Chapter 995

"Hazy, do you know that in this out-of-bounds battlefield, because of the space position formed by the forces between the worlds, any space storage device is unusable." Sinos said.

Not only their No. [-] universe, but even other universes are currently unable to break through these technical barriers.

According to their understanding, their No. [-] universe is currently just a low-level universe, and it is said that only some particularly powerful universes in the high-level universe have mastered this technology.

As a veteran of the battlefield, Sinos is well aware of the impact this technology can have on the entire battlefield.

Not to mention anything else, just in terms of resources, they can use this space storage device to transport a large amount of resources, such as food, energy, minerals, metals, etc. In this battlefield, as long as they control the resources, they are in control victory.

No matter how rich the resources are in this outer battlefield, can it be richer than their own original universe?

"Obviously, I don't know," Zhang Meng spread his hands.

"Goudan, is this technique complicated?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

"It's a bit complicated," Goudan said, "This kind of non-interference independent space storage technology is only mastered by the top civilizations of the advanced world, but in essence, it is just a breakthrough in space technology at a certain point. As long as you have technical knowledge and principle knowledge , In fact, your current civilization can also be manufactured, after all, there is not much requirement for materials."

"Give me a copy of this information."

"It's a trivial matter." Goudan immediately began to help Zhang Menglong sort out various technical materials.

Although it sounds simple, it is estimated that the scientists of this universe will have to spend a lot of energy to fully understand the principle. It is impossible to manufacture it without a year or a half.

"Captain, do you need this technology?"

"Are you willing to share it?" Sinos looked surprised.

"Of course, it's all for our own universe!" Zhang Mengyu said, of course he wasn't for his own universe, he was just for prestige points and counting. "

Zhang Mengyu didn't get half of the prestige points in the previous enlistment selection, probably because he didn't have a relationship with the outside battlefield. If this technology can really greatly change the pattern of the battlefield, then he must be able to get a lot of prestige points.

"Great, I'll take you to the technical department now!"

The technical department of the outer battlefield is also a very large department. Although their number is not as large as that of the troops, almost every one of them is a scientific research elite in the seventh universe. They are responsible for researching more advanced technologies, including defense and weapons. , information technology, etc. to help the army achieve greater victories.

The technical department of the outer battlefield base is a very large department, and its specifications exceed the highest laboratory of any civilization in the universe civilization.

According to the routine procedure, Sinos is just the captain of an ordinary team, and his authority is not qualified to directly meet the people who have the real right to speak in the technical department, but very fortunately, one of the researchers in the technical department is from the same civilization as him. The relationship between people is also very good. Through him, they directly found a person in charge of the technical department.

"Sinos, this is Professor Germit, a level-eight researcher."

"Hello, Professor Germit," Sinos shook hands with the researcher cautiously. An eighth-level researcher, this is equivalent to the chief scientist of a top-level fifth-level civilization. His identity and status are not even higher than An eighth-level life body is poor.

"I don't have a lot of time," Professor Germit said, "I hope that what you bring is really useful to our camp."

It's not that Professor Germit is arrogant or putting on airs, because the scientific research projects of the entire research base are too tight.

You must know that the entire universe has developed for billions of years to reach the current level of technology, and they have to use the materials of this outer battlefield to develop from scratch. Although there are a lot of theories to guide them, they have compressed billions of years of civilization development into It took more than 2400 million years to complete, which is indeed a very difficult thing.

"Hazy, show it to the professor directly."

"Well," Zhang Mengyu nodded, and took out something casually.

In fact, Professor Germit did not believe it when he first heard that someone had successfully used space technology on the battlefield outside the border.

Almost 1/10 of the scientists in the entire outer battlefield have concentrated their efforts on overcoming this technology for thousands of years, but they have spent a lot of manpower and material resources. They have not made any breakthroughs in space technology, or even a little bit of progress. nothing.

In fact, the reason is very simple. Their current vision limits the development of their technology, but when he saw this scene, his surprise was tantamount to discovering a new world.

"Young man! How did you do it?" Professor Gemit held Zhang's hazy hands as if he saw his own father, and he no longer had the eager attitude just now.

"It's actually very simple." Zhang Mengyu passed the information directly to Professor Gemit, "There is a space between each molecule of the space stone. This space can build a space stand, and this stand can compress the space. It is also possible to release a kind of space wave outward to counteract external space force interference, but we need to make some changes to its arrangement at the micro level."

Zhang Mengyu explained, in fact, this is similar to some materials, which are also composed of carbon elements, such as graphite, carbon nanotubes, and graphene, and they have completely different physical properties. The change requires very precise adjustments.

"Great!" After browsing the information for a while, Professor Germit was overwhelmed with excitement. As an expert in this field, he could of course guess how feasible this information is.

[Ding, congratulations to the dean for gaining 10 reputation point. 】

"Wuhu, there really is!" At the same time as gaining 10 reputation points, Zhang Menglong's forced balance also directly increased by 10 points!

"May I ask if this result was developed by you?" Professor Gemit's attitude towards Zhang Mengyu has also become very enthusiastic. For martial artists, only strength can be recognized, but for scientists, achievements are his honor.

"That's right." Zhang Mengyu took out a few more documents, "See if these things can help you."

Professor Gemit was stunned for a moment, and immediately began to carefully study the materials that Zhang Mengyu brought out.

"This is the design and schematic diagram of the refusion particle cannon? My God, isn't this a weapon that is still in concept?" Professor Gemit's hands kept shaking, "If it can be manufactured, we can control the local It can effectively kill fifth-level life forms and even sixth-level life forms, which can greatly reduce the casualty rate of our basic fighters!"

"The formula of super-s-class alloy? The strength reaches 7.3 times that of the current strongest alloy, and the toughness reaches 4.75 times. Although many materials are not available on the battlefield outside the world, if we can complete the new space storage technology, we can completely transport materials from the original universe."

"What is this? The blueprint of a sixth-level martial arts weapon? Thermal weapons? This is impossible! Can martial arts weapons be transformed into thermal weapons?"

Professor Gemit's hands trembled. Anything here can have a huge impact on the war, enough to increase the combat effectiveness of their army by two or three times or even more!
"This is all your research results?" Professor Gemit looked at Zhang Mengyu adoringly.

"That's it."

"What's your name? Are you a new researcher from the original universe?" In the eyes of Professor Gemit, Zhang Mengyu is at least an eighth-level researcher who can solve so many technical problems that people have not completed for tens of millions of years. Maybe even a ninth-level researcher!
"My name is Zhang Mengyu, and I'm just a recruit," Zhang Mengyu said. "These things were just idle and boring before, so I can only study them casually and start a side job."

(End of this chapter)

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