Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 117 Climbing the Wall and Entering the School

Chapter 117 Climbing the Wall and Entering the School
The next day.

The sage of Beiyuan who was lying on the floor turned over, opened his eyes sleepily, picked up the phone next to his pillow and looked at it, and was so shocked that he lost all sleep!

He quickly got up, changed his clothes in a hurry, ran out of his room, and slammed the door of Huagu's room!
"Wake up for me!"

But the moment he opened the door, Kitahara Kento immediately regretted his impulsiveness.

In order not to pay for his impulse, he hastily slammed the door shut again!I tried my best to forget the scene of the jade body lying in my mind, and said helplessly with my back against the jacket door: "Student Li Shan, are you still planning to go to school today? You are almost late."

Sister Qinyin's lazy wake-up sound came from inside the door: "Xiaoxian, what did you see just now?"

Huagu also immediately shouted: "Onisan, don't go to school, come in and sleep together, everyone welcomes you."

Kitahara Kento walked down the stairs with black lines all over his forehead and entered the bathroom.

Fifteen minutes later, he walked out of the house with Kuriyama, who was wearing a new school uniform, and rushed to school impatiently.

"What time is it?" Kuriyama asked with a piece of bread in his mouth while running.

The sage of Beiyuan also bit a piece of bread and said, "Eight thirty."

"It's already late. When we get to the school gate, the chairman of the supervisory committee will stand there to arrest people."

"Supervision Department?" Kitahara sage swallowed the food, then took out a piece of bread from the sealed bag, "Isn't it the task of the Disciplinary Committee to catch latecomers?"

"Your department doesn't have enough manpower, and you only have two people, so it can't operate. Yesterday, the vice president decided to let the Supervision Department temporarily take care of it."

"How did you know?"

"Didn't you read the news from the boys' internal group?" Kuriyama was slightly surprised.

The sage of Beiyuan is silent, since he joined the group, he has been diving, and rarely sees the group of boys who are not doing what they are doing talking about what they are not doing.

He was silent for a while, and asked: "You are the secretary of the student union, and I am the chairman of the discipline committee. Two people who are in charge of the student union were caught late by the supervision department. It should have a bad influence. What should I do?"

Kuriyama Mizuho said as a matter of course: "It's good to climb over the wall and enter the school. I know a place."

The sage of Beiyuan was silent again, and entered the school over the wall. He quickly considered that being late would cause trouble to the Supervision Department. Trouble would affect the efficiency of the Supervision Department's performance of the Disciplinary Committee's duties, which would directly affect the school's discipline. As the chairman of the Disciplinary Committee , in order to protect the school's morals, it is right to enter the school over the wall.

He nodded and said, "Go where you said."

After 15 minutes, the two came to an alley.

Kento Kitahara's expression gradually became strange. This alley seems to be the alley that Amamiya Masahiro chased him into last time.

There is also a strange izakaya hidden inside, and there is a mysterious old man in the izakaya.

Li Shan glanced at him, and unexpectedly asked, "Have you been here before? You also climbed over the wall?"

What do you call me? The sage of Beiyuan is speechless. Is this still a secret place dedicated to overcoming the wall?I remember that within the fence is the school's grove.

The two walked down the alley, and the Kitahara sage asked: "There is an izakaya inside, and the owner of the izakaya is an old man with two wives, do you know?"

"Oh, you mean Grandpa Xiangwu? I know him, and we have a good relationship." Kuriyama replied casually.

"Grandpa Xiangwu only said that he is a person who has lost his way, and I don't know other news." Li Shan paused, and added, "His ramen is delicious, and the proprietress is very skilled. In the past, every time I climbed over the wall , I will stop by for a quick meal, Grandpa Xiangwu is very nice and never takes money from me."

The Kitahara sage nodded understandingly.

He has always thought this izakaya is very strange. Although the smell of wine is not afraid of a deep alley, this alley is too deep. It is connected to the school wall, from the school gate to the woods, and the izakaya is hidden in the innermost part. Business is open.

Not long after, he saw the grand master's chair again, and the white-haired old man lying on the grand master's chair leisurely basking in the sun.

Xiangwu Yilong raised his lower eyelids, glanced at Beiyuan, then looked at Lishan, straightened his waist and said with a smile: "Little classmate Lishan, long time no see, is it possible that you are here to visit the old man today?"

While talking, he sized up Beiyuan Xianren with piercing eyes, and recognized this interesting young man who was blocked in an alley by his girlfriend that day because of cheating, and was brutally beaten up.

Kuriyama Mizuho introduced: "He is my junior classmate, called Kitahara Kento, and we just happened to be late together, so I brought him over the wall."

Xiangwu Yilong nodded his head slightly, and said with a cheerful smile: "I've seen him once, I've met him once, I'm deeply impressed by him."

The Kitahara sage was a little embarrassed, he must have been misunderstood that day.

He changed the subject, glanced at the two-meter-high fence, and asked, "Where do we turn from?"

Kuriyama found the position skillfully, "From here, run up, take off with both feet, grab the edge of the wall with your hands, and climb up like a frog. The key is to coordinate and coherent movements."

"There is a branch in the right position, which is very strong, and there is no other place. The tree grows pleasingly, and you can jump off it later, or you can slide down by holding the trunk."

The sage of Beiyuan was taken aback for a moment, and turned to the wall that was nearly two and a half meters high.

He naively thought that the so-called overturning the wall was nothing more than a few pieces of the wall were missing, and he could climb up easily, or that a railing was removed by an unlucky student, and he could just crawl through it. But he climbed up like a frog. What the hell! ?
"It's okay, you step on my back, I'll ask you to go up, if you don't mind, you can put your body against the wall, and I can lift you up," Li Shan paused, fearing that Bei Yuan wouldn't believe it, he quickly promised , "I am very strong, really, my dad is not as strong as I am, just don't worry, I promise I won't fall you!"

The sage of Beiyuan was helpless in his heart. Although it was a little bit of a man's face, but time was urgent, so let's lift it up.

He also really couldn't understand what kind of state the frog was climbing the wall, and he had never seen it before.

And with such a high wall, not to mention his current physical condition, it might be difficult to bring people from the basketball team here!

Xiangwu Yilong shook his head amusedly, got up and went back to the room, brought out two chairs, put them under the wall, stacked them up, and signaled Beiyuan to go up soon.

Beiyuan Xianren thanked him, stepped on two chairs and climbed up to the top of the wall easily. He didn't rush to move to the branch, but turned to look at Lishan, gaining insight.

Xiangwu Yilong cheerfully turned his back to avoid suspicion.

Kuriyama Mizuho started with a run-up, and then jumped up suddenly with both feet. Her flexible and firm thighs showed no muscles, and her strong jumping force made her reach the top of the wall with ease. Put the soles of your feet against the wall, arch your body, and make a "D" shape between the person and the wall.

In the next moment, her feet were like toy frogs on strings. With the stretching of her arms, she climbed up easily and quickly!

The Kitahara sage stared dumbfounded, Li Shan didn't blush, she couldn't breathe, she put her hands on the top of the wall and jumped down!
Kuriyama Mizuho raised his head, looked at Kitahara Kento and said, "I can catch you, don't worry, just jump."

The sage of Beiyuan quickly regained his composure, and fell silent for a moment. He suddenly imagined how Li Shan jumped from the second floor after running away from home. If this woman went back to ancient times and became a thief, she would definitely earn a lot of money!

He crouched obediently on the extended branch and walked carefully, then slid down holding the trunk.

Before leaving, he glanced back at the tree, looked around, and firmly remembered the location.

It really appeals to the students, the trunk is not thick, the branches are not high, and a trunk that is just strong extends to the top of the fence. As long as you have a little tree-climbing skills, you can play truant easily.

 The old man who is the owner of the pavilion is not a tool to teach the protagonist to open the harem, his existence is very important.

  Many little angels asked why the protagonist didn't avoid those five things from happening, and didn't resist. In fact, the author has already considered it. This is not a plot bug, but because of this problem, it often involves major core spoilers. The author has not considered it well. How to write without spoiling more content - I will explain it soon - in short, if any history is changed before the fifth event happens, the ending will completely go to bad end, then it's all over .

(End of this chapter)

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