Chapter 876

"Have you heard, this voice is so young."

"That's right, isn't the A1 area full of distinguished VIPs? They are all old antiques. Could it be that they sent their descendants here?"

"Then it's too childish. Does he know his family members like this?"

At this time, the people at the auction reacted one after another.

Every seat in the auction is protected with special technology. After all, it is very normal to have enemies at the auction.

The most important thing is that if someone bullies others, it will have a serious impact on the final price of the auction item. This should not touch the interests of the seller, but also the interests of the auction organizer. Every auctioneer The conservation measures are very well done.

Those advanced life forms disdain to forcibly hide their identities by changing their voices, so they concluded that the person in the A1 area must be some noble existence junior.

They can't afford to offend the noble beings who received the invitation letter directly, but they can still offend a mere junior. Anyway, everyone doesn't know each other's identities. Even if they are offended, he will go home and sue.

"Young man, isn't it too much for you to do this?"

"Young man, do you know how precious a cosmic beast Kun is? There may not be 1000 Kuns in the entire universe, let alone this kind of cub. If you buy it back and raise it, it's fine. My own appetite, this is reckless!"

"Aren't you afraid that your elders will scold you after they find out about this? Being rich is a good thing, but your behavior will arouse public indignation from the civilization of the universe and condemnation from people who love kuns!"

Especially the seventh-level life form of the Beast Race, for him, this young Kun is like a precious treasure, and now his treasure is about to be stewed and eaten, which simply touches him The bottom line in my heart!
If you buy and eat what other people dream of, are you still human?
All of a sudden, there were voices of accusation everywhere. For the sake of the lively atmosphere of the auction venue, there was no restriction on the auctioneer's speech. Of course, this type of speech needs to pay a certain fee to be heard by the audience, and The cost is quite low.

"How do I talk?" Zhang Mengyu asked the staff around him.

"Distinguished guest, the button next to you can start the speech. We have three billing methods. The ordinary speech only needs 2000 million coins. This kind of speech is completely free like what you just heard. speech, others can also speak while you are speaking, and a speech can last for 10 seconds."

"The second billing method, the cost is 2 million dark coins, your voice will be twice as high as other people's, and you can speak to the market for 20 seconds."

"There is also a billing method. During your speech, other people cannot use the speech function. This method is 1 million coins per second, and the fee is charged through your speech time."

"You guys really know how to do business!" Zhang Mengyu also had to lament this charging method, isn't it much more awesome than the full-screen shouting in the game?Silence other people directly. This is a must-have artifact for playing games to criticize others. Of course, the premise is that you must have money.

"How to pay?"

"Sir, you can directly connect your dark currency account to the speaking system."

According to the staff's instructions, Zhang Mengyu directly logged into his dark currency account, "You like to spray me, don't you? I was born Zhang Menglong, and the spraying is like a long night!"

"Have you forced Lai enough?" Zhang's hazy and loud voice suddenly resounded through the audience, "I need you to take care of me to buy something to eat? Did I eat your rice or steal your wife? I bought it at my own expense. I can do whatever I want, is it your turn to blame me?"

"What about humanitarianism? When you eat other cosmic creatures, why didn't you see you carrying the banner of humanitarianism? Is it against the law to eat kuns? Is there any rule that says kuns cannot be eaten?"

"I don't just eat, I also braise, steam, stir-fry, scallion oil, charcoal grill, thirteen spices, minced garlic! The leftovers are hot pot, the bones are left to pick teeth, md said that I am hungry."

"If you don't like it, continue to add more money if you have the ability. If you don't have money, just shut up your mouths, a bunch of poor people! You don't care about handsome guys!"

Zhang Menglong finished spraying in one go and called it a day.

"Just now, he used the speech function of muting the whole audience, right?"

"What about 1 million dark coins per second? How many minutes did he talk about?"

"After this set, tens of billions of dark coins are needed, right? Converted into universe coins, it's several stars. This one just said a few words and spent so much money?"

"It's nice to have money!"

"One thing to say, I haven't heard of the eating methods he just said, and it sounds delicious."

"Yeah, the children are all crying."

After being blasted, those who accused Zhang Mengyu just couldn't sit still, "Boy, you are too arrogant, even if you are your elder."

"Sorry, a customer is muted, please continue speaking later!"

They were about to turn back, but soon received a prompt from the system, telling them that they could not speak now!

Only then did they realize that although Zhang Mengyu hadn't continued talking just now, he had been using the mute function all the time!

"Hahahaha, are you speechless?" Zhang Meng laughed and said, "I have money, and I have always turned on this function. I can only scold you. You can't scold me. How about it? Are you angry? gas?"

Zhang Menglong provoked wildly, but none of those people could do anything, want to do it?There were at least dozens of advanced life forms arranged by Aria. Even if no one maintained order, just the name Aria was enough to deter them.

Spray it back?
They are all banned now, how to spray back?Unless they counterattack by paying twice the price!

During the ban period, anyone can use double the price to counter the ban. If you want to ban this person, then double the price, and there is no upper limit for layer upon layer.

"Speak, poor ghosts? No way, no way, can't you say 2 million dark coins for a second? You are so pitiful, you are so poor!" Zhang Menglong continued to speak yin and yang.

"Oh, by the way, in order to piss you off, I decided to host a broadcast on the Light of the Universe platform after the auction to share with you 100 ways to eat kun. Drooling, please pay attention to our Ritian Pai Belgrady's live broadcast room, thank you everyone!"

"Day Day Pai? Did I hear correctly?"

"Is he also a member of the Suntian School?"

"What is the Ritian faction?"

"You don't even know the Ritian faction? Do you know the alchemist who refines the seventh-level martial arts weapons? Do you know the master who refines Daliwan and Shenliwan? He is a member of the Ritian faction!"

"Also, two days ago, a streamer named Li Jiaqi was also from Ritian faction. You may not believe it, but he openly traded with dark coins on the Light of the Universe, but his account can't be blocked on the Light of the Universe official website!"

"Didn't the Light of the Universe give an official statement? It is said that their system has been hacked and the live broadcast room cannot be blocked. I suspect that Li Jiaqi did something."

"Tsk tsk tsk, is this Ritian faction so powerful?"

"That is, it can be seen that they can produce many people. An alchemist, a top hacker, a cargo king, and now there is such a rich person. I guess this person named Belgrady is not an ordinary person."

"Look, there will be many wonderful things in this auction!"

(End of this chapter)

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