Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 113 The Annoying Reporter

Chapter 113 The Annoying Reporter

Takanashi Xufeng noticed that everyone was very satisfied and happy with very similar voting results, only Kitahara seemed a little depressed.

Could it be that Kitahara is dissatisfied?

In fact, it’s already pretty good. After all, there was news before the start of the game. The program team secretly speculated on the admission tickets in advance. The behind-the-scenes operation made the people who can come to the scene almost all fans of Amamiya Masahiro. Now everyone goes deep into the enemy’s camp. Even if he lost such a good result, the result was already very unexpected and unrealistic like a dream.

Perhaps Beiyuan put too much pressure on himself. As the captain, he wants to lead everyone to get better grades. He is a very hardworking and responsible person.

Gaoli Xufeng thought for a while, and comforted him: "Student Beiyuan, you have achieved perfection. The results you have achieved now, even if we didn't change the song and perform normally, it is still far from being achieved."

"Besides, in the first round of the competition, the feat of tying Amamiya-student almost happened, and the outside world will definitely cause quite a stir. It can be said that our plan was successfully completed, and it was even better. All this is due to Kitahara-san and Tsuru Seeing the hard work of my classmates, I have worked hard for you."

The Kitahara sage withdrew his thoughts and nodded in response. He was not dissatisfied with the voting results, but worried about how to win that guy.

Tsurumi Chiharu was already beaming with joy, she knew that getting this result was purely an accidental bonus, but no matter what, the number of votes was almost tied with that arrogant bastard, and it was still in her home field!

She must be startled now!The expression must be very exciting! Tsurumi Chiharu was full of interest: "Hey, the voting results are out, what else is there to see, let's go, find a place to celebrate today!"

Takanashi Xufeng bowed slightly, and said in an embarrassed tone: "Sorry, Tsurumi, there is a dinner at home tonight."

Baimu Moyou then said quietly: "I have something to do too."

"Family dinner." Tsurumi Chiharu frowned suddenly.

Kitahara Kento glanced away, keeping his expression on his face. He had already seen that Chiharu Tsurumi had always been very rude to Takanashi-san.

When Takanashi-san said "family dinner" just now, she clearly showed a disgusted expression. Could it be that the two of them know each other?Did the previous generation still have some grudges?
"Forget it, it doesn't matter whether you go or not," Tsurumi Chiharu paused, then turned to Li Shan, and asked in a nonchalant tone, "Hey, are you going?"

Kuriyama turned his head to look at Kitahara Kento, and Tsurumi Chiharu followed him.

The sage of Beiyuan didn't want to defeat everyone's interest, but he guessed that on this day, Sister Qinyin should do some tricks, so he said uncertainly: "If there is nothing at home, I will go."

Everyone packed up their things, Beiyuan sage put on his mask, and filed out of the waiting room.

When they took the elevator down to the lobby, a mob of reporters surrounded the main entrance of the TV station.

Akane Takeshita was wearing sunglasses and a mask, disguised, and was answering each reporter's questions in an orderly manner, while Masahiro Amamiya was hiding at the corner of the passage, with her back against the wall, her arms crossed, with a very troublesome expression on her face.It seemed that he wanted to wait for the assistant to finish dealing with the reporters before going out by himself.

Tsurumi Chiharu's eyes suddenly lit up, and she walked forward arrogantly.

She looked up at Amamiya Masahiro with a smile, and said in a strange tone: "I thought how powerful it was. It turns out that there are only two of us, and we can draw with you. Tsk tsk, you disappointed me too."

Amamiya Masahira lowered her head and frowned slightly, who is this little one.

Amamiya Masahira glanced at the masked man in the distance who seemed a little embarrassed, lowered her head and asked in a cold tone: "Who are you?"

Hearing this, Crane Jian Qianchun was stunned for a moment, and then laughed heartily: "Don't put on a show! I know you are very embarrassed, don't you? Just wait and see for the next competition!"

Amamiya Masahira's slender willow eyebrows were twisted together, she was really an inexplicable idiot, she immediately looked away, and didn't bother to pay attention to the little one.

The Kitahara sage standing in the distance was a little embarrassed, what should I do, who should I help? He glanced out of the corner of his eye, and noticed that Kashiwagi's eyes were between him and Yugong, and he glanced back and forth, as if watching the excitement.

Tsurumi Chiharu is clinging to Amamiya Masahiro, chattering triumphantly and non-stop.

But as she talked, she found that the other party's expression was getting more and more annoying, and there was no shame or anger, as if he had really forgotten her!
Tsurumi Chiharu gradually stopped talking, staring blankly at Amamiya Masaki with her small face, bit by bit dumbfounded.

Is it so difficult that she really forgot about me? ! !

Tsurumi Chiharu slammed, and anger instantly rushed to her forehead, her face turned red with anger, she gritted her teeth tightly, and her cheeks trembled.

Seeing that something was wrong, Kagawa and Kuriyama rushed up to hold her up.

Kuriyama quickly stretched out his hands, passed through Chiharu Tsurumi's armpits, embraced her chest, and hugged her in his arms. Kagawa raised Chiharu Tsurumi's legs high with his two small hands, as if they were lifting the wounded , Hurry up and force Tsurumi Chiharu away.

Tsurumi Chiharu's small body was like a fish out of water, lying on the sky, struggling violently.

"Leave me alone!! I'm going to fight her hard today!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

In the empty hall, there was a crazily screaming louder than that of a parturient mother. I wish I could be on the fifth floor, but I had to hear it clearly!
It's hard to imagine that there is so much energy hidden in her small body.

Kitahara sage measured the pitch silently, and the high-quality HighC was better than him!Tsurumi Chiharu is a good seed who learns vocal music.

The reporters outside were also taken aback, and looked into the lobby of the TV station one after another. They saw two girls, one tall and one short, holding an extremely dishonest "injured number" with every move. The figure quickly disappeared at the other end of the channel in the TV station hall.

Tsurumi Qianxia looked away, couldn't help but bent over and giggled non-stop.

The sage of Beiyuan was silent, what happened to the two sisters, how could each of them laugh out loud when they saw their own sister (sister) being deflated, what a strange couple.

He glanced at Amamiya Masahiro, she was frowning in thought, as if she hadn't remembered who that little one was.

While she was still willing to waste time, thinking back to those few seconds, Kitahara Kento seized the opportunity to put oil on the soles of his feet, and quickly sneaked away. There are so many reporters outside, he would not dare to appear on the scene at the same time as Amamiya Masaki!
The Kitahara sage under the mask walked out of the main entrance of the TV station with a nonchalant expression, and the gloomy reporters turned to look at him.

After a little hesitation, only a few sporadic people were separated out, and the rest of them still grabbed Yugong Yazheng's assistant and kept asking noisy questions.

A male reporter hurried up and asked, "Hi Sakamoto-san, the lottery video of "Band of Tomorrow" was broadcast on TV today. Your opponent in the first round of preliminaries is Amamiya Masahiro. Are you the winner or loser? How many votes are there? Regarding the game situation, can Sakamoto-san reveal anything?"

Kitahara sage was ready to answer: "Sorry, there is a confidentiality agreement. Before the show is broadcast, there is no news about the match scene."

The male reporter still didn’t give up, and just wanted to ask, but was quickly snatched up by another female reporter: “Hi Sakamoto-san, I’m a reporter from Weekly Bunharu, what is your relationship with the female members in the band? Are you a lover? "

Hearing this, the Beiyuan sage under the mask instantly became vigilant!It's not what the reporter asked, but the gossip newspaper "Weekly Bunshun"!
Weekly Wenchun is a famous gossip newspaper, and among many gossip newspapers, the most bottomless!The most unscrupulous!The most nonsense!The most disgusting gossip newspaper!
Adding up all the other gossip magazines, the fighting power of nonsense is far inferior to "Weekly Wenchun"!
It was once publicly protested by the Japanese Prime Minister, once hailed as the "Japanese Boy Dream Factory" and Johnny's Office was completely banned, and was once hired by the "Godfather of Girl Group" Yasushi Akimoto to smash the editorial department, and was sued by countless public figures and firms Pass.

Among them, the random fabrication of the president of Johnny's & Associates, the child abuse incident by X, and so on, have repeatedly alarmed the overseas media.

There is also "Japan and South Korea are about to explode" and so on. They always want to make a big news. This kind of news is published in the newspapers openly. Who has the guts to change it to other gossip newspapers.

And the most glorious deed of Weekly Bunharu is the revelation of the prime minister’s scandal. He once made the two prime ministers bow and apologize, and the lightspeed resigned. It can be said that all the celebrities in Japan hate the gossip magazine "Weekly Bunharu" to the extreme .

There is a popular word on the Internet in the island country called "Wenchun Pao" - "Wenchun" means "Weekly Wenchun" - almost the same meaning as "Scandal Stone Hammer". I pray that my career as an artist can continue.

What the sage of Beiyuan feared the most was that three months ago, he accidentally pushed a female enemy down the stairs after drinking, causing her calf to be broken, and the scandal of being admitted to the hospital was in Zhoukan Wenchun's hands!

And there was more than one fight, although it was said that it was dedicated to beating up the gangsters and bad guys in the community, but if it was handed over to "Weekly Wenchun" to make up nonsense and break the news, haha.

He spent more than 300 million yen back and forth to privately spend money on that matter, pay the hush money, and finally suppressed it. It was precisely because of this that he sold the house before, otherwise he would be charged with intentionally hurting people for three years The following fixed-term imprisonment is waiting!In Japan, people under the age of 14 will never bear criminal responsibility, but the fight happened three months ago, as long as they are 14 years old, they will bear full criminal responsibility.

The female reporter of Weekly Wenchun carefully looked at the man in the mask. He was wearing a pure white mask, a large black overcoat, and leather gloves, covering his whole body tightly.

The more mysterious this kind of person, who dare not show his true colors to the public, the more worthy of digging into his mysterious identity and the story behind him. Just a little adaptation can attract countless eyeballs.

She waved lightly at the masked man who had been silent all this time, and gradually revealed a strange smile, and asked again with a smile:
"Hi Sakamoto-san, what is the relationship between you and the female members in the band?"

"And the Gravity of Destiny band not only has four female members, but actually six females and one male. Can Sakamoto-san introduce it to everyone?"

(End of this chapter)

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