I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 972 Central Control System

Chapter 972 Central Control System
"You guys, should you just hand over what should be handed over, or should I go through a standard process and force you to hand it over?" Zhang Mengyu took the Illusory God Crystal in, and looked at the two with friendly eyes. The remaining treasure hunters of a civilization.

What does "follow the process" mean? Naturally, they are familiar with it. According to word of mouth from other treasure hunters, the people of the Ritian Sect rob money and sex, but they don't want to die. If they resist, they will inevitably suffer a lot of flesh and blood. .

Anyway, the end result is that they were robbed so much that they didn't even have any pants left, so why were they still beaten?Since you can't resist, enjoy it.

"Mr. Zhang, we are willing to hand over all the gains in the treasure hunting space." Several people discussed it, and decided to admit it directly, at worst, continue to develop in another place. This treasure hunting space is so big, there is always a place for them to mess around eat.

"It's not enough!" Zhang Mengyu said, "What I want is everything on your body, except for your underpants, you can't keep anything!"

"You guys, collect the money, use the payment code sent by us!" Zhang Mengyu ordered, "I will count all the other trophies!"

"Yes~~", the student of Super Seminary said weakly.

"The dean is a real dog. The payment code of the Ritian School is obviously his personal first payment code of the Universe Bank."

"That's right, they are black-hearted capitalists who prostitute our labor every day."

"There are more than 1 people. When will the collection of money be counted?"

"Why don't you give us a year-end bonus or something?"

"What are you ink stains on?" Zhang Menglong patted each of them's buttocks, "Don't think I don't know, you are all very rich now, and you have already robbed a lot of people, right?"

"Hey, not much, not much, just hundreds of trillions of universe coins."

"One million points, one hundred million points, can't compare with you, the dean!"

"Hey, it's a pity that such a good city has been destroyed like this!" Zhang Menglong looked at the large piece of ruins, "It is still necessary to clean up the battlefield."

But at this time, the students of Super Theological Seminary are busy robbing, and he can only do it himself.

"Come out, Phantom Star Beast!"

With a roar, the phantom star beast crawled out of the void again.

"Phantom Star Beast is out again!"

"What is he going to do again?" Seeing this scene, all the treasure hunters were ashamed of fright.

"Look, why hasn't his vitality been consumed at all?" A treasure hunter from the Noah civilization looked at Zhang Mengyu in puzzlement. Just now, Zia only summoned it for two seconds, and it seemed to have directly changed into an old man. , but Zhang Menglong is still in his prime.

"Either there is endless vitality in him, or the speed at which the vitality is generated in his body is far faster than the speed at which the phantom star beast consumes vitality!" Anyway, no matter which one it is, it is already within their comprehension Beyond power.

"Majin Buu's ability is really easy to use!" Zhang Mengyu felt the almost undiminished vitality in your body, and this phantom star beast will be his free thug in the future.

The Phantom Star Beast looked left and right, as if looking for who summoned him this time, but when he saw Zhang Menglong, panic appeared in his eyes.

But because Zhang Menglong was the summoner this time, it couldn't disobey Zhang Menglong's call, otherwise it wanted to run back immediately.

"Don't be afraid, dear, I won't beat you up this time!" Zhang Mengyu pointed to the ruins and said, "Help me clean up those things!"

"I'll go! He actually uses phantom star beasts to clean? Did he make a mistake!"

"Excuse me, our vision is narrow."

"It's because I'm out of shape."

I have to say that they are indeed treasure hunters from the two most powerful civilizations in the universe. Their harvest is much richer than others. Over the past few months, more than half of the people's luck has turned from yellow to yellow. It has been upgraded to orange, especially those sixth-level life forms, and the fire of luck has reached red.

It can be seen from this that whether it is the materials and wealth they searched from other civilizations or their gains in the treasure hunting space, there are a lot of them.

Not only that, because of their strong background, each of them carries a huge sum of money, the least is tens of trillions of universe coins, and the most Zia has reached 12 stars, even compared to their twin whale universe empire. The Lord has money.

After counting, there are tens of thousands of stars in cash alone, more than 2100 million five-level energy spars, thousands of star cores, and a large amount of other materials.

"Ah, perfect!" Zhang Menglong patted the ashes on his hands.

The original beautiful words "Hino City" on the city wall have become the flamboyant "Sunday Chain Base Hotel No. 3 Store", and a brand new price tag is also hung on the wall.

"Everyone, if you go into the city, line up. For those who want to apply for a card, today's No. 20 store celebrates, and you will get an extra [-]% recharge! Multiple stores are applicable!"

"Damn! Are they robbing? It's darker than those people from the Hilo Universe Empire and the Noah Universe Empire?"

"Hush, keep your voice down, don't let them hear you, you are stronger than others, do we have a choice?"

"This activity isn't very interesting, it's not a challenge at all!" Zhang Menglong walked on a grassland.

Unknowingly, two cosmic years have passed in the treasure hunting space, and his Sun-Tian base hotel chain has now opened 27 branches in the ground, and almost the entire large city in the treasure hunting space has been occupied by him.

Although he didn't train deliberately, in the past two years, Zhang Mengyu's life body level has also been raised to the peak of the fifth-level life body. If he goes further, he will also have eternal life like those ancient existences.

This year, he is only less than 30 years old.

The Rolling Ball Beast on his shoulder is still the same, but with Zhang Mengyu Meitian eating and drinking spicy food, what he eats every day is the meat of a seventh-level life form or even an eighth-level life form beast. Is this a joke? ?Now it can evolve into a complete mechanical tyrannosaurus, and it can even fight some ordinary seventh-level life forms.

"Dean, someone is looking for you!"

"Maxi Maxi?" Zhang Menglong connected the communication application.

"Dean, it's me, Liu Yunyi."

As the second student of the Super Seminary, Liu Yunyi is now a fifth-level peak life body, and even because of his hard training, his genetic level is higher than that of Zhang Mengyu.

Of course, because there is no hacker like Zhang Mengyu that directly copies skills, everything needs to be practiced hard by oneself, ten of them are not Zhang Mengyu's opponent.

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"We found a huge underwater tower!"

"Okay, I'll call someone to build the 28th branch right away!" Zhang Mengyu thought he had found another new city.

"Dean, this giant tower is a bit different. I suspect it is the central system that controls the entire treasure hunting space."

"Oh?" Hearing the news, Zhang Menglong became very interested.

If this is really the central system that controls the entire treasure hunting space, then if he can handle it, wouldn't all the things in the entire Zhouda Universe Empire belong to him?
"Tell me in detail!"

"This tower has a total of nine floors. The artificial intelligence controlling this tower will test the entrants on each floor. You need to defeat a beast it arranges for you. As long as you defeat it, you can enter the next floor, and You can also get rich rewards.”

"Have you gone in yet?"

"Well, I went in," Liu Yunyi replied, "I broke into the seventh floor. According to this artificial intelligence, if I break into the ninth floor, I have a chance to become the successor of Zhouda civilization, so I think this thing must Control the entire treasure hunting space."

"I understand, share the location with me, and I'll come right away!"

(End of this chapter)

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