Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 134 The culprit of social death

Chapter 134 The culprit of social death
Li Shan helped Sister Qinyin to wash the dishes. The opera troupe she worked part-time had a performance today. She was about to go out when her cell phone rang suddenly.

Kitahara sage heard the sound and looked, Kuriyama looked hesitant to connect.

"Dad's calling." She turned her head and explained.

The Kitahara sage knew it, probably because Li Shan's parents saw the gossip news and believed it again.

Kuriyama Mizuho hesitated to answer the call, the middle-aged man's rough and furious roar came out clearly, caught Kuriyama cursed, and ordered her to go home immediately.

"Where do you live now! Do you live in the house of the masked man!? The magazine said that you are pregnant, are you pregnant now!"

Kuriyama Mizuho said helplessly: "That's fake news. How can I have a child? I'll take a picture of my belly to show you, okay? Daddy, don't believe in those fake news. I don't believe it even when my dad is old. Why are you still acting like a child?" Easily deceived."

As soon as the other end of the phone was stimulated, a louder anger burst out.

Beiyuan Xianren was ashamed in his heart. This woman really spoke without thinking. Her father is probably also a stubborn old stubborn who wants to save face. When father and daughter get together, they don't have to quarrel every day.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Huajiang Qinyin stepped forward to get the phone, and said in a harmonious tone, "Hello, uncle, my name is Huajiang Qinyin, and I work as a professional writer. Don't worry, Ruisui is at my house."

After 5 minutes, Huajiang Qinyin breathed a sigh of relief and returned the phone.

She hated iron and steel and lightly tapped Li Shan's forehead, "You child, how can you talk like this, isn't that just looking for scolding, you go to work, pay attention to safety on the road, and I will teach you how to deal with it when you come back at night Your dad's type."

"Oh, I'll go now." Mizuho Kuriyama glanced at everyone, picked up his coat and left the living room.

Tsurumi Chiharu withdrew her gaze, frowned, gritted her teeth, took out her mobile phone, and called the old man.

"Grandpa, ask the legal department to send a lawyer's letter to Wenyi Chunqiu! Yes, it's the mad dogs of their subordinate "Weekly Wenchun"."

The sage of Beiyuan was silent. After all, I am also the owner of this family. Can't you just pretend to run away from home?

He didn't have much hope for the lawyer's letter to file a lawsuit. At most, he just disgusted the other party. After all, "Weekly Wenchun" has been in countless courts.

They have filed lawsuits with Uniqlo, with Johnny, with the former Minister of Foreign Affairs (the prime minister’s daughter, the wife of the Minister of Defense), and with countless artist firms. A complete mad dog organization.

That is to say, the constitution of the island country stipulates the freedom of the press, and "Weekly Bunshun" plays a big role, and the people love to hear and see it, and they are happy to eat melons. In terms of law and public opinion, the government has nothing to do with mad dogs, otherwise they will be sent to prison.

According to the sage of Kitahara, to deal with this group of mad dogs, it needs a warrior who puts his life aside, and it may be effective to send death threats to the "King of Mad Dogs" and put them into action.

However, there is no such thing as an airtight wall in the world. The government does not want to cause trouble and be attacked by political opponents. Enterprises and firms do not want to have a bad reputation and damage the company's reputation. The national atmosphere loves gossip and eats melons happily.

Besides, the law is not a plaything to be trampled on at will. Artists have no portrait rights and privacy rights. "Weekly Wenchun" is just gossip and has not broken the law. If others beat him, they are still victims, and the police have to help them, so they have been alive and kicking until today ,

Kento Kitahara sighed slightly, Tsurumi Chiharu sent a lawyer's letter, and in the end it was nothing more than a few months of lawsuits to win back some reputation damage fees, but at that time, the game was over long ago.

People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. Once fame comes, troubles will follow.

Everyone watched the show with Huagu, it was getting late.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Beiyuan sage hugged the quilt, quietly went downstairs, sneaked to the sofa in the living room to sleep, and then tied bells to the door, and tied the bells on both sides of the sofa.

He put on a mask for himself, took safety measures, and checked his phone before going to bed.

After the second round of the program was broadcast, the online response was more than good. In just an hour, the comment section of the band's official account was already overcrowded.

Tsurumi Chiharu also held a voting event.

In the last voting, Tsurumi Chinatsu showed off the whole show, which made the audience's eyes shine, and the number of votes was far ahead.

But this time, after this battle, Takanashi Xufeng overwhelmingly overtook her with an absolute advantage in the number of votes.

The weird masked man, ranked last in the voting list, Kitahara sage touched his chin, is the gap that scary? He is also a captain after all, why is he lagging behind No.1 by more than ten times!
A little unhappy.

It must be jealousy, deliberately not voting for him.

"I can't wait to leave a message, my ears are pregnant, it's really nice, Xufeng sauce is so beautiful!"

"It has been hidden from us for a long time, but it turns out that the keyboard player is the real lead singer!"

"Has the masked man stopped singing? Our whole family likes him very much. Can we let him sing on stage again?"

The following is followed by a reply from a netizen - "So many beautiful girls don't like it, your whole family likes men?"

Beiyuan sage is not happy anymore, what's wrong with liking men, is it in the way of you?

"Takahashi-san is so beautiful, and her singing voice is amazing. Does anyone think that she looks like a certain female artist in the past?"

"Please teach me quickly, how can I marry Xufeng sauce. When I think of my favorite little angel Xufeng sauce, who will marry other men in the future, I have already cried three times on the bed."

Beiyuan Xianren smiled, want to marry her?Let's pass the classmate Lily first.

"Excuse me, is the latest issue of "Weekly Bunshun" true? Takanashi Xufeng is in love with the masked man, and the blonde girl is Takanashi's best friend. A third party intervenes and becomes the masked man's underground lover, and"

Followed by the reply:

"My wife is in love with someone else (stupid)?"

"Weekly Bunharu? I'm going to buy it now!"

"It's been secretly photographed. The blonde girl and the masked man went to open a room together, and she was wearing a mask. It shouldn't be fake news."

"What the hell is in your head? The blonde girl is going to open a room, she can't wear a hat? Do you have to show your blonde hair? Afraid that others don't recognize her?"

The sage of Beiyuan secretly thought that there are still smart people, not necessarily all fools who don't use their brains.

He lost the mood to continue reading the comments. After thinking about it, he looked at the twitter of Cannon King to see how he commented on Takanashi-san's performance.

"Takahashi Xufeng is not good at singing, she is a timbre singer. I have roughly said that the vocal skill tree of pop music includes mixing, closing, marginalization, SLS and CVT, etc. There are more than a dozen types, even my own. There are dozens of popular singing styles that are not yet known.”

"As mentioned above, Takanashi Xufeng has only mastered the mixed voice singing method that even amateurs understand. If you only talk about singing skills, she is undoubtedly at the bottom."

"But I don't deny her, I admire this girl very much. Many people commented that she is a natural angel's voice, but they are wrong. Her natural voice is not an absolute talent. It is her vocal upgrade of more than ten years. Climb like Pai, to light up a new skill tree, but all the skill points were added to the most basic "resonance" in order to "cultivate" this good voice."

"Of course, there are also many singers. Even if they have practiced the most basic cavity resonance all their lives, their timbres are still not good. This is talent, or potential. No matter how hard you work, you can't reap the rewards."

"Simply summed up, it's enough to sing well, such a beautiful girl, I will sing for you for 5 minutes, don't tell me that some people really don't like it."

Kitahara sage nodded slightly in agreement. Takanashi-san is indeed the case. Her mother probably never taught her advanced skills. She has practiced for more than ten years by grasping the resonance, and coupled with the strong plasticity of her voice, she has created such a good voice.

If you compare strength to album sales, she is a bit like the light novel routine that has been playing slime in Novice Village for 100 years, and when she leaves the village, she is close to being invincible.

Boom, Chiharu Tsurumi sent a message telling him that many people like "Half-Moon Serenade" and hope to hear the perfect version of "Half-Moon Serenade".

At that time, the stage was too hasty, there were only two people, and it was really impossible to perform this song to the best level. For example, there was only one bass sound in the whole process, which was a bit monotonous. There are several. .

The sage of Beiyuan pondered for a while, and typed back: Yes, I will go back to the recording studio some time.

He put down his phone and waited for sleepiness to come.

It reminded me of the "Weekly Bunshun" incident.

From the few words revealed by his daughter, it can be known that he will be socially killed in the future.

And all the black materials about him back then were held in the hands of "Weekly Wenchun".

It was hard for him not to suspect that the culprit was those mad dogs.

The sage of Beiyuan sent a message to Huagu, and asked cryptically, the specific time when he will be socially killed in the future.

"The time is after my father graduated. I don't know the exact time. It seems to be a year after graduating from high school. Sister Qinyin said so."

Kitahara sage deleted the chat history, frowned slightly, it was a year after graduating from high school, it was a strange time.

It happened to coincide with the time when he picked up Huagu in the future.

Speaking of this, the sage of Beiyuan had a slightly weird expression. If three years later, he picked up another Flower Valley, wouldn't he have two lovely daughters?
And the current Huagu should not disappear, after all, through time, this kind of things that human beings can't even imagine in physics has happened, and it is not impossible to have another daughter.
But why did Hanaya's eyes turn into Amamiya Masahira's eyes.

Huagu also said that her previous appearance was definitely not like her.

He was contemplating, when he suddenly felt a finger in the darkness, gently provoking his chin.

A laugh sounded: "Beiyuan-jun, why did you sneak down here?"

Kento Kitahara lowered his face, turned on the phone's lighting function, and immediately saw Tsurumi Chinatsu lying on the sofa with only underwear on and smiling.

"I warned you."

"Hey, heartless man," Tsurumi Chinatsu shook her head helplessly, shaking the water glass in her hand, "I just went downstairs to get a glass of water, why is Kitahara-kun so nervous."

"Good night, Bei, Yuan, Jun~~" She left the sofa, leisurely stepped over the bell rope at the door, and walked up the stairs with her hips shaking.

The sage of Beiyuan secretly said to the female goblin, covered herself with a quilt, and hid in the quilt.

 The battle between sages and "Weekly Wenchun" will be long, and now is the beginning. This magazine exists for real, and its deeds are true, not fabricated by the author.

  Small science: Beyond the speed of light, you cannot travel through time

(End of this chapter)

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