Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 136 The unedited version of the first round of the audition is released

Chapter 136 Unedited version released in the first round of the audition

Seven forty at night.

In the empty living room, there were only two people having dinner together tonight.

Huagu held a plate of curry rice in his little hand and put it on the small coffee table, then ran up to the second floor and took down the laptop.

Today is the first round of the live broadcast of Dad's Loser Group. With a small face, she entered the webpage expectantly and clicked on the live broadcast page.

Huajiang Qinyin also sat down with curry rice and asked with a smile, "Is Haiji looking forward to it?"

"Of course I'm looking forward to it, this is a live broadcast." Beiyuan Huagu couldn't take his eyes off her eyes, her legs were swinging back and forth unstoppably.

In the next 13 years, everyone is hiding from her everything that happened to her father, but now, she can finally witness it with her own eyes and reveal bit by bit all the mysterious historical fog that covered her father.

There is a very strange feeling inside.

"Xiaoxian seems to be playing in the middle, it's still early, let's eat first," Hua Jiang Qinyin touched Hua Gu's head with a gentle expression.

Beiyuan Huagu fed himself a mouthful of curry, hummed a brisk little song, and touched the phone screen with his other little hand.

She clicked on the trending list and said in surprise, "Onisan's band is very popular recently, and the three topics are all related to them."

"The first one is that an angel descended into the world and sang "Snow Flower", the second one is that the Gravity of Destiny band sued "Weekly Bunshun", and the third one is "Hanagu's eyes look down, with a wicked smile on her face," Onisan is very ambitious, he dares to name him like this."

Huajiang Qinyin sighed helplessly. Fortunately, Yazheng has always disliked Internet products, and the mobile phone is only used to answer calls, otherwise she will feel jealous and uncomfortable if she sees it.

It's strange to say that the little house girl doesn't like practicing the piano, she doesn't like surfing the Internet, and she's not interested in watching TV. Huajiang Qinyin is really curious about what Yazheng usually does to pass the time.

She seems to be in a daze often, but when she is in a daze, what is going on in her little head? Could it be that she is thinking about Xiaoxian day and night?
Beiyuan Huagu bit the spoon, swiped the screen with her small hand, and refreshed the page.

"Ah, another one popped up on the hot list!" Huagu immediately cheered up, biting a spoon and read out, "The origin of the name "Mask Man's Harem Group", the unedited version of the first round of auditions was released. "

Huajiang Qinyin leaned close to her, with an interested expression on her face, "Click to take a look."

Kitahara Hanaya's little hand clicked on the screen, and the page went to a video, which was actually officially released by TV Asahi.

At the beginning of the video, Jiang Chuan Kengo was full of astonishment on the judges' seat, staring blankly at a band information sheet, with a blank expression as if doubting his own eyes, which seemed quite funny.

Immediately, he read in cadence: Jiang Chuan Kengo, who has always been known for his prudence, was so surprised by what he saw that he couldn't even close his mouth.

Beiyuan Huagu subconsciously aroused curiosity.

The camera then switched, focusing on the band name column on the data sheet, and a red frame encircled "Mask Boy's Harem Group".

Huajiang Qinyin burst into a smile, the judge's dumbfounded expression, matched with this weird band name, is really interesting.

The camera switched again, at the entrance of the audition stage, female members appeared one after another with musical instruments.

The narrator sighed and sighed: At this time, they didn't know that the name of the band had been quietly changed, and they foolishly thought that it was still called Gravity of Destiny.

The two judges held the information sheets and looked at the five members of the band with extremely weird expressions, while the five members of the band held instruments and faced the judges with calm expressions.

Looking at it from the perspective of God, Beiyuan Huagu felt that this scene was very funny.

The camera changes to the man in the mask. The expression in his masked eyes gradually becomes depressed and strange, as if he doesn't understand.

The narrator read in a melodious tone: Let me guess the inner activities of the weird masked man at this moment: Am I just wearing a mask? Are you exaggerating that much?
In the judges' seat, Jiang Chuan Kengo quickly looked at the information sheet, then stared blankly at the five members of the band with calm faces,

"Your band name is very interesting."

The narration read regretfully: Jiang Chuan-sang's first sentence was euphemistically expressed out of good intentions, which led to a misunderstanding.

The weird masked man's eyes instantly became clear, as if he understood everything.

Narrator: No!You don't understand anything!That guy Jiang Chuan definitely didn't want to chat with you!
"Thank you. The two judges and teachers like it. We are all very happy."

"Cough, cough, cough...!" Hua Jiang Qinyin immediately choked on her food, covered her mouth and laughed angrily, Xiao Xian is really talented!

The two judges turned their heads to look at the female members who had nothing to say. They were both silent for a while, as if they understood, they nodded slowly.

The narrator hastily shouted, "Wait, wait, wait!"You also got it wrong!Wake up, you idiots!
"I'm curious how you usually get along."

"With so many female friends, it's troublesome to worry about."

"Have there been any conflicts between them? If so, how do you usually deal with it?"

The masked man's eyes instantly became clear again, as if he understood everything again.

The tone next to him was anxious: You don't understand anything!Please don't have so much inner drama, okay?
Next, a touching scene of mutual gratitude between a man and a woman appeared, and a touching BGM accompaniment was specially added, as well as a heart-warming and moving filter, fully interpreting what is called "the great power of love". Encourage, work together, for the love of five people, work hard to face the reality together, bravely break through the cage of secular prejudice, and live together in harmony and unity.

Beiyuan Huagu was so happy that the flowers and branches were trembling, and I couldn't eat any more. Dad is really amazing!Bravo!
The two judges fell silent again.

Narrator: At this moment, they are also suspicious, and then, the steady Jiang Chuan-san started his wonderful performance again.

"Little girl, what's your parents' attitude towards this? Do they support it? If it's inconvenient, you don't need to answer."

Narrator: Straight to the point, it's a pity that the person he asked is also a confused fool!
Kagawa Ningning in the video thought for a while, and suddenly realized that she understood too!
"My mother was very surprised at the beginning, I didn't expect such a big change in me"

The voice of the narrator praised: Excellent little girl, you have done a perfect job of leading everyone astray!But if you think about it for a while, how could the judges ask your parents whether they support the competition.

Next, they followed the train of thought of the little idiot girl and spoke out one after another.

Some families are very cheerful and agree with everyone to live together, some girls are very self-willed and run away from home angrily because of love, some girls have been hiding from their parents, secretly maintaining an underground relationship, the slightly sad accompaniment seems to tell everyone about love Desperate determination.

Until the end, the judges seemed to be moved by this scene, Kuroda Tokushige sighed in a low tone, sincerely:
"I can only say, I wish you all the best. Hey, that masked guy, you must take good care of them, and don't let them down."

The narration said with emotion at the right time: I have always been assured of the excellent brain circuit of the weird masked man, and I believe he will never let us down.

The strange man in the mask really lived up to everyone's expectations. He understood everything again and thanked him sincerely: "Thank you for the blessings from the judges and teachers. I will work hard with them."

The little girls were so happy that they lay down on the sofa and laughed.

The bull's head is wrong with the horse's mouth, and both sides are answering irrelevant questions. Just like this, they can still communicate unimpeded. Everyone is full of brains!
"Haiji, quickly see if there are any more!" Hua Jiang Qinyin said with a suppressed smile.

Hua Gu laughed until her shoulders trembled, she continued to click play, and the paused scene went to the next scene.

When all the answers were revealed, their expressions were not as expected. The violin fell to the ground with a slap, and Kajon fell to the ground dully. Except for Kuriyama's puzzled expression, everyone else was stunned.

Beiyuan Huagu covered her belly and said with a smile: "What was Master thinking at that time, why did he still act like he didn't realize it?"

"Look at the comments, it must be very interesting." Hua Jiang Qinyin said quickly.

Huagu Xiaoshou clicked on the comment section of this tweet.

"Are you sure this isn't a performance by a comedian? I laughed so hard hahahahaha."

"The weird masked man is too cute. No way, my stomach hurts from laughing. The two parties' serious prefaces don't match up. They are not on the same channel at all. The key point is that they can still communicate normally! It sounds like there is no sense of disobedience!"

"I've never watched "The Band of Tomorrow" before. After watching this video, I suddenly want to pay attention to the follow-up performance of the band Gravity of Destiny. Man, you successfully aroused my interest."

"I've never seen it either, but now I want to. The band and the masked man are so interesting."

""Weekly Bunchun" is making up again. It turns out that the truth is that the application form was interleaved. They are also interesting. Who came up with this genius name."

"Suddenly discovered that the fate of the Gravity of Destiny band is very bumpy. First, they staggered the registration forms, and in the first round of the preliminaries, they hit the Universiade Masahira Amamiya, and then they suddenly encountered a collision song, and had to change songs on the spot. In the second round, they failed. She was drawn! She was clearly capable of entering the finals, but unlucky enough to fall into the loser's bracket, it's too miserable, it must have been severely choked by fate!"

"(The weird masked man has clear eyes, I understand.jpg)"

"It's live! It's almost the masked man's turn, hurry up and watch!"

Beiyuan Huagu glanced at the four topics on the trending list about the Gravity of Destiny band, turned around and said with a smile: "Sister Qinyin, Ornisan and his band may be on fire."

(End of this chapter)

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