Chapter 913

The Earth Planetary Council, representatives from all over the world are gathered here at this moment.

Although it is not the first time that human beings have come into contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, the previous two conflicts were almost all armed conflicts, but this time the other party came to visit with good intentions, which is completely different.

"What's the situation? You actually invited representatives from the Planetary Council from all over the world?"

"That is, is there anything important to announce?"

"There won't be any news of invaders from extraterrestrial civilizations?"

"No, the fleet brought by Academician Zhang Mengyu of Huaxia is enough for us to resist all kinds of powerful enemies."

"Oh, the representatives of the 12 leaders of the council are here!"

9 men and 3 women walked into the venue, and the whole venue fell silent. These are the 12 most powerful countries in the world. This kind of strength is not only reflected in the economy, but also in technology and military. .

The representative of Huaxia is Su Yi, a former diplomatic stalwart. He has great prestige in the Planetary Council, and many bills on extraterrestrial civilizations are promoted by him alone.

Although these 12 people seem to be very harmonious with each other, they can clearly see the emergence of two small groups, some of which are European and American countries, and the other part are Asian countries represented by China.

The 12 countries, in order to maintain a balance, have such a rule that each large-scale meeting needs to decide the organizing country through multiple elections.

This time the event was voted on and fell on the North American region with 8:4 votes.

The North American representative is called Seans. He is a middle-aged man in his 50s. He used to be a businessman. In those capitalist countries, many things can be bought with money, and then use various identities to help himself capital to seek more benefits.

Of course, every person who comes to power also represents the overall interests of a certain class. After all, there is not much water in the general election.

"Thank you very much for taking the opportunity out of your busy schedule to come to the Earth Planetary Council. Everyone must be very curious about the theme of this meeting." As the organizer, Seans walked to the rostrum very naturally.

Everyone is listening, because every time the council holds such a global meeting, there must be something important to announce.

"Everyone should know that not long ago, we have completed the quantum network, which means that our human civilization has entered the stage of the universe."

There was a round of applause at the meeting place. For every human being, this is indeed a very exciting news.

"For our joining, most civilizations in the universe have a friendly attitude. We have received a large number of visit applications from civilizations in the universe. I don't think any of you can guess this number."

"How many?"


"It should be more than that, I guess there may be ten."

"Don't be a fool, how many are there?"

"More than one hundred thousand!"

"Wow!" This astonishing number immediately caused a burst of exclamation.

There are only two civilizations that human beings have come into contact with so far. Now suddenly more than [-] civilizations are coming to visit the earth. Is this a joke?
"After discussion by the Planetary Council of the Earth, we will receive 10 of the civilizations in the first batch for exchange activities."

"I object!" Someone immediately questioned, "How do you ensure that these civilizations are all with good intentions? Please forgive me for being straightforward. So far, our communication with extraterrestrial civilizations is not a good thing."

"This is a very good question," Seans said with a smile, "At present, you should have seen how strong the fleet led by Professor Zhang Mengyu of Huaxia is. I think it must be because we have shown great strength, otherwise Do you think those civilizations are so hospitable?"

I have to say that Seans did have some ideas, and the purpose of those civilizations really made him guess a small part of it right.

"So after our vote, this time, our European and American member states will serve as representatives of the earth's human beings to welcome this group of guests from afar. We will have in-depth cultural exchanges with them, and all the knowledge we have obtained from extraterrestrial civilizations, We will open and share with all mankind."

"Shit!" Someone in the venue immediately cursed in a low voice, "If you get benefits, are you willing to share them with us?"

"Is it all shared or do you have the final say? At that time, you will make a fortune in silence and give us some information that is not painful. At that time, the gap between countries will only widen!"

"On this point, I suggest that Huaxia communicate on behalf of us humans. So far, Huaxia has the most understanding of them and the most contact with extraterrestrial civilizations."

"Yes! We will serve Huaxia and let Huaxia go!"

"We also hope that Huaxia can be the representative this time," Seans said with a smile, "but because this is the first exchange, we must be fully prepared. Huaxia will take responsible security actions to ensure this exchange. smoothly and safely.”

"Shame on me?"

"That is, let others do the tiring and dirty work, and you will reap the benefits there?"

Once again, some voices of doubt and opposition sounded from below.

"This is the final decision of our 12 council representatives. If you have any doubts, you can report it to the Earth Planet Council Center!"


At this time, the door of the venue was suddenly pushed open.

"When will it be your turn to decide the affairs of the earth?"

A young man in casual clothes walked in casually.

"Zhang Mengyu?" The smiles on the faces of Seans and others froze instantly, "What is he doing here?"

"Academician Zhang, today is the memory of our Planetary Council on Earth. It doesn't seem too good for you to appear here?"

"I don't think there's anything wrong with it," Zhang Mengyu walked to the rostrum, "The whole earth is my private property. I can go wherever I want and do whatever I want. Can you control me?"

"Academician Zhang, please pay attention to your words and deeds!" Seans was not completely intimidated by Zhang's hazy aura, "What do you mean by what you just said? The earth belongs to all of us, not to any individual, you If so, isn’t it more or less anti-human?”

"I'm sorry, because of your ignorance, so I forgive your impoliteness," Zhang Mengxiao said with a smile, "but in fact, this earth is indeed my personal property. If you are not convinced, you can ask the Cosmic Alliance reaction."

"Oh, by the way, maybe you don't know that all the planets in the universe belong to the Cosmic Alliance, but if you have money, you can buy them in your own name. Unfortunately, I have Bought the earth in the name of an individual."

"Is there such a thing?" Seans looked at the people around him, and the others were also in a daze. Obviously, they haven't studied the relevant content yet.

"Oh, you can log in to this system, which records every civilization included in the Cosmic Alliance and its affiliation."

Zhang Mengyu opened an interface, and then entered information related to the earth.

Sure enough, all the information about the earth appeared in this system, including the image of the earth, basic data, population, coordinate position on the cosmic map, and an introduction about the entire solar system.

They determined that what this planet describes is indeed the earth they live on!
And there is a row of information in the most conspicuous place of the earth information.

Civilization Level: Level [-] Elementary Civilization

Belonging to: Zhang Mengyu

In addition to the name, there is also a hazy photo message.

"This is the system of the Cosmic Alliance. If you think it is fake, you can verify it."

"To put it bluntly," Zhang Menglong pointed to the ground, "The moment I bought this planet, I, Zhang Menglong, had the final say!

(End of this chapter)

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