I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 986 I want to practice 1 time

Chapter 986 I want to practice

"Boss, all the asset transfers have been completed. Now you have a total of 20 level 90 civilizations under your name. The ratio of level 7 elementary, level 2 intermediate, level 1 advanced and level [-] peak civilization is [-]:[-]: [-]:[-]."

"The equity ratio of the Universal Martial Arts Association you own has increased from 50% to 75%."

"Your Universe Bank funds balance has increased by 2%."

Gousheng took the initiative to take over the job instead of Goudan as soon as he took office. He only now knows how awesome his new master is. A large part of the assets in the universe have already been in his hands. The astronomical cosmic coin compensation only increased his deposit balance by 2%!

"Hey, you guys, be happy, why do you look like your parents are dead? You gave it to me voluntarily, and I didn't force you!" Zhang Menglong accepted the benefits, still saying nothing.

Is it because of you that you are forced? Do you not have any compulsion in your heart?You even moved out the name of your ancestors, do we dare to be submissive?

Still happy, how does this make them happy?All the assets have been picked up layer by layer by others. This is their accumulation for hundreds of millions of years. Is this different from dead parents?

"Mr. Zhang, look, we have given you what we should pay for this compensation, and we have promised you what we should promise you. Can we leave now?"

"Okay, I won't make it difficult for you. You go back to your respective houses and find your own mothers. Are you smarter in doing things in the future?" Zhang Menglong taught in an old-fashioned way.

But now there is only one wish left in their hearts, and they hope that they will never meet this Zhang family again in this life!

No, they took another look at the students of the Super Seminary, and it is best not to meet anyone who is related to them.

Suddenly, a black-purple spaceship landed on the planet left over from the Juda civilization, and a person wearing some kind of armor jumped off the spaceship.

Zhang's dim eyes lingered on that person for a long time, there was no other reason, but because he had a very strong smell of blood, which was even stronger than anyone he had ever seen.

This does not necessarily mean that this person has killed a lot, because he is only a seventh-level life form. In terms of killing, which of the nine-level life forms present has not come out of the mountain of corpses and blood, and he must have killed more people than him.

This bloody smell can only be tainted in a place full of killings for a long time.

Zhang Mengyu also noticed that the spaceship this person was traveling on was a military spaceship used by a fifth-level peak civilization, but the combat capability of this type of spaceship was not strong. Its most powerful feature was its extremely fast speed. All super private spaceships are ranked first.

Generally, it is used when delivering important news in war.

From this point of view, everything fits together, and the smell of blood on this person must have come from the battlefield.

But this is even more strange, even in the war between the most advanced fifth-level civilizations, the main living forces are third-level and fourth-level life forms.

The fifth-level life forms are almost all captains or elites. As commanders, they rarely take part in battles in person. Such people will smell blood, but it will definitely not be so strong.

As for the seventh-level living body, it is the master of a cosmic empire. Even in the top five peak civilizations, it is still a figure like a legion commander. Their general task is to compete with the opponent's same-level figures.

Those who can have such a strong smell of blood must be soldiers sprinting at the forefront!
A seventh-level life form rushing to the forefront as a soldier in a war?This is a little bit overkill, right?

"Ao Ze? How did you come here?" The seven nine-level life forms seemed to know this person.

The person named Ao Ze glanced at Zhang Menglong, not knowing whether to say or not.

"Go ahead," said Hippomus.

"My lords, it's an urgent matter again," Ozer said, "I have no way to contact you, so I came here directly."

The few of them were being beaten just now, and they really didn't have time to pay attention to any outside information.

"Did something happen on the outer battlefield?"

"Yes," Aoze said solemnly, "The collision of parallel worlds has intensified, and several cosmic invaders have appeared on our battlefield. The number of our soldiers has died, and it is difficult to hold on now. We A batch of fresh blood is needed."

"So fast?" Zog said, "Didn't the last batch of display fighters be added just 100 cosmic years ago? Usually, every time we add new people, it shouldn't be a problem to support two or three hundred cosmic years."

"Yes, but this time the pressure we are facing has increased several times at once, and the number of soldiers falling every day is also very large, so I have no choice"

"How many people are needed?"

"At least 100 million sixth-level life forms!"

"One million, you go back first, we will find a way as soon as possible!"

The soldier named Ao Ze left, but it brought a thick haze to the seven ninth-level life forms. They all looked sad, and even looked like dead parents compared to just now.

"What happened?" Zhang Mengyu asked, "I seem to have heard some out-of-bounds battlefield just now, where is that?"

Several people exchanged glances with each other, and finally decided to tell Zhang Mengyu.

"Zog, you've been there the longest, tell me."

"That's a Shura field!" Zog said, "You should know that in our research on time and space, there has always been a concept of a parallel world, but it has not been confirmed so far, but I want to say The thing is, it’s not a theory, it’s been proven to exist 2400 million years ago.”

Zhang Mengyu is not surprised by this information at all. The existence of the Super Seminary has already proved this point. Not only are there parallel worlds, but these parallel worlds are also divided into high, high, and low grades. The universe they live in is just a Just the lower world.

"These worlds are very similar to ours. Some are very pure martial arts development systems, some are very pure scientific systems, and there are even some worlds that are only filled with beasts and life forms that we don't understand. Our world is similar to theirs. simultaneously exist."

"Under normal circumstances, there should be no intersection between us and those worlds, but one day 2400 million years ago, for some reason, we had contact and collision with another world, and a converging space-time appeared between the two worlds. , do you know what that means?"


"That's right," Zog said, "That's a world with a different culture and worldview from ours. We can't communicate with them, and it seems that their world has a serious shortage of resources and space due to over-breeding, so there is no Before long, we have a war, and that overlapping area is the out-of-bounds battlefield."

Hippomos added, "But later, this collision of worlds became more and more serious, and we came into contact with more and more worlds, and some worlds with self-defense beliefs, we formed alliances, and everyone resisted Invasion from other worlds, while supporting each other and protecting each other.”

"Those intruders are strong?"

"It's very powerful!" Zog said. "On the battlefield outside the boundary, a fifth-level life form is not even considered cannon fodder. Only a life form above level [-] is eligible to serve as a soldier."

"Wuhu, it's interesting!" Zhang Menglong's eyes lit up. He's had enough of pretending to be coercive on earth, and he's tired of being cosmic in cosmic civilization. Now there's a new map!

"I just heard him say that you need to add new blood, are you short of people? There is no other purpose, the main reason is to go to the battlefield to experience it."

(End of this chapter)

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