I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 929 They seem to look down on us

Chapter 929 They seem to look down on us

"They are here!"

"White cloak, it says Sunday faction, that's right, it's them! People from the Sunday faction!"

"Hahahaha, there is only one fifth-level life form, and the rest are fourth-level life forms. It really didn't take much effort!"

Compared with the cities on the earth, this city has been beaten. According to Goudan's detection, the number of adventurers in the entire city exceeds 200 million, and they are all teleported to every corner of the city.

In fact, these people are from different civilizations to each other, but they seem to have established some kind of alliance and have some way of communicating with each other, and all of them are flocking towards the position of 127 of them.

Almost all of these people are carefully selected elites from various civilizations, and they are all at the peak life level of the fifth-level life body. The strong oppressive force is comparable to a shopping mall between civilizations.

"Dean, it's a bit lively."

"Tsk tsk tsk, I feel a little flattered to welcome us in such a way when we first meet!"

"Ah, there are so many people, I'm scared to death, what should we do, we won't be wiped out by the group?"

"My broadsword is thirsty."

Facing the siege of 10 people, they didn't have the slightest fear or panic.

"Double Whale Cosmic Empire? The Sun and Sky faction? I can't believe it!" A burly fifth-level peak life form came out of the crowd, "You can only get so much by being backed by a ninth-level life form." Quotas, so many places in your hands, it is a waste!"

"Which onion are you?" Zhang Menglong glanced at him.

"Helo Cosmic Empire, Carment!"

"Hero Cosmic Empire?"

"Good guy, it's really a narrow road to enemies. I heard from our lord that the Hilo Empire could get 8000 quotas because the people from the Twin Whales Universe Empire forcibly snatched half of the quotas from them."

"I also heard that the ruler of the Hilo universe empire was injured by their ninth-level life."

"What's more! That person from the Ritian School even extorted a sum of money from him, tens of thousands of star universe coins!"

"Really, this is almost a blood feud."

"This group of Ritian faction is miserable. I've heard of this Carment. He has already stepped into a sixth-level life form with half his foot. At most tens of thousands of years, he can become a real sixth-level life form." body, he is only 12 years old now."

"That's really a genius, I don't know if there is any hope of crossing this hurdle in this life!"

There were a lot of discussions around, and it seemed that this Carment was actually a little famous in the civilization of the universe.

In fact, in every civilized martial arts association, there is a place similar to an online martial arts arena. It can simulate all the information of a living body through artificial intelligence. If you compete here, the results will be shared with the entire universe. .

Among all the fifth-level life forms, as long as the name can be remembered, it is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

"Oh, from the Hilo Cosmic Empire," Zhang Mengyu said with a smile, "Is your lord okay?"

"Don't bother!" Zhang Mengyu's mocking tone made Carment very angry, "Our lord has confessed that if we meet you in the treasure house, we must treat you well, and it's fine if you keep a low profile , you are unlucky to meet me."

"Hey, why are you talking so much nonsense?" Zhang Mengyu shrugged, "Can you stop pushing me, what do you guys want?"

"Hand over all the luck flames on your body, and then commit suicide and exit the treasure house, maybe you can avoid some pain," Carment said, "Although dying here will not make you really die, the pain will still be [-]% One hundred reserved, we don't want to waste our energy, it's better not to let us do it ourselves."

"Yes, you only have more than 100 people, and we have at least a million people here. Do you think you have the ability to resist?"

"Hahaha, don't even think about running away. If this can make you run away, then it would be too useless for so many of us."

"Hey, where did you get your confidence and courage? Did we say we were going to run?"

"Maybe it was given by Liang Jingru."

"Listen, you have been surrounded by 127 of us, now hand over all valuables on your body, and then hand over your luck flames, put a green hat on yourself, we can not kick you out treasure house!"

"Md, Wu Yun'an, who told you to steal my lines?" Zhang Menglong kicked the young man's ass.

These words made everyone a little stunned.

What's the meaning?Don't they know where they are now? 127 people are against more than 100 million people. If there is no problem in their brains, their legs have already started to weaken. Listening to them, it seems that they are more than 100 million people who are at a disadvantage now?

"Since you are unwilling to accept my kindness, don't blame me." Carment walked out alone. "This is a matter of our Hilo Universe Empire, and no one should interfere!"

As the second-ranked civilization, the Hilo Cosmic Empire is still very majestic in the cosmic civilization. The elite fighters they selected are definitely the elite of the elite. Their face, others still have to give it to some extent.

As for winning or losing?A fifth-level medium life body, 126 life bodies, in fact, any fifth-level peak life body can be easily cleaned up, a difference in the level of a life body, that is a world of difference!

"Wait!" Zhang Mengyu raised a hand.

"Hmph!" Carment sneered, "Are you afraid? Then you'd better do what I tell you."

"Stupid, do you think you have horns on your head or a tail behind you? You deserve it too?" Zhang Mengyu hooked his hands at everyone, "I'm not targeting any of you, I want to say, everyone present, there is a Count it as one, all of them are spicy chicken, let's serve together!"

"Go together?"

"Hahahaha, it's just a joke."

"Are the people of the Ritian faction all brainless?"

"Do they think they are God of War? One will fight 1?"

"Alright, don't waste time, kill them directly, we still have to find the treasure in this treasure house!"

"Yes, as for those fires of luck, whoever kills them belongs to them, and no one is allowed to be jealous!"

"I have no opinion!"

More than 100 million fifth-level life forms surrounded them aggressively, and the whole ground seemed to be shaking.

"Knock on the sack of beans!" Zhang Mengyu stopped them again, "Give us a few minutes!"

"Are you still stalling for time? Even if all the [-] people of your Twin Whale Cosmic Empire are here, don't expect any of them to get out alive today!"

"Hahaha, so what if you give them a few minutes? Just to see if they have any last words."

"Then I'll give you five minutes!"

Everyone looked like they had the chance to win. After all, several million were against more than 100, and no one thought that they would lose.

"Which one of you will go?" Zhang Mengyu asked, "The higher the level of the flame of luck, the higher the credit reward I will give you!"

"I come!"

"Fuck, Liu Yang, you already have the most credits among us, don't compete with us!"

"That's right! I just exchanged my credits for a spiritual martial art a few days ago, and I'm so poor now, brothers, give it to me!"

"No, my brother will settle accounts, and I still have a lot of things I want to exchange!"

"Then let's guess punches?"

"Okay! Guess the punch! Whoever wins to the end will fight!"



"What are they doing?"

"Looks like punching?"

"I just heard them say whoever wins will fight with us."

"What? This is all going to be robbed?"

"They seem to look down on us a little bit."

"Be confident, delete the word "like", they just look down on us!"

(End of this chapter)

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