I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 989 There are still 666 people who hang like this

Chapter 989 There are still 666 people who hang like this

"What is the legend of the soldier king?" Goudan was puzzled.

"Let you read novels more often, don't keep watching those useless live broadcasts, dominate the battlefield, your own people will worship after hearing it, and the enemy will be scared to pee after hearing it, how handsome is it?"

"Dean, you are almost 30 years old, why are you still so naive?" Goudan couldn't help but rolled his eyes, but his pretentious behavior seemed to be something engraved in Zhang Menglong's family's DNA, Goudan It's no surprise.

"A man is a teenager until he dies, you know nothing!" Zhang Mengyu complained.

"Sir, let's get started, how do we select?" Some people in the crowd couldn't hold back anymore.

Sinok walked to the side of an instrument and patted it casually, "Did you see these together? This is our latest strength and speed testing instrument. The requirements are very simple, as long as your strength and speed values ​​exceed 100 , you can obtain service qualifications, do you understand?"

"So simple?"

"I thought there were so many of us in a ring or something."

"This thing looks so fragile, won't it be broken by our punch?"

Hearing this simple request, everyone suddenly felt that this exam seemed a little watery. Everyone was selected from various cosmic empires. They were very confident in their own strength and speed, and the number 100 sounded like it was too much. It's not that hard.

"You can use the greatest strength, and you can use the martial arts skills you have learned arbitrarily, and there is no limit to the form, fists, legs, and cosmic energy!" Sinok said.

"According to the serial numbers you got, for every group of 10 people, those who pass go directly to the spaceship behind me, and those who don't pass go directly back! Start now!"

"The first group! Get ready!"

"Sinus, come on!"

"Jetto, you are the strongest in our civilization, you can definitely do it!"

People still in the waiting area cheered for their companions.

"Strength test, start!"


A series of powerful impact sounds echoed throughout the square. Everyone looked at the display on the instrument, but the final result almost dropped their jaws in shock.

In the first group of 10 people, no one typed a number exceeding 100, and even the highest number was only a pitiful 68!As for the lowest number, only 27!


"How can it be so low?"

"Sinus is the strongest among the fifth-level lifeforms in our civilization. He can even hit twice the strength of ordinary fifth-level peak lifeforms. How can it be possible that he doesn't even have 60 points?"

"He can't do it, so we can't even reach 50 points?"

"Is there something wrong with this instrument?"

"I have already used a fifth-level martial arts secret skill, how can I only get this little score?"

But for this result, Sinok was not even surprised at all. He shook his head and said to himself, "The people selected by the fifth-level elementary civilization are only at this level. I hope that the hundreds of billions of people in this examination room Thank goodness for 10 to meet the standard."

"Second group, get ready!"

"Wait!" A contestant in the first group was obviously not satisfied with his results, "Sir, is there something wrong with this instrument?"

Sinok didn't want to ignore his question, "Next group!"

"Sir!" the contestant continued, "Even if you want to eliminate us, at least let us know how far we are from this standard, right? Just give us a cold score, and we don't even know what this number represents significance."

Sinok smiled, and the scars on his face were distorted because of this smile, but obviously, this sentence convinced him, "Since you want to know the difference, then I will give you a chance."

Sinok hooked his hands at another soldier beside him. In that out-of-bounds battlefield, a sixth-level elementary life form could become the captain of a team, and he could have up to 1000 fifth-level life form members under his command, each level higher , can be increased tenfold.

As a sixth-level peak life form, Sinok has one million five-level life form fighters under his command. This time, he only brought a small team of 100 people to assist him in this work.

One of the team members came out, and Zhang Mengyu could feel that his life level was also at the peak of the fifth level, but he obviously had a different temperament from more than 99% of the life forms at the peak of the fifth level.

"You can confirm, he is also at the fifth-level peak life level like you?"

"That's right!"

"Since he can join your army, his strength can always exceed 100? Let him try?"

"If he can do it, we will be convinced!"

"Hmm!" Sinok raised his chin towards the team member, motioning for him to try it.

The team member walked to the side of a device with a cold and proud face, "Is there anyone who wants to try this device again? In case someone says I did something wrong."

"Let me do it!" The fifth-level life body just stepped forward and punched out the number 57, but no one laughed at him, because among the first batch of 10 people, if there are more than 50 points, It's already in the top 20%.

"Look good." The team member sank his weight, he didn't use any cosmic source energy to enhance his strength, this punch was just the purest physical strength.

"Bang!" The whole machine vibrated violently, and the number on it began to increase crazily, and finally stopped at 118.

There was a sudden burst of exclamation at the scene, the pure power was several times stronger than many of them who used the cosmic source power or used a special way of power to attack!
"He is just one of the most ordinary soldiers in my army. This is the most basic requirement for our conscription this time. Do you have any other doubts?"

The audience was silent, and most of them knew very well that they had nothing to do with the retirement bonus of this 1-star universe coin.

"Second Group!"

"The third group!"

There were eight groups of people in a row, but no one passed the test. Until the ninth group, there was finally a person who reached 100 points in the power survey.

"No. 783626 passed the strength test, please wait for the speed test after the strength test is completed!"

As the first person to pass the strength test, that person immediately received the attention and envious eyes of the audience.

"Group 10!"

"Group 11!"

"Group 32!"

"It's up to me!" Because the serial number is randomly generated, the people from the Twin Whales Universe Empire are not in the same group. This person who participated in the assessment is Liu Yunyi's cousin Liu Yunhao, who is 19 years old this year and has 4 After more than a year, he chose Xuan Academy, majoring in fighting skills.

"Boss, do you want to do your best?"

"Nonsense, if you want to pretend to be aggressive, of course you have to pretend to be strong, but you don't have to show all your cards, just use half of your strength."


Liu Yunhao came to the front, everyone else seemed to be concentrating, only he seemed to be wandering and muttering words.

"How do you fight? Do you use fighting skills? Will it be too ostentatious?"

"Would it be too low-key and not cool enough to use it?"


"Forget it, just hit it casually!"

"Bang!" With a loud noise, the instrument was hit and shook violently, and even dragged a trajectory of tens of centimeters on the ground. Not reached!
"237 points!"


"What kind of monster is this?"

"Who is that?"

There was a sound of gasping for air.

"237 points?" Even Sinok's pupils dilated several times when he saw this number.

Hundreds of thousands of fighters have been selected so far. Among the fifth-level life forms, the highest score so far is only 162 points, but Liu Yunhao fully surpassed it by 75 points!
Sinok walked up to Liu Yunhao from the position of supervising the selection and said to him, "You are very good!"

"It's nothing!" Liu Yunhao rubbed his nose, "I'm just going to hang up like that. If I hang like this, there are 666 more behind."

(End of this chapter)

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