins, their rankings are also constantly changing.

"A bunch of poor people!" Zhang Mengyu scolded, and directly entered his bid on it, "Didling, what price are you bidding?"

"1000 billion universe coins, if you continue to add, I will continue!"

(End of this chapter)

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