I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 936 Hello, comrades, you have worked hard!

Chapter 936 Hello, comrades, you have worked hard!

The last black warrior was besieged by a group of treasure hunters, and finally exhausted his energy and fell to the ground.

Of the 108 black warriors, one-third of them were destroyed by the treasure hunters on the peak list, and the rest were exhausted.

"It's a pity," Beirut poked the broken chest of the black warrior on the ground with a stick in his hand. A fifth-level energy spar was inlaid in the heart, but this spar had passed through hundreds of millions of years. The consumption has already become dim.

"Yeah," another well-known treasure hunter on the peak list glanced at these black warriors with a little regret, "These things are extremely powerful, even if a sixth-level elementary life body is entangled, there may be some troubles." , it would be great if we could take it for our own use.”

"I tried it," said another young man from the machine clan. The powerful technology of the machine clan transformed him into a half-human, half-machine body. He was the only one to pick a Darth Vader besides Beirut.

"Is there a way? The technology of your mechanical clan should be the best at analyzing this kind of thing."

"No," the young man in the mechanical group shook his head, "These black warriors are not pure machines, they are a combination of martial arts civilization and technological civilization. I haven't found any control programs on them. Like the fleet, it is driven by a very specific controller."

"That is to say, even if we get them, we can't use them anymore?"

"Yes, it's a pity, but that's the truth, unless we can find the control devices of these black warriors in the city," said the youth of the machine race, "but these things still have a lot of reference value for our civilization , it would be great if we could learn its craft and mass-produce it.”

"We're not interested in research," Beirut said. "Now that these black warriors have been dealt with, it's time for us to enter the city."

"I've done preliminary research," said the mechanical youth. "This is a relatively ancient defense device. It can withstand the full attack of a seventh-level peak life body. Most of the defense devices we use now are more or less They all borrowed its principle."

"A full-strength attack from a seventh-level living body?" Everyone showed desperate expressions.

If it is a full blow of a sixth-level life body, so many of them may be able to break it from quantitative transformation to qualitative change, but the destructive power of a seventh-level life body, even if their number is increased by ten times or a hundred times, it is still far away. unattainable.

They tried their best to solve the more than 100 black warriors, and many people were seriously injured or even killed by the black warriors and sent out of the treasure house. After finally having the opportunity to enter the treasure house, they encountered such an unsolvable problem.

"What a waste of time!" Beirut cursed in a low voice.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished yet!" The genius of the machine family laughed, "However, the defense power of this device is not unlimited, and its charging mode requires semi-manual work. Now this The city has been abandoned for so long, even if the internal energy is sufficient and no one maintains it, once the energy of this defensive device is exhausted, it cannot be activated again."

"You mean, we need to keep attacking to consume its energy?"

"That's right, that's what it means. I guess with so many of us, as long as we attack three or four cosmic suns in succession, it should be enough to exhaust the energy of this protective shield."

"That's good!"

This time they all carried a large amount of supplies, and they needed to replenish their energy for continuous fighting. In addition to the elixirs refined by alchemy, many scientific and technological medicines could also achieve similar effects.

The production difficulty of these high-tech medicines is much lower than that of alchemists. Of course, if those medicines are used too much, there will be some side effects on the body, but compared to these treasures that are close at hand, these Side effects are almost negligible.

"Have you heard that?" Beirut shouted, "As long as the remaining people can continue to fight, they will consume the energy of this defensive device with us."

"We will keep an eye on everyone, if someone steals and cheats, then don't blame us for being rude!"

None of the other treasure hunters dare to ignore the warnings of these people on the peak list. They know very well that any one of these people can be defeated by one enemy. If they really anger them, they may be killed directly. possible.

And for the treasures in these cities, it is not impossible to pay a small price.

"It seems that you all have no objections," Beirut smiled with satisfaction, "Very well, then we will divide into two groups, take over the attack, and the other group will rest and replenish while one group attacks."

"Mmp, it's so noisy, what are they doing?" In a valley not far away, Zhang Menglong was using his tablet computer to scan "Mischievous Kiss", when suddenly there were continuous explosions outside.

"Dean, they have already dealt with those puppets, and they should be attacking the city's defenses now. According to the strength of these people, it is estimated that they will attack continuously for about a week," Goudan said, " Dean, if you are in a hurry, a full blow from the seventh-level lifeform can blow it away."

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry," Zhang Mengyu shook his head, "It's obvious that other people can handle things that require me to consume my resources, then I'm thankful, let them toss, remember to call me when the energy is almost exhausted!"

"Bitch!" Goudan scolded in a low voice, but he still didn't dare to obey Zhang Menglong's orders.

In the past few days, Zhang Meng has finished brushing "Mischievous Kiss", "The Legend of Zhen Huan", "Bright Sword", "Deep Love and Rain", and almost forgot why he came here. Anyway, there is food and drink , Pretending to force this kind of thing, don't be in a hurry.

A week passed in the blink of an eye, and the mask on the periphery of Metal City had become extremely thin.

"Come on everyone, the energy of the shield is almost exhausted!"

"Everyone, let's concentrate on a final attack!"

A violent force surged out of Beirut, and the red light covered the stick of a quasi-level six martial arts weapon. The other geniuses around looked at it as a fright. They believed that if Beirut's stick hit them, they would not die. To shed a layer of skin!

"This guy is taking this opportunity to show off his power!" Those geniuses on the top list knew it very well.

Once this defensive device is breached, although he said "each according to his ability", in this place, fists are the last word, and whoever has the ability can take away the most treasures.

"Don't let him underestimate it!"

The others also used their most powerful attacks. Each of their peak strikes could even injure a relatively weak sixth-level life form!



The attacks of tens of thousands of people all hit one point, and with a violent shaking, dense cracks spread from that point of force to all directions.

A dazzling blue light turned into a ripple and spread out, and the entire defense seemed to completely die down.

"Hahahaha, broke!"

"The treasure is mine!"

"Dog thief! You can run faster than me!"

"Go away, don't be my way!"

At this moment, everyone showed their true colors and rushed towards the city where there was no longer any obstacle.

However, at this moment, a loud voice came from above their heads.

It was a crimson winged horse made of condensed fighting spirit, and a young man wearing a white cloak was standing on top of the red horse, and behind the white cloak were those two words that made countless people talk about it—— "Day and day"!
Zhang Menglong leaned over and waved his hands towards the bottom, "Hello, comrades, you have worked hard!"

(End of this chapter)

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