Chapter 885
"What? Did I hear it right?"

"She can't control it? What does that mean? Is she really unable to control it, or does she not want to control it?"

"Why do I feel like they know each other? Did you see it? This is the first time I saw her look at someone with such gentle eyes."

"I don't understand, I really don't understand!"

"Isn't this woman always decisive? How could she break her principles because of one person? It's unreasonable!"

Thousands of years ago, Aria was only an eighth-level life form. Many people present had some contact with her, and they knew more or less about this woman's personality.

The people who tried to destroy her principles all died more miserable than the other. Even after breaking through to the ninth-level life form, she became more and more ruthless, and no one had ever seen her smiling face.

Such Aria made them feel extremely strange.

Compared with others, Zhang Mengyu was more surprised, because he was sure that he absolutely did not know this woman, and they would never have any intersection at all.

"You know me?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

"You don't know me, but I know you. Are you Zhang Kai's descendant?" Aria said gently.

"Fuck!" At this moment, Zhang Mengyu understood everything. No wonder Aria gave him such a strange smile just now, and now she doesn't care about his behavior of sabotaging the auction. This woman is definitely having an affair with Zhang Kai!
"You are the ancestor of my Zhang Kai." For a while, Zhang Mengyu couldn't find a suitable term.

"I am his woman!" Aria said frankly, "He is the best man I have ever seen in my life. Although he is messing with women everywhere, this does not affect my admiration for him."

"I heard that you suddenly broke through to the ninth-level life form in a short period of time?"

"Zhang Kai is a very good alchemist, this matter is not difficult for him at all."

"I'm going, this woman is a fan of my ancestors!" Zhang Mengyu said to himself, guessing that Zhang Kai still has some fan behavior, I have to say, his ancestors are amazing!

"Do you know where he went?" Aria asked. "Hundreds of years, he left without saying goodbye, I miss him so much!"

"He." Zhang Mengyu heard from his father that Zhang Kai seems to like to go to the parallel world where there are many beauties. Most of the female teachers in the Super Seminary are almost all captured by him, and they don't distinguish between races and transvestites. .

If he remembers correctly, Teacher Nie Xiaoqian, Teacher Wonder Woman, and Teacher Medusa in Super Seminary seem to have been ruined by Zhang Kai.

"He has already broken through the ninth-level life form and left this universe to go to a wider world." Zhang Menglong thought for a while, and it is better not to tell Aria this cruel fact, otherwise, if she hates because of love, she will put herself Killed.

"As expected, it's him!" After hearing Zhang Mengyu's words, the light in Aria's eyes became more intense. It can be seen that she was confused by Zhang Kai back then, and she was completely limp.

"Forget it, this small universe won't be able to stop him first," Aria sighed, "Do you need my help?"

"My people won't embarrass you, but others will," Aria said with a smile, "Zitif won't let you take this holy stone for nothing, he is a life form at the peak of the eighth level, and these people."

"No need," Zhang Mengyu shook his head, "You have already broken your own principles, and it is inappropriate to intervene in this matter, but I am afraid that this auction will not be able to continue."

"What is this?" Aria sneered, "It's just an auction, I'm just killing time, you can play as you want!"

Aria returned to the center of the auction venue, "I will not interfere in today's matter, I will not violate my own principles, so I will not help anyone, you can do whatever you want, you can do whatever you want !"

"Let's go!" After finishing speaking, Aria actually left with her own people.

"What does she mean by that?"

"What does that mean, it doesn't matter what he does, and it doesn't matter what we do?"

"Hahahaha! Then we don't need to wait until the fair is over to trouble him!"

"This kid is going to die today!"

Those who were originally malicious towards Zhang Menglong immediately showed ferocious smiles, without Aria's deterrence, then this means that they can take action now!
"Let's go! I'm afraid this place will become a hell on earth after a while!"

"Stay away from here!"

"This is not something we can meddle in!"

These life forms below the sixth level immediately fled the auction site, and even the sixth level life forms have to weigh whether there will be an accident here.

The live broadcast was cut off immediately, and no one would know what was about to happen at the auction venue!

"Hahahahaha! Brat, you are doomed today, no one can protect you!" With a ferocious smile, a strange-looking person appeared on the auction site.

This is exactly the seventh-level life form of the beast control clan!

He didn't leave the auction venue, but just adjusted his emotions in the lounge, but he didn't expect such an interesting change in things.

"Want to take away the holy stone and stand out for those slaves? Do you have the qualifications?" A person came out from Area A again. He was over three meters tall and filled with the aura of a peak eighth-level life form. This should be the Zitif that Aria mentioned just now. "

"Boy, I don't know how you escaped," Zitiff looked at Ganesh, "but it seems that I have been too kind to your people."

Most of the people left, but there were hundreds of people who stayed behind. The weakest of these people were all six-level life forms, and the strongest was Zitif, a top-level eight-level life form.

"327 people, 195 sixth-level life forms, 24 seventh-level life forms, and 8 eighth-level life forms, you really think highly of me." Zhang Mengyu quietly opened his giant letter group while smiling.

"Dididi, is anyone there?" Zhang Mengyu entered two strings of content in the "Leek No. 1 Group" and "Leek No. 2 Group".

"Come out, brothers, the master is here again!"

"Master, is there anything else?"

"Master! Is there any work?"

Leek No. 1 group was established by Zhang Mengyu when he was forging martial arts weapons. There are more than 7000 people in this group, of which more than 6800 are sixth-level life forms, more than 200 are seventh-level life forms, and 12 eighth-level life forms .

As for the Leek No. 2 group, there are more people. Whether it is the underground trading market or when he brings goods, he has publicized this group. The number of people in the group exceeds 15, and there are more than 4000 seventh-level life forms alone. , There are a total of 282 eighth-level life forms!
"Brothers, a brother of our Ritian faction was stopped. He is now surrounded by 195 level 24 life forms, 8 level [-] life forms, and [-] level [-] life forms. Is there anyone to rescue him? "

"Of course it's not in vain. Each of the six-level life forms receives a Dali pill, each of the seventh-level life forms receives a Shenli pill, and each of the eighth-level life forms receives a blind box!"

"Master, it's too outlandish for you to say that, are we people who covet that little thing?"

"That's right, master, it doesn't matter if you get paid or not, we mainly like to fight!"

"You treat us as outsiders too much, even if you don't give us anything, we will definitely help this kind of small favor!"

"In this group, everyone is a family! You speak, and we will do it!"

"Brothers, come out and save people together!"

"Many people are powerful, and the master's friends are our friends. Let me see who dares to do something to the master's friends if he can't think about it!"

"Master, post the location, and those who are close to us will rush over as soon as possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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