I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 941 Please pay 1 for the protection fee

Chapter 941 Please pay the protection fee
As long as there are enough energy spars and star cores, Zhang Mengyu can have a super army consisting of a million people. In the entire universe, which civilization can get an army with 100 million life forms above level [-]?
If the Juda civilization at that time was given some more time, maybe history would be rewritten, and it would not be them who were destroyed, but the invaders who besieged them.

"Fortunately, there is a super seminary, otherwise it would be really hard to take this thing out!" Zhang Menglong waved his hand, and the entire army of one million people plus various supply configurations all entered the space of the super seminary.

Zhang Mengyu is like a bandit, no grass grows in the places he passes by, and there are also armor weapons for these 100 million puppets and energy spars that are enough for them to use their full power for a long time. There are only a lot of energy spars in it!
"Dean, someone is coming towards the city!" Goudan suddenly informed Zhang Mengyu.

"Oh? Is it another treasure hunter?" Zhang Mengyu asked. Although he didn't know how big the entire treasure space was, it's not uncommon for such a conspicuous city to be noticed by others. "Directly activate the automatic defense Function, even if they fight for several years, they will not be able to get in."

The reason why those treasure hunters were able to open the city just now was because the city's defense system could not be recharged on its own. Now that it is guarded by dogs, it is like an absolute defense.

"It seems to be the group of people just now."

"Are they coming back?" Zhang Mengyu sneered, "Do they think the fire above their heads is too hot and want to turn it green?"

"It seems not," Goudan said, "The distance is too far, I have no way to detect the specific situation, but they came back much faster than when they left, and they were very chaotic. I suspect that something may be chasing them. "

"Oh? Go out and have a look." Zhang Menglong left the underground warehouse and returned to the ground, strolling to the top of the city wall.

At this time, the first group of treasure hunters had already arrived at the gate of the city. They glanced at the reawakened protective shield, and immediately showed helpless eyes, but when they saw the hazy Zhang on the city wall again, there was a gleam in their eyes. The fire of hope flickered again.

"Didn't I tell you to leave? What are you doing back here?"

Zhang Menglong snapped his fingers, and all the densely packed weapons on the city wall were aimed at those people.

These weapons are top-level battleship-level weapons, even for level [-] or even level [-] life forms, they will have a certain lethality, and these treasure hunters at the top of level [-] will probably die if they are hit by a single shot.

"Mr. Zhang, help!" The group of treasure hunters suddenly burst into tears towards Zhang Mengyu.

"What's the situation?" Zhang Mengyu was also taken aback for a moment.

Only then did he notice that all of these treasure hunters were unkempt, and some even had blood on their bodies.

These wounds were not caused by him, they looked like some kind of creature's sharp claws he left on them, even the inner armor on their bodies was torn apart by this unknown creature, revealing deep bones Wound.

"What kind of cosmic beast did you encounter?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

He also heard from other people just now that the master of Zhouda civilization caught a lot of fierce beasts to protect these treasures when he created this treasure hunting space.

After losing the natural enemies like humans, this place has almost become a paradise for cosmic beasts and their subspecies. Countless beasts are scattered in every corner of the treasure house. The weak ones may only be at the level of three or four life forms. The most common It is the fierce beast of the fifth level of life.

If you are unlucky, it is not impossible to meet the seventh and eighth levels.

These ordinary civilization treasure hunters probably would have been terrified to encounter a fifth-level cosmic beast, and the wounds on their bodies were probably left by them.

"It's not one or two, it's a group, a very large group!" A treasure hunter said excitedly, "We originally planned to try our luck in the nearby beast lairs. The predecessors before our civilization left many beast lairs. mark."

"Yeah." Zhang Mengyu nodded irrefutably. In fact, Ortiz also gave him such a thing, which recorded many dangerous places, areas that have been explored and some creatures' entrenched places. I lost it without looking at it.

"But just now, a large group of ferocious beasts suddenly appeared in that direction. We couldn't tell whether it was tens of millions or hundreds of millions of beasts that couldn't be seen at a glance. Moreover, many life forms above level six were detected. Reactions, it seems like they are doing some kind of migratory action."

"Oh? Could it be that spring is here, everything is revived, the air is full of hormones, and it's time for animals to reproduce and mate again?" Zhang Menglong suddenly remembered the most classic opening line of "Animal World".

"Mr. Zhang, there is no place to hide around here. We have been chased for several cosmic times, and it is too late to recover our strength. I hope you will allow us to hide in the city. As soon as the beast tide is over, we will leave immediately. "

At this time, several groups of treasure hunters appeared, and they were also in a panic.

More and more people gathered in front of the city, even more than before, as if all the treasure hunters around were driven to this direction by the beast tide.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, Zhang Mengyu felt the ground trembling slightly, as if thousands of troops were galloping towards this direction, and a huge black shadow appeared on the other side of the sky, and he knew it at a glance. The beast hordes not only run on the ground, but also fly in the sky. Even if he can fly with fighting spirit, facing such a large army, it may be very dangerous.

"Good guy, come on!" Zhang Mengyu was also a little nervous, "God, can you see the scale of this beast horde?"

"I can only see a part of it, and the rest is beyond my detection range," Goudan said, "Within my detection range, there are at least hundreds of billions of beast hordes, most of which are four or five levels The level of life forms, six life forms accounted for about 200/5, there were more than [-] level seven life forms, and five beasts at the level of eight life forms.

"Fuck! Why are you doing demolition?" Even Zhang Menglong was shocked by this terrifying lineup. The most terrible thing is that these are not all of the entire beast horde, maybe they are just the entire army of the beast horde. One-tenth or even one-hundredth, he couldn't even imagine.

"God, can this city withstand it?"

"No problem," Goudan said, "The current basic mode of the knowledge defense system, if it is turned on to the maximum power, even the impact of an eighth-level life form can be blocked, but the energy consumption will only increase exponentially. I suggest turning it on Energy saving mode."

"It's good if you can stop it." Zhang Mengyu nodded.

"Dean, those people."

"Let them in, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda," Zhang Mengyu said, "Why the hell are there still a few bastards from the Super Seminary? How embarrassing, it's really embarrassing to me!"

"Stunned, the dean would actually save someone," Goudan was surprised. According to Zhang Menglong's normal behavior, shouldn't he fall into the stone?How could it be so kind?

Nearly 200 million people poured into the city, and the beast horde finally revealed its tip of the iceberg. It was so dark that it felt suffocating.

Everyone held their breath. In fact, they didn't know if the city could withstand the impact of the beast tide.

But they were lucky, the fierce beasts hit the protective cover one after another, and although there were ripples like water waves, the city was still as solid as gold.

Seeing this result, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang!" This was Galles who was the first to find the city, "Thank you for helping us regardless of past suspicions."

"Mr. Zhang, after the end, we will definitely tell our lord."

"Mr. Zhang, what happened just now is our fault, we apologize to you."

"Hey, that's enough, why are you being so polite?" Zhang Mengyu looked flattered, "Ah, how can I be so noble, I didn't say that I saved you for nothing, please pay the protection fee one pay."

(End of this chapter)

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