I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 984 He Is That Man's Descendant

Chapter 984 He Is That Man's Descendant

"Save us? What do you mean?" Hippomos said solemnly.

"Actually, I don't have to make a move," Aria said with a smile, "but you have to bear the consequences yourself. I don't have any feelings for you guys, but if you guys die, There will be a lot of turmoil in this cosmic civilization, and I don't want to live in chaos every day."

"Do you think we're going to die?" When these words came from someone else, Hippomos must be sure that the other party was talking nonsense, but this sentence came from Aria, so he couldn't help but pay attention to it .

In their eyes, Aria is a very cold woman who rarely even talks, let alone jokes, and the jokes are not funny at all.

"Before we dealt with him, we couldn't even find out his background, and we don't know how you people have survived until now." Aria said in a contemptuous tone.

Of course, Hipomos has investigated Zhang Mengyu. Ever since Zhang Mengyu shook the civilization of the entire universe in the quota allocation venue, I don’t know how many people have started to inquire about his background. How can a person who can drive ninth-level life forms as slaves? May be obscurity before this?
But no matter how they investigate, the final result is that he is only a first-level civilization from the Twin Whale Cosmic Empire. Other than that, there is no special information, as if many things were conjured out of thin air.

"You know his background?" Hippomus asked.

Aria showed a sly smile, and said in a voice that only Hippomos could hear, "Actually, it doesn't matter if I tell you, he is the offspring of that man!"

"That man? That man!" At this moment, Hippomos' body trembled with extreme fear. This kind of fear penetrated deep into the bone marrow and deep into the soul, and it was a haze that he could never erase in his entire life.

"Sippomos, what are you still doing? Kill him quickly, we can't hold on any longer!"

Although six to one, those ninth-level life forms still fell into a disadvantage under Xiao Hei's terrifying power, and some of them were even injured.

"Kill a fart, we can't kill him! Stop it!"

"What are you talking about? It's already this time, stop?" Those ninth-level life forms said unwillingly. Now that things are up to now, they should kill Zhang Mengyu directly to avoid future troubles. "

"Aria has already said, he will not stop you in this matter, what are you afraid of?"

"Hurry up!"

"Enough!" Hippomos roared, "He is a descendant of Zhang Kai!"

"What did you say?" The six people blurted out almost at the same time when they heard the name. The huge shock even made them forget that they were in an extremely dangerous battle, and one of them immediately took Xiao Hei's fist hard.

"My ancestor's name is so resounding? Does it also have a dizzy effect?" Zhang Menglong didn't expect that the mere words would make these ninth-level life forms lose their composure.

The six people lay on the ground with blank eyes. Although Xiao Hei had caused serious physical trauma to them, compared to the mental shock, this physical attack was far worse.

Back then, Zhang Kai was unruly and unruly, and he never followed the rules. Including Hippomus, all seven of them were taught by Zhang Kai.

Zhang Kai once challenged the peak list of the Cosmic Martial Arts Association. In a few days, with a 100% winning rate, he directly reached the top of the peak list of the eighth-level life form.

The first ones who couldn't stand it were the high-level members of the Universal Martial Arts Association. Although their names did not appear on the peak list, their combat effectiveness was even higher than those on the peak list.

But there is no doubt that they lost again, and finally even forced out Zog, the president of the association.

However, in that battle, Zog was easily defeated. Even Zhang Kai didn't even move his body from the beginning to the end.

The president of the largest martial arts association in the universe, that's it?

Later, it was a duel between civilizations. Zhang Kai liked to taste the delicacies of various civilizations in the universe. When he was enjoying food in a civilization, he happened to catch up with a Noah universe empire and The battle of this civilization.

Zhang Kai didn't bother to understand why the two civilizations were at war, but he didn't care about it, but the people from the Noah Universe Empire interrupted his cooking, which is a capital offense!
He suffered from food rage, and in a fit of rage, he directly destroyed the entire fleet sent by the Noah Universe Empire at that time, and even captured the commander-in-chief of the fleet at that time.

This incident directly alarmed Hippomos. The fleet of their Noah Cosmos Empire was killed, and the commander-in-chief was arrested. This is almost equivalent to slapping him in the face!

He rushed to the civilized dignitary in person immediately.

This happened to hit Zhang Kai's muzzle again, and the end was naturally predictable.

As for the conflict between Zhang Kai and the bodyguard of the president of the Universe Bank, Siladim, it started when Zhang Kai developed a powerful economic model. He developed a huge economy in just a few hundred years. Although the system is still a thousand miles away from the universe bank in scale, it has been paid attention to by the people of the universe bank.

If this trend continues, in at most another 2000 years, this organization will completely replace the Universal Bank and become the most powerful economy in the entire universe. How can the people of the Universal Bank tolerate this happening?
At the beginning, they wanted to use a soft policy, hoping that Zhang Kai could join Universe Galaxy, and even promised a high percentage of shares, but Zhang Kai didn't like that share at all, so he refused it politely.

But the other shareholders of Cosmos Galaxy are not happy. Since the soft ones are not enough, they can only come hard.

Siladim is a ninth-level life form cultivated by their universe bank with countless financial and material resources. Although his life level is far above the power of the universe bank, his loyalty still allows him to serve the universe bank all the time , and this time his goal is to assassinate Zhang Kai, as long as he dies, the economic organization will be defeated.

Undoubtedly, this time the operation failed again. Siladim was beaten into a dead dog, and then hung up at the gate of the headquarters of the Universe Bank.

The remaining few people also had conflicts with Zhang Kai for various reasons. Although they all saved their lives, they ended up worse than the other.

Later, after more than 2000 years, Zhang Kai never appeared again. They thought that the man had completely disappeared. At this moment, they remembered the fear of being only worthy of that man.

Now they finally understood why Zhang Menglong was only a level five peak life form, but he could chase after level six life forms, and even cultivated a group of freaks like him.

They also know why this Ritian faction is so rich and has so many capable people, and can even cultivate a ninth-level life form and use it freely.

Behind all of this is just because he has a monster-like elder. His elder used hundreds of years to conquer the entire universe, conquered the entire universe with his own talent, and left own name.

They only knew that Zhang Kai was missing, but they were never sure if he was dead, because in their view, the death of such a person was even more difficult than the destruction of the universe.

If he didn't die, once they moved Zhang Menglong, the consequences.
That must be very scary, right?

(End of this chapter)

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