Chapter 881 Bye Bye
"From now on, Makabaka is willing to die for the master!" Just as Zhang Mengyu turned around, Makabaka once again knelt behind him on one knee.

Ever since he became a slave, he has been confused about his future. The only thing he knows is that from now on, his life will no longer be his own.

However, this young master let him know what a miracle is. Not only did he not treat him as a slave, but he even made him break through two levels of life one after another. Now he even has the ability to save his civilization.

"What are you doing? I don't like this," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "By the way, how long have you been imprisoned?"

"120 million years," Makabaka said. During these 120 million years, he had nothing but wars. He didn't know how many civilizations he had destroyed with those former masters, and he didn't know how many blood donations were stained in his hands.

He is a peace-loving martial artist. He doesn't like war or killing, but there is no way. If he doesn't, he doesn't care if he dies, but his civilization will be buried with him.

Later, several owners were removed, and now they are sold to Zhang Mengyu.

"If you think I'm worth following, you can follow me in the future. I can't guarantee that you will get everything you want, but I can make you refuse everything you don't want to do."

"Yes!" Makabaka firmly believed that there was nothing Zhang Mengyao couldn't do in this world.

"You take this," Zhang Mengyu casually threw an artificial intelligence bracelet to Makabaka, "Have you not been online for 120 million years? Learn about the development of the universe in these 120 million years, lest you yourself cannot keep up with the times .”

"Also, I just opened a private account for you, and deposited 1 million star universe coins for you. You can buy whatever you want. It's your entry benefit as my Ritian Pai Left Protector."

Makabaka's hands trembled a little. Even in his most glorious years, he never owned the wealth of 1 million universe coins.

"Master, who are you? And your Ritian faction, what kind of organization is it?"

"You can find out by looking up the information yourself."

Makabaka immediately began to search for information about the Suntian Sect online, and sure enough, he found a lot of information at once.

After reading those materials, Makabaka's gaze gradually became surprised, and then dulled.

An alchemist who can forge seventh-level martial arts weapons and a panacea that makes people understand the laws of the universe, what kind of god is this?
"Master, that alchemist, and that anchor, are all your friends?"

"Oh, all the people from the Ritian Sect that you can see, including that alchemist and that anchor, are actually myself." For his own people, there is no need for Zhang Mengyu to hide.

"No wonder!" Now Makabaka finally knew why the thing that Zhang Menglong threw to him just now had such a powerful effect.

"Join my Ritian faction, you can eat that kind of pill in the future, you can take care of it!" Zhang Mengyu said richly.

"125 trillion dark coins!"

"130 million!"

I don't know what rhythm the auction has progressed to. After one multiverse time, it is estimated that at least a dozen auction items have been sold.

Zhang Mengyu and Makabaka also returned to their seats, but this time, he didn't come in through the exclusive passage, but walked over from the periphery in an open and honest manner.

This is a very huge difference, because the special channel has the function of shielding the breath, and they cannot see each other.

But Zhang Mengyu walked in like this, his foreign trade, breath and other information can be seen at a glance

His return suddenly became the focus of the audience.

"He came back like this?"

"Don't he know how many people he has offended now?"

"I'm afraid he has been targeted and even marked by countless people now? Let's see how he will go then!"

"Is the person behind him the bodyguard he just bought?"

"It should be, wait! This is not the breath that the peak of the seventh-level life body should have!"

The few eighth-level life forms in the auction venue showed apprehensive expressions.

"The life level of this breath has reached at least level eight!"

"How could this be? Could it be that the organizer made a mistake?"

"Impossible. All the auction items have been strictly identified. If they make a mistake, the seller will not be able to let it go. There is only one possibility!"

"That slave was promoted just now!"

"What? What shit luck! The price of a seventh-level peak life body bought a slave of an eighth-level life body? I'll go!"

"Idiot, this can't be luck, don't forget, that master alchemist is from the Suntian Sect."

"You mean, this Wang Shicong gave this slave the panacea refined by the master, which improved his life level?"

"This is terrible!"

"Is he warning us?" Many sixth-level and seventh-level life forms had given up planning to trouble Zhang Mengyu.

"Hmph! So what if there is a bodyguard with an eighth-level life form? It's not that no eighth-level life form has been killed before, and he only has such a bodyguard!"

"Brother, you're back!" Seeing Zhang Mengyu's return, Gane immediately showed joy, "I just bought four more auction items, and I made those old guys very angry, because I spent a little too much money. "

"It's okay, as long as you don't let them buy it, it's not short of this money," Zhang Menglong glanced at the few auction items.

One of them is the work of an artist. This artist is not comparable to ordinary earth artists. Their works contain some rules in the universe, and can even help people understand various laws. That painting records a scene. Huge lightning.

Although it is a static picture, when Zhang's dim eyes rest on it, it seems to be in this thunderstorm.

"That's right, I'll hang it at the door of my house to ward off evil spirits!" Zhang Mengyu nodded with satisfaction. The remaining three items are also good.

"By the way, Ganesh, let me introduce you. This is Makabaka. From now on, he will be the Left Protector of Suntian Sect." Zhang Mengyu introduced, "Makabaka, this is Ganesh, my apprentice."

Makabaka and Gane smiled at each other, they seemed to have very similar energy, the difference in life level not only did not bring any barrier between the two, but made them feel a sense of sympathy for each other.

"400 trillion dark coins!" The competition for the auction is still going on fiercely.

What is currently being auctioned is a thing called a life crystal, which is a crystal that can only be born in places where a large number of lives have died. It can help life forms other than humans, such as cosmic beasts, to improve their life levels.

"500 trillion dark coins!" After entering the price, the seventh-level life body of the beast control clan looked at Zhang Mengyu's direction with fear.

"1000 trillion dark coins!" Seeing this guy, Zhang Mengyu immediately raised the price without hesitation, "This handsome guy is here today, you idiots don't want to buy anything!"

"You play by yourself!?" The beast driver finally couldn't stand it anymore. He had already been robbed of several things he wanted. As long as he called a price, Zhang Mengyu would definitely increase the price. Zhang Mengyu didn't care about those who insulted him.

This is targeting him!
With Zhang dimly present, he might not even have the slightest sense of participation today.

Instead of wasting time here, go to other areas to see what's good to buy.

"Hey? Why are you leaving?" Zhang Mengyu shouted, "Don't leave, can't afford it? Goodbye, welcome to come again next time!"

(End of this chapter)

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