I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 878 I'm in a Hurry

Chapter 878 I'm in a Hurry
"It's too deceiving!" The seventh-level life body of the beast-riding clan crushed the cup in his hand. Heaven sent young people to be crushed to death!

"Okay, just kidding!" Zhang Meng said with a smile, "Actually, I'm Wang Shicong, the owner of the purchase department of the Ritian faction. This person has never seen anything in the market, and he has never seen many things, so he couldn't help but buy them."

"So it is."

"It's really strange that the Ritian faction has such a remarkable group of people, but they haven't seen the world?"

"Maybe their secretaries were born in a dark field, and maybe they just entered the universe civilization recently."

"That's right, that's not the case with the civilization whose average life body level has reached level five. They entered the universe civilization for the first time when their civilization level reached level two."

The so-called dark field is a very special area, this place is like a black hole, people outside can't see inside, and people inside can't leave that dark field until they master curvature technology or similar super-light speed technology.

But Zhang Menglong's next sentence made everyone half dead again.

"But it's because we haven't seen the world, so we may buy more things today. I know that many people present are very rich, but I never care whether others have money when I participate in auctions. Anyway, I definitely don't have any. money."

"This king tearing onion is simply too good at spreading hatred!"

"But what he said is the truth. I heard that Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room that sent Li Jiaqi every day at least sold things worth tens of trillions of dark coins. We may not be as rich as him when all of us add up. "

"What? Then what the hell are we doing? Isn't this what he wants to buy? Isn't that here to accompany you?"

"That's impossible. If he really did this, he would almost offend the entire universe. There is probably no such bold person."


"By the way, I would like to apologize to everyone first," Zhang Menglong continued, "Many people may not be able to buy anything in today's auction. If there is something that offends everyone, why are you hitting me!"

"Arrogant! He is too arrogant!"

"He is courting death!"

"He'd better not let others recognize him, or he will be unlucky when he leaves this underground fair!"

"Sir, please don't interfere with the progress of the auction." Xilinnaxi was reminded by the organizer to warn Zhang Mengyu.

"It's not my fault," Zhang Mengyu spread his hands, "They scolded me first, I'm not wrong, I'm just fighting back!"

"Okay," Xilinnaxi warned, "I hope that everyone here will not break the rules of the auction, and neither party will be provocative. The auction is originally for the highest bidder. Since Mr. Wang Sicong bid the highest , then no matter where he uses the things he gets, it has nothing to do with you!"

As if for the sake of establishing prestige, more than 20 powerful breaths of eighth-level life forms emanated from the surroundings, and everyone was so shocked that they dared not speak.

"It's still Miss Xilinnaxi who is reasonable," Zhang Mengyu stretched out her fingers and made a heart gesture, "I love you!"

"Then this Treasure Hunting Hand Beast belongs to Mr. Wang Shicong now! Shouldn't anyone offer a higher price?" Xilinnaxi asked three times, "Then congratulations Mr. Wang."

"Thank you, thank you, let me go!" Zhang Mengyu thanked him hypocritically.

"Boss, Treasure Hunting Beast, we have reaped a lot this time!" Gane spoke incoherently excitedly.

"Yeah, I don't know how this treasure hunt beast tastes," Zhang Menglong licked his lips, "Should I roast the rabbit legs or make it cold?"

Gane is dumbfounded, isn't it you who just said "bunny is so cute, how can you eat it"?Why do you want to eat again after turning your face, are you a devil?

"The kun is stewed as the main dish, and the rabbit is a cold appetizer. It's decided. Find a few Sichuan chefs to make cold rabbits!"

To be honest, treasure hunting beasts are not very attractive to Zhang Mengyu.

Advanced metal?The top metals in this world are probably the ordinary metals in the world of high morality. Although he can't get them, his parents and ancestors can get them. Therefore, in Zhang Mengyu's eyes, this treasure hunter is no different from a rabbit. very big.

As for the problem of not wasting waste, this thing is not enough to earn as much as a blind box. Mastering the core technology, is it still short of money?Now he knows why Zhang Kai can save such wealth in just 2000 years, is it difficult?
"The third auction item!" Xilinnaxi showed a surprised expression for the first time, "This"

"Isn't it? Even the auctioneer was stunned?"

"what's the situation?"

"What is it?"

The image shows a cold and gloomy planet. A middle-aged man with a bare upper body and dull eyes is slumped on the ground. His hands and feet are shackled, as if he has lost hope in this world.


"I don't know what level it is, but if it can be taken to the auction, it must be a sixth-level life form?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, to be able to capture a sixth-level life form as a slave, this is the master of a cosmic empire!"

"The third auction item, a slave, his life form level is the pinnacle of a seventh-level life form!"

"Wow!" As soon as the voice fell, there was a sudden exclamation.

The pinnacle of a seventh-level life form?Such a person has at least hundreds of super civilizations on the scale of a fifth-level civilization. How could he be so embarrassed?
But a slave at the pinnacle of a seventh-level life form is absolutely unique in any auction in history. The three auction items at the opening are really more surprising than the last.

If the price is right, no one will refuse such a powerful slave, whether it is used to protect their own civilization, expand abroad, or be a bodyguard for their descendants, etc. Of course, the price must be very scary.

"The starting price is 100 trillion dark coins, and each price increase must not be less than 1 trillion!"

Perhaps because of some sensitivity, Xilinnaxi did not introduce the origin of this slave this time, but it is conceivable that there must be a story behind it.

"Brother. Me." Gane looked into the slave's eyes, and actually had an illusion of empathy. He wanted to help him, but he didn't have the ability.

"You want me to buy him?" Zhang Menglong naturally knew what Jia Nei meant.

"Didn't you say you want to buy a batch of slaves? So."

"The life form at the peak of the seventh level is really good," Zhang Mengyu nodded. "In the future, when I buy a batch of slaves, I can let him manage all of them instead of me. In the future, I don't need to spend so much money every time I pretend to be a slave."

Now that Zhang Mengyu is in danger, he needs to spend a lot of money to avoid it. If there is such a strong slave, most of the pretending behaviors in the future can be realized at zero cost.

A man can have no money, but he absolutely can't live without money!

"Okay, I want this person!"

100 trillion dark coins, which is equivalent to 10000 star universe coins, this price is about the same as a seventh-level elementary life body, but a seventh-level peak life body, that is not enough.

Zhang Mengyu opened the auction system and directly entered 1000 trillion dark coins.

Before the people at the scene exclaimed, Zhang Mengyu had already started talking rubbish, "Everyone, I am very busy with my time, please speed up the price, don't grind it like squeezing toothpaste, I am in a hurry!"

(End of this chapter)

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