I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 896 I am mainly timid

Chapter 896 I am mainly timid
"It's him! It's him!" The soldier of the Eighth Legion pointed to the communicator and said, "I watched the live broadcast, and I remember his voice, so it can't be wrong!"

Then that devil-like young man immediately appeared in his mind, a person who made eighth-level life forms feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

This person actually came to their Twin Whale Cosmic Civilization, what is he doing here?Visit friends?But who has ever heard of someone visiting relatives and friends and directly bringing the most powerful fleet in the universe?I'm afraid this is not to seek revenge, is it?

"Sir. You. If you have something to say, I have already sent someone to our legion commander. You can negotiate with him about anything. If he can't handle it, we can still ask the king to deal with it. You Be sure to calm down!"

"No, why are you shaking? I just came to pick up a courier. You don't have to panic like this, right?" Zhang Mengyu was also surprised, "You know me?"

"Who doesn't know you now," the soldier was about to cry, "I watched your live broadcast. Why should a big man like you have the same knowledge as our small fifth-level civilization? Whoever offends you , You just say it directly, our lord will be the first to let him go."

"I'm really here to pick up the courier!" Zhang Meng was speechless, "After calculating the time, the formation of 100 interstellar wanderers I bought should have arrived. Have you seen it?"

"The fleet was bought by you?" At this moment, the soldier was relieved. If the fleet was bought by this big guy, it doesn't sound strange at all. After all, a random wave of robbery is worth 2000 million star universe coins. This money counts as a ball.

"Otherwise? Is there anyone else who can afford our dual-whale cosmic empire?"

"We?" The soldier keenly grasped these two words, but the meanings of these two words are different. "Are you from our Twin Whale Cosmic Empire?"

"Yes!" Zhang Mengyu said, "I went to the Universe Underground Expo, and I'm planning to go home now, is there any problem?"

"No! No problem!" At this moment, the big stone in his heart was put down. It turned out that he was going home, no wonder he would come back with a fleet.

It's just that when did their Twin Whale Cosmic Empire have such a powerful person?He doesn't know how much richer he is than the king, why has he never heard of such a person?

"What's going on?" At this time, the legion commander Augustus finally rushed over.

"Legion Commander, you don't have to believe it, our universe empire has a big shot!" The soldier hurriedly told him about Zhang Mengyu.

Of course, Augustus also paid attention to the matter of the Universe Underground Expo. After all, this matter has occupied the headlines of the major media in the universe for a month.

"You mean, that Wang Sicong is a member of our Twin Whale Cosmic Empire?"

"It should be right, he just called himself 'Our Twin Whale Cosmic Empire'."

"What about the other members of Ritian Sect?"

"I don't know, but it must be related to our Twin Whale Cosmic Empire. I think we need to get in touch with him."

"Let me come!" Augustus walked to the communicator, "Hello, I am Augustus, the commander of the Eighth Army of the Double Whale Cosmic Empire. Are you Mr. Wang Shicong?"

"Oh, actually Wang Sicong is a fake name, my real name is Zhang Mengyu." Now that he has returned to his own civilization, there is no need for Zhang Mengyu to use the trumpet anymore.

"Well, Mr. Zhang, I just heard that you bought those 100 fleets?"

"That's right," Zhang Mengyu said, "Do you know where it is? It stands to reason that I've been playing outside for a few days, and they should have arrived by now."

"We're here, we're here!" Augustus said hastily, "We're placing them in a trading port near the legion's garrison, and I'll take you there myself!"

In other words, the other party is a huge cosmic company, and their small civilization is not even as powerful as the working group of a department.

It is not very polite to let people wait there like this, and a hundred such huge fleets are there in darkness, the visual oppression is really a bit big, so they are simply invited to the transportation trading port of the Twin Whales Universe Empire.

"sorry to bother you."

Zhang Mengyu parked the spaceship at the legion's garrison, and Augustus and others greeted him outside.

The moment the cabin door opened, the suffocating breath even made them a little breathless.

So far, the most powerful life form they have come into contact with is only their lord, a sixth-level elementary life form, but there are more than 100 people on this ship, except for Zhang Mengyu and Jia Nei, none of them is weaker than their lord. There are even several life forms at the peak of the eighth level.

"You all stay here, Ganesh and Makabaka come with me."

"Mr. Zhang, do your subordinates need us to arrange a lounge?" Augustus asked respectfully.

"No, they are all just my slaves, they are not worthy!"

"But." It's not bad that these people are Zhang Mengyu's slaves, but for them, they are still aloof existences that need to be looked up to.

Normally, when a living body above level six came to visit their cosmic empire, the ruler of the country always received it with very high etiquette. If there was a living body of level eight, wouldn't they have to kneel down to greet them?
"Huh?" Zhang Menglong gave them a look immediately, "Do you want to go to the guest house?"

"Hehehe, I think it's good to stay in this spaceship."

"That's right, the master also told us about other things, so there's no need to give us a guest house."

"Look, they don't want to go," Zhang Mengyu shrugged, "Why don't you go clean the spaceship?"

"Yes, we'll go right away!"

This scene left Augustus stunned. Zhang Mengyu was probably the only one who could command a group of advanced life forms to do tasks that robots like cleaning could replace.

"Please!" Augustus led the way.

As a fifth-level civilization, the daily cargo throughput is terrifying, so they dragged tens of thousands of large planets to this area in various ways, and connected them together to form an inseparable whole.

The batch of spaceships were parked at the entrance of the trading area. Of course, Augustus also had his own ideas. After all, people from nearby civilizations traded here. level civilization.

"My God, is this a battleship of the fifth-level peak civilization?"

"I just checked, this is the Interstellar Wanderer, the strongest fleet currently available on the market, and the price of a formation is at least tens of thousands of stars!"

"Doesn't the 100 pieces cost millions of stars? Even the fifth-level peak civilization may not be able to get it out?"

"When did their twin whale cosmic empire become so strong?"

"Did they hug some thighs?"

Merchants from other civilizations talked about each other, especially some merchants from the fifth-level medium civilization. They felt that they were superior from the bottom of their bones, but they had to restrain their arrogance when they saw this fleet.

In case there is any conflict, it may be a matter between two civilizations, it is not a joke.

"Sir, you are finally here!" The person in charge of handing over the goods bowed deeply to Zhang Mengyu, "This is the standard battle sequence for 100 interstellar wanderers, and all the test reports are here. You can check and accept it first. If there is a problem, we can transfer authority."

"God egg, leave it to you!"

"Dean, there is no problem with the system, you can sign for it."

"Okay!" Zhang Mengyu signed the contract, and all the authority of the battleship was transferred to Zhang Mengyu's artificial intelligence and Goudan took over.

"Sir, thank you for your support to our company, and hope to have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

"Of course!"

After sending them off, Augustus finally couldn't help asking curiously, "Mr. Zhang, what are you going to do with such a huge fleet?"

"Oh, our civilization may be invaded by a second-level civilization in the near future. I am relatively timid and lack a sense of security since I was a child, so I bought something for self-defense. This should not violate the regulations of our civilization, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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