I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 893 They were all beaten by me

Chapter 893 They were all beaten by me

"What is he doing?" The thugs and others watched the scene where Zhang Mengyu used the soul seal.

"I don't know." The most well-informed Saijia has never seen such a scene, "I feel a very powerful soul power, and this is probably a very powerful martial arts secret technique."

"How many secrets does the Ritian faction still have?" Saijia said to himself.

They have never heard of such an organization with such a powerful alchemist, endless martial arts secret skills, and technical talents that even a powerful technical team like Cosmic Light can't match.

After completing the soul seal, Zhang Menglong showed a satisfied smile. The 2000 million star universe coins did not make him very happy. After all, it didn't even change much for his huge balance.

But these more than 100 thugs who can use 1000 years of free money can make a lot of money, and as a slave trader, the number of slaves under Zitiff's hands is countless. Isn't Zitiff's slave Zhang Mengyu's?

"Everyone, thank you all for helping me today," Zhang Mengyu thanked again, "My friend promised you that the things will be fulfilled, just remember to leave a delivery address in the group."

Having received Zhang Mengyu's promise, those high-level life forms were all smiling, and it was not in vain for them to put down what they were doing and surrender their identities to serve as thugs for a small fourth-level life form.

"Mr. Wang is really too polite. When you see injustice, you draw your sword to help. This is what we should do."

"That's right, we are good friends with Master, this trivial matter is not worth mentioning."

"It's not for those rewards, we just like to take care of these unfair things. By the way, Mr. Wang, can you send me a kamikaze express? Their express is the fastest."

"Since the matter is settled, let's take our leave first!"

"Everyone, let's go!" Zhang Menglong watched them leave, and the whole auction house fell silent again.

"Brother, you are really amazing!" Gane looked at Zhang Miyu's eyes as if they could radiate light. These people who used to be high and high all respected him so much and even obeyed him, even those nine-level life forms were not good enough. There must be such an appeal.

"Makabaka," Zhang Mengyao waved at him, "This is my soul imprint. From now on, these people will be handed over to you to manage. I will take the time to teach you the method. If they are disobedient, you don't have to You're welcome, just kill him!"

"Yes!" Makabaka obeyed Zhang Mengyu's order unconditionally. As for killing people?As a former tool man, killing people has long been a habit for him.

"All of you introduce yourself first," Zhang Mengyu said to the slaves who had been imprinted with soul marks.

"Mr. Wang, I'm Zitifu, I"

"Slap!" Zhang Menglong slapped him on the head.

A trace of humiliation flashed in Zidi's eyes, and he was about to explode, but he suddenly realized that since he left the soul imprint under that mysterious imprint just now, his life and death have been controlled by Zhang Menglong.

As long as he has some bad thoughts, his soul seems to be torn apart by a force. Thinking of this, he can only endure in silence.

"Mr. Wang, can you call me? One of them is my student, and the other is the left protector of my Ritian sect," Zhang Mengyu sneered, "What are you? From now on, 1000 years, you will all be me." slaves, so you shall call me master!"

"Yes, master!" More than 100 people said in unison.

"Slap!" Zhang Menglong slapped Zitiff on the head again, "I suddenly changed my mind, the master made me look like a rich landlord, but I'm a glorious party member, political awareness is high, slavery is okay Come on, you should call me the boss, it will make me look more ordinary."

Zidifu wanted to cry, but he really fell into the clutches of a devil, "Yes! Boss!"

"Brother, shall we continue the live broadcast?" Gane asked weakly. These people have been subdued, and it seems that there is not much selling point, and the live broadcast room has obviously become deserted.

"Broadcast, of course!" Zhang Mengyu said, "Does anyone want to watch eighth-level life forms swinging flowers? It depends on their button 1 of swinging their hands, listening to them kneeling and singing the button 2 of conquering, and watching their social shaking. The three buttonholes depend on the buttonholes they jump on the steel pipe!"

"Flower hands? Conquer? Social shake? What is that?"

"It sounds very interesting. I have never heard of such an interesting thing."



"Boss, we don't know how to do this." Zi Tifu and others showed embarrassment.

"It's okay, I'll teach you!" Zhang Mengyu asked Goudan to transfer the information to their artificial intelligence.

"I was conquered by you like this, cutting off all escape routes."

"What kind of music is this? It's so nice!"

"This dance looks weird, but it has a rhythm!"

"Yeah, I can't help shaking my hands."

"Is this social shaking? It feels so powerful."

"Okay, today's anchor's live broadcast is here, the anchor is about to be broadcast, remember to pay more attention to the live broadcast room of our Ritian faction members in the future, I love you!"

Zhang Mengyu closed the live broadcast room when the audience was still unsure.

"Gane, how much did you earn?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

"Brother, we have made a fortune. Ticket revenue is 5270 million stars, and gift rewards are close to 2000 million stars!" Gane said excitedly, he had never seen so much money in his life.

"How much is this?" Zhang Menglong said bitterly, "If you want to have a big structure, follow me, and the money will only be a small change in the future."

"Each of you will keep 1000 million stars!" Zhang Mengyu said to Gane and Makabaka, "This is the dividend of today's daily distribution. You can buy whatever you want. To save money is not to give me face."

"1000 million stars per person?" Those slaves immediately shed tears of envy. They only got 2000 million stars after being robbed all over the place. Zhang Mengyu gave so much money to his subordinates casually. How is that? What the hell?

"It's all resolved?" At this time, Aria appeared out of nowhere again.

"Grandma Grandma?" Zhang Mengyu didn't know what to call the woman of Zhang Kai's ancestor, "It's all settled."

Aria's fingers lightly brushed across Zhang's dim face, "Not only do you look exactly like him, but you are also as dazzling as he was then."

"Fuck, what kind of ecstasy soup did my ancestors pour into her?" Zhang Menglong looked at Aria's nympho look, it shouldn't be a secret that Zhang Kai is a Neptune scumbag, Aria knew it herself He has countless women.

What do you want him to do?Figure that he doesn't take a bath?How hairy are his legs?Or show him off?
"The auction will continue tomorrow, you can continue to play for a few more days, and then go back after it's over," Aria continued, "Also, no matter what happens in the future, if you can't handle it, you can always come to me help."

When she said this, Aria exuded a strong self-confidence, "Whether it is the Cosmic Alliance or the Cosmic Dojo, even if you offend their founder, you don't have to be afraid."

"Aunt Zu, I heard that you had a battle with other ninth-level life forms. What was the result?" Zhang Meng asked curiously.

"Hehehe, Zhang Kai helped me improve my life form level and my strength. What I have learned is far beyond this universe. How could they beat me?"

"They are trash, one counts as one, and I have beaten them all!"

(End of this chapter)

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