I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 997 You call them recruits?

Chapter 997 You call them recruits?

"Sinos, are these the recruits you brought?" The corners of Kadeli's mouth twitched. Are these young people quick-tempered?Why can't I just listen to him say a word?
This is a battlefield, not that kind of martial arts competition, the two are fundamentally different!

Universe 37 and Universe 38, if they just fight alone, are actually almost [-]-[-] with their seventh universe. The fighters of both sides are very close in combat effectiveness, and their weapons and equipment are also very close.

But their only advantage is the large number of people!
According to the information they know now, the number of intelligent creatures in these two universes is dozens of times that of Universe 7. Although this kind of expanding population makes their civilization very developed, there is also a problem, that is, resources lack of energy.

So when these universes overlap, the first reaction of universe 7 is to find other universes, and everyone can communicate and understand more deeply to achieve mutual win.

And for these universes, their first reaction is to plunder resources and invade other universes!
The huge base of life makes their lives surpass the seventh universe in terms of evolution, and the number of their advanced life forms is also dozens of times that of the seventh universe, which makes their troops extremely abundant. On the battlefield, they are completely It is to rely on crowd tactics!
This disparity in military strength naturally made Seventh Universe the defender.

Defensive warfare, no matter whether it is a low-level civilization or a high-level civilization, everyone is very familiar with it, that is to occupy a dominant position and use high-tech weapons to form a line of defense that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

In terms of tactical deployment, when the opponent rushes to kill, they still mainly consume thermal weapons, and use these thermal weapons to cause as much loss of their vital strength as possible.

Although these advanced beam cannon particle cannons can't effectively kill the sixth-level life forms, they still have a certain ability to kill the fifth-level life forms. They often have to pay heavy casualties before they can break through their blockade.

Of course, it is impossible for thermal weapons to completely block their attacks, not to mention that those weapons cannot attack without interruption, because of the lack of energy resources, they often stop shooting after a few rounds.

Even if the energy is sufficient, successive attacks will also cause weapon overload.

Relying on those superstar cosmic monsters, they can often break through their fire blockade after paying a certain price. At this time, hand-to-hand combat begins, and the casualties of the seventh universe often appear at this time.

Last time, the opponent attacked the 1004 Legion's defense line with ten times their strength. Even if the 1004 Legion used spaceships to assist in the bombing attack, more than twice their number of enemies still broke through the blockade line, which is why the 1004 Legion The damage was severe.

Although the number of these intruders is relatively small now, but now they are still thousands of miles away, they rushed up, isn't this looking for death?

Not to mention whether they will be attacked by friendly weapons, even if they rush into the enemy pile, how can they withstand the enemy several times more than them?
These recruits may be very talented, and their combat effectiveness may also be very strong, but this is the first time they have come to this out-of-bounds battlefield. The huge pressure on the battlefield alone is enough to make many people collapse, and even make them unable to perform at all. The real level, this is the deadliest.

"They played!" Looking at the figures of Zhang Mengyu and others, Kadeli shook his head regretfully, "Sinos, didn't you teach them the basics of the battlefield? Even if they were specially recruited, they can't do this." Come on, the people in our universe are already exhausted."

"Don't worry," Sinos said with a smile, "Although they are recruits, they are not ordinary people. The fighting power of any of them is at least as good as that of a small team!"

"What did you say?" Kadlei was stunned for a moment. To be able to stand up to a small team, it would be at least the combat power of dozens of sixth-level life forms, but the life level of these people is only at the peak of fifth-level, so they are considered a pair. Once you can kill the fighters from Universe 37 and Universe 38, you are already considered a very good recruit. How about a team?is it possible? "

But in the next second, Kadeli was stupid.

Within a few breaths, Zhang Mengyu and the others had already rushed in front of the intruders. On the entire battlefield, 667 of them looked particularly abrupt, and even attracted the attention of many other team members.

"Look, isn't that the defense line of the Sinos team? What are they doing?"

"When did they add so many people?"

"Is Sinos crazy? Even if they can't hold the line of defense, they can't let their people die like this?!"

They were about to see what these people were planning to do when the leader took out what looked like a SLR camera from his body.

"Crack, click!" Zhang Menglong took a quick shot of the intruders, and then pointed the camera at himself to start the photography mode.

"Hi everyone, I'm Zhang Mengyu, a war correspondent. I'm currently on the battlefield outside the boundary. Yes, you must have never heard of this place. Let me introduce it to you now."

"Come on, senior sister and senior, let's take a group photo, everyone laughs, one two three, eggplant!"

"Fuck, what did you shoot? Why are my eyes closed? Do it all over again!"

"Nimma, why did you only add beauty and filters to yourself? Do you want to die?"

"Wait, what are they doing?"

"It looks like they're taking pictures?"

"What do these people think of this place as? A playground?"

"A group of idiots, why did you recruit such a group of idiots this time?"

Not only the people of universe 7, but even the people of universe 37 and universe 38 are confused. Could it be that the normal people of universe 7 have died in battle and only these people with abnormal brains are left?
Thinking of this, their momentum has increased a bit. It seems that this seventh universe will soon be unable to hold on. This protracted battle that has lasted for tens of millions of years may come to an end in a short time!

"Okay, stop taking pictures, they are rushing up!" Zhang Mengyu put away the SLR.

"A quick fix. I just made instant noodles, and they will be cooked in a while."

"Dean, there are only a few thousand people, and these people are not enough for us to fight."

"It's okay, the defense line on the side is also our own people, let's solve it smoothly!"


On the battlefield, a dense force suddenly began to surge, and even the sky became densely covered with dark clouds in an instant, but those were not dark clouds, but the cosmic source energy so thick that it was almost frozen.


"The Great Wilderness Prisons the Heavenly Finger, Five Fingers Move the Universe!"

"Nine Dragons Thunder Fire, Falling Heart Flame, Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan, fuse with me! Destroy Fire Lotus!"

"Pop Volcano!"

"Shenluo Tianzheng, Earth Explosion Star!"

"Prince's tactics!"

"Spiritual Light Wave Fist!"

Intense energy swept through a terrifying air current, and wherever it passed, no matter whether it was a fifth-level life form or a sixth-level life form, it was instantly melted by those energies.

Everyone in the Seventh Universe watching on the city wall was almost blinded by the strong wind.

"Report to the captain, the number of enemies on our defense line is rapidly decreasing!"

"6000! 4000! 2000! It has been cleared!"

"Captain, the life responses of the enemies on our side have all disappeared!"

The same news immediately came from the camps of hundreds of squads. They didn't even know what happened on the battlefield. They haven't fought yet, and the battle is over?
Captain "Sinos" Cadre pointed to the charred battlefield, "You people, do you call them recruits?"

(End of this chapter)

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