I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 939 This is the genius of the peak list?

Chapter 939 This is the genius of the peak list?

"Don't get carried away, this uncle will do it himself, this is already a great gift to you!" Sinoan is a person on the peak list, an ordinary fifth-level peak life body, even if there are hundreds of him. Can deal with it calmly, a fifth-level elementary life body, he can kill thousands of people with one punch.

The speed of a fifth-level peak life body has already far exceeded the speed of sound by many times, and many people have not even seen it clearly, and he has already appeared in front of Zhang Mengyu.

"This speed has already surpassed my dynamic visual capture ability!" Just now they were busy fighting with the black warrior, and this was the first time they could carefully watch the battle of a famous martial arts genius on the peak list.

"As expected of someone on the peak list, if it were me, I wouldn't be able to block a single punch."

"Hahaha, look, this guy named Zhang Menglong, he was so scared that he was stupid."

"We can't see Xinuoan's actions clearly, let alone he is a mere fifth-level elementary life form. I feel that Xinuoan is a bit self-deprecating when he makes a move himself."

"He deserves it. Can these people be provoked casually?"

"Everyone get ready, as soon as that Zhang Mengyu is dealt with, we will go immediately, as long as we grab a martial arts weapon, we will be victorious, and we will leave this city immediately!" A group of treasure hunters from the same cosmic empire whispered.

"Aren't we going in?"

"There are so many people there, how can these benefits come to us? If we can get a sixth-level martial arts weapon, even the king will reward us heavily."

"Makes sense!"

Everyone was staring at Zhang Mengyu, ready to move, but he stood there as if he was really frightened.

"A trash!" Xinuoan raised his fist and hit Zhang Mengyao's shoulder blades. Zhang Mengyong was not wearing any equipment. He was confident that this punch could directly smash his arm!

But everything went against his expectations. With this punch, he felt as if he had hit a heavy iron gate, and a piercing pain came from his fist.

That punch firmly hit Zhang Mengyao's shoulder blades, but not only did he not take half a step back, he didn't even shake his body.

"Gala!" Zhang Mengyu twisted his neck, "What's the matter? Didn't eat? You can't beat people, what kind of society are you messing with? Scrap me? Come, I'll give you another chance!"

"How is this possible?" Shinoan's face was full of shock. He did not use all his strength in that punch, but he already had [-] to [-]% of his strength. After this punch, an ordinary fifth-level peak life body would definitely Dead body on the spot!

"There must be some other treasure on him!" Xinuoan immediately attributed the reason to Zhang Mengyu.

"Okay, very good!" A strong cosmic source energy emerged from Sinoan's body, and this energy became almost visible to the naked eye, and condensed into an eight-meter-high phantom around his body.

"Xinuoan is serious?" Another genius on the top list showed a surprised expression, "This is a sixth-level martial arts secret skill. Although he can't use his full strength, it is said that he once challenged it in the virtual network. A sixth-level living body, relying on this secret technique, although he was killed by that sixth-level living body, the sixth-level living body was also seriously injured."

"I have fought against him before," Beirut said, "I heard that this martial arts secret skill is his teacher, a seventh-level life form learned from a fight against a cosmic murderer, after 10,000+ years of time transformation The last created one is very powerful, and I almost lost to him when I was matched with him."

"Brutal Beast Killing Fist!" A phantom of a gigantic ferocious beast accompanied by a tyrannical cosmic source energy moved towards Zhang Menglong, even the solid ground was stepped out by this ferocious beast One footprint after another.

"Dean, this person is really capable. If you people from the Super Seminary meet him like this, if you don't use all your strength, you may suffer a lot!"

"Fantasy!" Zhang Menglong took a step forward, and the aura on his body began to rise suddenly.

In terms of life body level, of course he is not as strong as this Xinuoan, but he has cheats. Although the life level is a little bit worse, he has learned a lot of body training exercises from the teachers of the Super Seminary.

What about the Great Sun Thunder Body, the Nirvana Golden Body, the secret of heaven and earth domineering, etc., even he himself doesn't know how powerful he is now just with pure physical strength.

"Dragon Fist!"

A roaring sound of a giant dragon erupted from Zhang Mengyu's body, and a golden dragon was shot out from his fist. That roaring sound directly caused Xinuoan's brutal beast killing fist to collapse in half!
"This is impossible!" Xinuoan panicked. This martial arts secret skill was learned by his teacher from the battle of cosmic beasts. It is almost invincible in his battles. How could it be directly wiped out by a roar? the power?

"Dragon! This voice is the voice of the most powerful beast race, the Dragon Clan!"

"This is at least an eighth-level martial arts secret book. Why can he use it with a fifth-level life body?"

"Xinoan is going to suffer!"

"Laozi's Dragon Fist is learned from Saiyans. Can you block a punch with this second skill?" Zhang Menglong really only learned it for a second. As long as Goudan copies it, he can completely Integrate this martial arts, ignoring the gap in realm.

The two phantoms collided together, and the savage beast phantom was shattered in an instant, and the golden dragon directly impacted on Xinuoan's chest. crashed into a mountain range.

The smoke and dust cleared away, revealing Sinoan's embarrassed figure. His clothes were ragged, and his specially-made battle suit, which was strong enough to withstand the full attack of ordinary fifth-level life forms, was almost shattered.

His chest was deeply sunken, thick blood was all over his body, and his limbs were all bent strangely. If it wasn't for the detection of some weak life energy, others would even think he was going to die.

"No, you can't do it before I contribute? That's it? This is the genius on the top list?" Zhang Menglong sneered, but Xinuoan couldn't say a word.

"We all underestimate him. His strength is far beyond what he showed!" Beirut looked at his energy detector solemnly, and the power of the punch just now was even stronger than him !
"This is the strength of the founder of Ritian School?"

"I'm afraid his strength is enough to compete with an ordinary sixth-level elementary life form!"

"Don't hold back, let's go together!"

At this moment, the remaining 11 geniuses on the top list, including Beirut, decided to unite. Seeing Sinoan's fate, if Zhang Mengyu was underestimated, it would be absolutely brain-dead behavior.

They simply displayed their most powerful martial arts secret skills directly.

"Everyone stay away!"

"They're all crazy!"

"The gods fight, this is not something we can mix in!"

11 geniuses on the peak list teamed up. Such an attack, even if it was just the aftermath, was not something these ordinary five-level peak life forms could bear.

"Hey, let's gang fight!" Zhang Menglong took a step back, raised his hands high above his head and flipped two flower hands, and then retracted his palms to his waist, "Ha! Beautiful! Ha! Beautiful! Ha!"

The blue light burned everyone's eyes like a star, and the power made everyone feel a fear from the heart.

"What kind of secret technique is this?"

"Eighth grade or ninth grade?"

"It's over, I've met a monster!" This was the last thought of the 11 peak geniuses.


A blue mushroom cloud with a diameter of hundreds of meters enveloped the entire periphery of the city. The violent airflow caused those weak treasure hunters to vomit blood and scream. At the center of the explosion, a large pit with a diameter of 200 meters was clearly visible. visible.

Those 11 geniuses had already been lying on the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

"Cut!" Zhang Mengyu spat on the ground, "There is no one who can hit!"

(End of this chapter)

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