I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 926 They Are the Best

Chapter 926 They Are the Best
In the chaotic storm, the students of two super seminaries were confronting each other.

One of them was wrapped in a red breath flame, while the other was running around five beasts transformed from flames.

"Zhang Xin, you can use 10 times the power of your Kaiwang Fist. You can improve during this time!" A boy praised, "I remember that last semester, your Jiewang Fist could only use 8 times the power. double?"

"Brother, to be reasonable, you have already exchanged for five different fires. The power of these five rounds of Lihuo is comparable to a heaven-level fighting skill. Can you choose your flame creature carefully? What are you choosing a husky and a corgi? What do you mean? Taunt your opponent?"

"Hahaha, don't care about these details, let's continue!"

"it is good!"



The top ten of the 1 people are the ten strongest individuals selected by Ortiz this time. They are all the best elites trained by the Budo Association branch of the Twin Whales Universe Empire.

They carried the mission of the empire this time, and they were all full of confidence.

But at this moment, their self-confidence has been blown to pieces.

"What kind of martial arts secret book is this? I feel that his strength seems to have been increased by a special method, at least seven or eight times!"

"Seven or eight times? How is this possible? Even if it is doubled, it is at least a fifth-level martial arts cheat book."

"Look at the other person, his flames seem to be stellar flames, right?"

"This temperature is at least ten times higher than the flames of the stars! He actually fused five such flames into his body to create such a martial arts cheat!"

The elites of the two-whale cosmic empire were chattering about this match.

"Can you see their movements clearly?"

"I can't see clearly. Their movements are too fast, which has exceeded my motion capture limit." The answer was the most powerful of this group of elites.

He is the best student of Otiz, even a genius who is about to sprint to the sixth-level life body, but at the moment his forehead is covered with beads of sweat, as if he is suffering some kind of torture in his heart.

"It's really unbelievable that they are only fourth-level life forms, and they are indeed super elites cultivated by the Suntian School."

"Hehehe, we people really spoiled the word elite."

"If you play against them, what is your chance of winning?"

"Winning rate, fight? If you want my life, just say it!"

This battle lasted for half an hour, and the entire ground sank more than ten meters. In the end, Zhang Xin exhausted his physical strength ahead of time due to the side effect of Jiewangquan and lost.

Then, two other students came up again, one of them was a third-level life form, and the other was a fourth-level life form.

"Third-level life forms? All three-level life forms?" They can barely accept the fourth-level life forms, but the third-level life forms are already challenging the limits of their brains.

"Nimma, why did you meet a lunatic like you?" The fourth grader sweated on his forehead the moment he saw his opponent.

"The life energy of this third-level life form is only 29, and it doesn't look very good."

"Don't underestimate the people of the Ritian faction, maybe this is a monster. Didn't you just hear Mr. Zhang say that this is a trial? His opponent is a fourth-level life form. When this organization measures their life form level Please upgrade one level directly, thank you!"

"Quiet, let's start!"

"Hey!" The third-grade student smiled and put his finger on his heart.

Following a burst of red flames, his skin also turned dark red as if it had dried up, and his whole body seemed to be cooked.

"Eight-door Dunjia, dead door, open!"

At this moment, more than a hundred times the power exploded, and dense cracks spread in all directions.

"Oh my God! 120 times! His physical data has increased by 120 times!"

"His life body energy is almost approaching the sixth-level life body!"

"Nimma! Is this a monster?"

"Liu Lei, you open eight doors as soon as you come up? Are you not afraid of death? This is not waiting in the academy, are you?"

"Hey, I've extracted the Majin Buu's gene in the School of Biology, and fused part of it into my body. Although I don't have such a strong recovery ability as him, I have opened eight doors. At most, I just need to rest for a few days. .”

"Fuck! You're just crazy!"

"Senior, I heard that your virtual martial physique has also been upgraded to the level of a divine physique, come on, let's fight!"

"If I, a fourth-grade student, lose to you, wouldn't it be embarrassing? Just hit me, come on!"




"Mr. Zhang, are these cultivated by your Ritian faction?" Otiz's mouth could almost fit a potato.

When the young man named Liu Lei punched him just now, he might even have to put on a defensive posture. An ordinary fifth-level peak life body might die if he punched it!
"Well," Zhang Mengyu nodded, "They're all incompetent students, I'm making you laugh."

Otiz burst into tears and laughter. This is nothing. The [-] elites he selected are all rubbish?
"Mr. Zhang, your organization has spent a lot of effort in cultivating them, right?"

"It's okay," Zhang Mengyu said, "One person can only train for three to five years. It mainly depends on their own self-consciousness. These two people know that they only want to play at ordinary times, and they are only at this level. .”

"What?" The corner of Otiz's mouth twitched slightly, "Three to five years?"

Three to five years, for a martial arts practitioner, that is simply a flick of a finger!

The elites selected by their Twin Whale Cosmic Empire, even the youngest fifth-level life forms are all 10,000+ years old!

"Start life scan!"

"Drip: life age, 15 cosmic years."

"Drip: life age, 17 cosmic years."

"Really so young?" If it wasn't for the data from the detectors, he would even doubt his own perception. Is this a mass cultivation of monsters?

"Actually, you have nothing to be surprised about," Zhang Mengyu said, "They are all weak among those selected by our Ritian faction."

"Huh?" This sentence directly shocked Otiz for a whole year.

Such a person, no matter what civilization they get, is an absolute genius, and they even have to use all the resources of the entire civilization to cultivate them!
"Don't you know, our match is not a matching match, it's a wheel battle, do you understand?"

"Wheel battle?" Otiz immediately searched for these two words in the dictionary of the earth.

The so-called wheel battle means that when one person comes on stage, other people can go up if they are not convinced. If they win consecutively, they will get a place. If they lose, the winning person must win consecutively.

Although this method takes a long time, it can ensure that the selected people are the strongest. After all, the weak people go up first and will be eliminated soon.

"Mr. Zhang, how many people is this already?" Otiz asked cautiously.

"Let me take a look," Zhang Mengyu took out a schedule, "Now we have selected 38271 places."

"What?" Ottie was so frightened that he almost pissed out a few drops.

Doesn't this mean that before these two, there were more than 38000 people who were more powerful than them?
More than 38000 people are already so powerful, isn't it true that the few people in the front can fight with him, a sixth-level life form?

"Why? Don't you believe me?" Zhang Mengyu shouted, "Where are people? Come out!"

"What are you doing, Dean, we're playing a black game!"

"That's right, it's a team battle, what should I do if my teammates report me later?"

"This sparring is too boring."

"What nonsense?" Zhang Mengyu said angrily, "Show us the king of the universe empire your strength."

"so boring!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, the dean is starting to pretend again."

"Forget it, I will do my best to perform as I should cooperate with you."

"Fen Jue! The Three Mysterious Transformations of Heaven and Fire!"

"Rubber fruit, gear four!"

"Super Saiyan Level [-]!"





"Mage evolution!"

(End of this chapter)

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