I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 901 He is the master of our cosmic empire

Chapter 901 He is the master of our cosmic empire

"you you"

At this time, Katz's attention finally shifted to the person behind Zhang Mengyu.

In order not to scare others, Zhang Mengyu asked them to hide their aura, but because Makabaka couldn't bear it just now, their aura as a high-level life form was released all at once.

You know, Katz has seen Zhang Mengyu's power before. At that time, he summoned the power of a fifth-level life body and dismantled their spaceship to pieces with his bare hands. That gesture is still deeply imprinted on his mind. in mind.

But at this moment, he felt that Zhang Mengyu's strength at that time was too weak compared to this person, even like a drop of water in the vast ocean.

That devilish boy is a fifth-level life form!An existence stronger than their civilized lords, how powerful should this strong man be?

"Beyond the sixth-level life form!" A terrifying thought appeared in his mind. With such power, the level of life is definitely far beyond the level that the fifth-level life form should have.

Sixth-level life form!That is the power that can only be possessed by the master of a cosmic empire, and it is the pinnacle of the life level that countless beings in this universe want most!

Suddenly, he felt a chill from the depths of his soul.

If this is really a level [-] life form, then there is at least a level [-] civilization resource behind him!

Because no matter any living body has reached the level of a sixth-level living body, once it has been verified by the Cosmic Alliance, the Cosmic Alliance will give you a basic fifth-level civilization as your territory.

Their Durando civilization is only a small second-level civilization, even if the big brother behind them is a third-level civilization, it will be vulnerable to a fifth-level civilization.

But they are a small first-level civilization, why do they know the big figures of the fifth-level civilization!He doesn't understand!This is so unscientific!

And he just heard that the big man who looks like a sixth-level life form actually respects Zhang Mengyu incomparably!
This is like a human being bowing his knees to an ant, which has completely touched his blind spot of knowledge!

"Surprised, aren't you?" Zhang Meng smiled, "I'm afraid you will be scared to death when I say it. Among the more than 100 people behind me, except for this child, none of them have a life level lower than a sixth-level life body. Yours is an eighth-level life form!"

For Katz, time seemed to stand still in an instant. Aside from fear and remorse, he was actually proud. He was beaten by an eighth-level life body, but he didn't die. You Are you saying that you are awesome or not?
But it was a moment before he realized what it meant.

They came to a first-level civilization. They thought they could plunder and make a fortune, but this first-level civilization actually took them away.

Unconvinced, they got a fleet from their home planet, but they found a group of existences comparable to the masters of the universe empire.

He could almost predict what kind of ending they would face after their fleet arrived on Earth.

No wonder Zhang Menglong would ask him which planet they want to bury on. They don't even know if his clansmen can leave a complete corpse by then!

"Don't come! Don't come!" Now he can't wait to get a communicator to let the people on their home planet return immediately, don't even go back to the Durando civilization, and leave the Twin Whale Cosmic Empire immediately, it's getting better and better!
He Katz will be the biggest sinner in the history of their civilization!

"Calling, why didn't you call?" Zhang Meng smiled and said, "Didn't you just fight with me just now? Isn't your fleet coming soon? I'm so scared! I was so scared that I threw out a few drops of urine .”

The prisoners of the Durando civilization suddenly fell into silence.

If Zhang Mengyu is in a bad mood, then their warships will become dust in the universe. If Zhang Mengyu is in a better mood, the scale of this Jiangnan City High-Intelligence Civilization Zoo will be expanded by an unknown number of times, and it may even be transformed into a theme park.

You know, this group of earthlings are getting more and more excessive. At first, they just let them be watched by other earthlings. Later, they started to perform various performances. Later, they even derived various services, such as alien massage , Alien foot bath, alien barbecue, they are not used as human beings at all.

It is conceivable that when their number increases again, the business of this highly intelligent and civilized life zoo in Jiangnan City will become more and more abundant.

But now Katz is powerless, and he has no way to notify his civilized fleet, everything is so desperate.

"Taste your fear, child," Zhang Mengyu shook his head, "Come here!"

"Dean, what's the matter?" A student from the Super Seminary came up.

"This zoo is ready to expand!"

"Ah?" The student was stunned for a moment, "Dean, there are only so many Durando civilized people, how can we expand?"

"Don't worry, someone will come to give you the head right away. You can find a better designer to design it. It must be stylish and classy!"


"Mianyou, are you really sure?" Walking out of the zoo, Mr. Zhou and the others still looked worried.

Although Zhang Mengyu looked confident, their understanding of civilization was too little. For them, Durando, a second-level civilization, was already a colossus that was difficult to defeat.

Moreover, they have almost no understanding and cognition of the concept of advanced life forms.

"Can't you believe me?" Zhang Meng asked with a smile.

At this time, Qin Feng's communicator rang.

This is a thing the size of a mobile phone, but its transmission capacity and efficiency are very powerful, and the information from the lunar orbit can be synchronized to his communicator almost simultaneously.

"I'm Qin Feng, what's the matter?"

"Report to the commander-in-chief that a UFO has appeared near our moon base, but the battleship brought back by Academician Zhang has automatically activated, and now the UFO requests to communicate with us."

"Send me the image." Qin Feng ordered.

Soon, a clear picture appeared in front of their eyes. In the picture, there were several interstellar wanderer spacecraft that started the automatic cruise system driven by artificial intelligence, and directly opposite was another dark red private ship. spaceship.

"Hazy, isn't this the spaceship of the Durando civilization?" Qin Feng asked.

"It's not like," Zhang Mengyu said, "according to the size and length of this spaceship, it is at least a private spaceship above level [-] civilization, and their Durando civilization can't afford it."

The earth is not yet connected to the quantum network of the universe, and Zhang Mengyu can't find relevant information.

"Master, this is an elementary spaceship of a fifth-level civilization. The price is about 28 trillion universe coins. I have seen it before." A slave of a sixth-level life form said, "This is just an entry-level spaceship. It is estimated that It is the car of an ordinary sixth-level life form."

"Qin Feng, can you pass through the other party's communication information directly?"

"Wait a moment," Qin Feng said, "Technician, agree to the application for communication, and transmit the screen directly to me simultaneously!"

After several minutes of debugging, a picture finally appeared on the communicator.

This is a middle-aged man full of majesty, he is wearing gorgeous clothes, and when he sees the hazy face, the majestic expression is gone, replaced by a kind of care and flattery.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Zhang Mengyu?"

"Who are you?" Zhang Meng asked.

"Hi, I'm Ortiz, the ruler of the Twin Whale Cosmic Empire, and I'm here to visit you specially."

"Hazy, who is this?" Qin Feng asked, what twin whale cosmic empire?What king?It seems to be very powerful. "

"Oh, he is the master of our cosmic empire," Zhang Mengyu explained, "How should I put it, well, strictly speaking, the earth and the Milky Way are all his territories!

(End of this chapter)

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