Chapter 138
Woke up late again today.

Very inexplicable, and very strange.

Every morning on the second day after the game, he would always get up late for various reasons, and then he had to go to the old man in the izakaya and borrow a chair to climb over the wall to enter the school.

What is different from the past is that today Tsurumi Chiharu is also going to enter the school over the wall.

Xiangwu Yilong was basking in the sun again leisurely on the Taishi chair, he raised his eyelids, and said cheerfully: "The chairs have been prepared for you in advance, go up quickly."

The sage of Beiyuan turned his attention away, there were two chairs piled up by the wall, waiting quietly for someone to step on them.

Kuriyama Mizuho asked in surprise, "Grandpa Sotake, how do you know we're late today?"

Xiangwu Yilong said slowly and unhurriedly: "You have been late for two consecutive Thursdays, and I guess it will be the same today."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Chiharu Tsurumi who was looking at the wall from the corner of his eye, with a little surprise in his eyes, the two daughters of the Tsurumi family?
Tsurumi Chiharu withdrew her gaze, and looked at the old man with a small face thinking, what a strange old man, if the izakaya opened in such a crappy place, wouldn't it be a loss to go to grandma's house.

15 minute later.

Kitahara Kento walked to the main entrance of the classroom, but unexpectedly found that there was no one in the classroom.

A male teacher happened to pass by and turned to look at him, "Students in class G? Oh, your Mandarin teacher asked for leave today and changed to a home economics class. You go to the cooking class."

When he arrived at the cooking classroom again, the students had already been divided into groups and were concentrating on watching the teaching video of taiyaki.

The young female domestic economics teacher turned to the door, and glanced at the students who had already been divided into two groups. Although there was an empty table in the far corner, Bei Yuan was alone, so lonely.

"Student Beiyuan, you are with other groups."

Nakamura immediately stood up and waved to Kitahara-kun.

The Kitahara sage nodded, and was about to go, but found another person coming behind him. He turned around and looked surprised, and Amamiya Masaki unexpectedly came by coincidence.

This was just right, the female domestic economics teacher first asked Yu Gong for his opinion, and then arranged the two of them together.

At the cooking table.

The sage of Beiyuan quietly glanced at the person next to him. Recently, this person has been very stable, so stable that he has not spoken to him for a long time.

If it weren't for the way she looked at him occasionally, her mood would be normal, and he even thought that that guy was being cold and violent again.

"Can you make taiyaki?"

"No." Amamiya Masahira inspected each cooking tool thoughtfully, as if guessing their usefulness.

"Then just watch from the side, I'll do it."

Kitahara sage doesn't know her yet, that little house girl, it's not bad if she can cook instant noodles well, and she also cooks taiyaki?That has nothing to do with dark cooking, but to worry about whether there will be a gas explosion.

"Hey, who are you underestimating?" Amamiya Masahira frowned displeasedly, "You do it, I'll add seasonings."

Taiyaki is very simple to make. Break eggs into a pot, add sugar and milk, beat well until foamy, then add honey and various flours.

While Amamiya Masahira was carefully studying the honey and sugar, he beat the eggs evenly while quietly paying attention to the conversation around him.

"Student Xihai, did you watch the news last night! The president of our student union, her mother turned out to be a super idol of the last century! It's the Sakura Diva, have you heard of it?!"

"Of course I have heard her songs. My father and mother also liked her very much when they were young. They even listened to the CD together last night."

Kitahara sage gradually withdrew his attention.

Takanashi's mother was still exposed, and there was nothing she could do about it.

The mother and daughter look so similar, like twin sisters, as long as you pay a little attention, it is not difficult for someone who is interested to notice the clue.

Her mother's former identity has been exposed. In just one night, Takanashi-san has become popular all over the Internet, and the band has also been famous by the way. Last night's hot list in the Japanese area, within a few hours, out of ten, five followed They are related!He showed his face fiercely.

And he, the weird masked man, was also helplessly popular, and was also complained by some good people, the narrator in the spoof video, and a popular internet meme came out: I understand.

There are also out of nowhere—he guesses that Chiharu Tsurumi is secretly contributing to the flames—many cartoon version emoticons, which are cutely drawn and well-made.

The cartoon version of the weird masked man, with his arms around his chest, clear eyes, confident, very confident, next to the two words: I understand but this "I understand", the meaning is closer to "I understand it for granted", with a silly and innocent , and a little presumptuousness.

With the side rants on the video, the visual effect is very magical.

"Hey, can you make taiyaki just by breaking eggs?" Amamiya Masahiro stood aside, her eyes slightly suspicious, "Do you know how to do it?"

"Of course." The sage of Kitahara paused for a while, then retracted his words silently, and replied in a low voice with a helpless expression, "This is just the first step, why are you in a hurry, you go and add more white sugar to the red bean paste first, that little bit of sweetness is not enough for you Bar."

He knows that Amamiya Masahiro loves sweets, and she is not just a normal person who can eat sweets.

In the past, when she drank a bowl of porridge, she had to add nine tablespoons of white sugar, and she liked to eat sweet, so she insisted on adding it to him. After eating together for five years, he gradually got used to the unbearable sweetness. The sweetness tastes light and calm.

"If you don't have a tone of commanding me, why do you order me casually." Amamiya Masahira muttered in a low voice, but she still did it honestly, picked up a spoon the size of a fingernail, and gave the red bean paste , boldly added seven spoonfuls of white sugar.

With her long and slender fingers, she gently kneaded the red bean paste and wrapped the white sugar into the filling.

Ever since Sister Qinyin told her that the gossip newspaper was after classmate Beiyuan and advised her not to approach him in the near future to avoid being secretly photographed by reporters, she has been doing very well.

I usually don't talk to him, don't let him do homework, and don't follow him anymore.

In the past, she didn't understand why that guy always said that they died together. Later, sister Qinyin sent text messages privately and explained several times before she woke up.

It turned out that in the eyes of outsiders, their social identities were far different.

Her every move will have a huge impact on many social levels, and then seriously affect his life. It seems that this world is far more complicated than she imagined.

Before making the batter, Kitahara sage looked sideways and asked, "I'm going to put the flour next, do you want to add some sugar?"

Amamiya Masahira quickly withdrew her thoughts, turned her head to look, and added another fifteen spoonfuls of white sugar, about thirty grams.

The sage of Beiyuan saw that there were a lot of them, so he quickly stopped her, and then mixed in low-gluten flour, salad oil, cornstarch, and baking powder in turn, and gently stirred with an egg beater.

Amamiya Masahiro watched quietly from the side, and suddenly remembered something, and immediately felt angry and tired.

Bastard, is your house a free women's bathhouse? Is it true that any girl can enter if she wants to! ?

Although she was furious inside, she was deeply helpless. She could do nothing but watch the vixens move into his house one by one.

Fortunately, there is also Sister Qinyin who is a spy, secretly passing information to her every day, reporting every move of the big bastard to her, which makes her relieved, otherwise God knows what he and those vixens are secretly doing every night!
Even if you are honest, for your sake of writing songs for me, I will forgive you for now. Thinking of this, Amamiya Masahira gave him a warning look.

The song "Half Moon Serenade", looking at the comments on the Internet explaining the lyrics, it is obvious that it was written for her!
Apart from her, an old friend who has been cut off, how can he have other old friends who have been cut off.

And in the lyrics, her pupils are also compared to the beautiful crescent moon in the sky. Whenever I look at the cold moon, I will feel lonely and nostalgic. Then I think of the little girl named Haiji. The reason why Haiji was taken in was because her eyes looked like hers. Thinking of this, Amamiya Masahiro blushed slightly, her heart was beating like a deer, and her heart was pounding.

On the other side, the sage of Beiyuan glanced away, silent, powerful, really powerful.

He was still glaring at him angrily one second, and blushed inexplicably the next second. The complicated mental process involved was really hard for him to fathom.

Could it be that she suddenly remembered the scene when I washed and played with her when we were young?Did you become angry for a moment just now?
Kitahara sage guessed wildly in his heart, and poured the reconciled batter into the taiyaki mold bit by bit with a spoon.

"Do you want to put the stuffing yourself, just lay it flat on it, it's very simple." He turned his head and asked.

Masahiro Amamiya let out a soft "hmm" like a mosquito, and carefully picked up a small stick of red bean paste with her fingers, and put it lightly on the batter.

"Be careful, don't burn your hands."

"It's so long-winded. I'm not an idiot. You don't need to remind me of such a simple little thing." Amamiya Masahira murmured in dissatisfaction. Even though she said so, the corner of her mouth still lifted a smile.

Kitahara sage spread another layer of batter, closed the mold, unscrewed the miniature gas stove, and heated the mold patiently for 7 minutes, then turned it over for 2 minutes, and soon a strong fragrance wafted out.

He turned off the fire in time, took off the mold, and as soon as he opened the lid, three golden and fragrant Taiyaki came out of the oven.

It's a very simple snack, and the production steps are not difficult. He has watched Sister Qinyin and Huagu make it many times. Except for the proportion and consistency of the batter, there are no other difficulties.

Masahiro Amamiya lightly touched the taiyaki with her index finger, but it wasn't hot. She picked one up and blew a few breaths on it. Just as she put it in front of her mouth, she paused.

No one nearby looked this way. She hesitated for a moment, and put down the taiyaki in front of her lips.

"Here, this is for you. Thank you."

The Kitahara sage was startled unexpectedly, she would say thank you to me?
Although the voice was so weak that it was almost inaudible, she actually said it.

And he also took the initiative to be modest and asked me to eat first?

He was so surprised that he was flattered for a moment, this guy really changed a lot, it seems that he is not far from reconciliation.

But even if someone sees it, it's not a big deal, it's nothing more than polite humility among classmates.

But out of cooperation with her good intentions, the Kitahara sage checked the surrounding situation symbolically, took it over quietly, and said "thank you".

There is always a strange feeling of cheating secretly in public, how come it looks like an underground love affair. The Kitahara sage took a bite out of his mind, and the taste was okay. More white sugar and honey were added, and the taste was sweeter.

Amamiya Masahiro looked at him questioningly, he nodded and commented: "It's sweeter."

Amamiya Masahira also picked up another one, took a small bite, it tasted a bit sweet, as if a little too much white sugar was added.

At the meeting, Nakamura Yuki came to visit, looking at the good-looking Taiyaki with a surprised expression.

"Has Kitahara-kun learned it before? It's amazing, our group's taiyaki is burnt."

The sage of Beiyuan smiled and said, "There is one more, you can try it."

Nakamura Yuki said in surprise: "Is it really possible? Thank you Kitahara-kun!"

Amamiya Masahira gradually raised her eyebrows, Kitahara-kun, Kitahara-kun, every mouthful of Kitahara-kun, are you an old woman!

She stared at Nakamura and reached for the last taiyaki, her expression getting colder and colder, Kitahara Kento was secretly startled, what's going on, Hushi? !

He hurriedly picked it up first, tore off the "fish tail" and handed it to Nakamura, and said in an embarrassed tone: "Taste first, I'll make it later."

Nakamura was startled for a moment, nodded, took a bite, his throat quivered instantly, and he held his breath.

Beiyuan sage asked unexpectedly: "Is it not delicious? Is it too sweet?"

Nakamura forced a smile, "It's delicious, it's delicious."

It's not too sweet, it's so sweet that it's so sweet. Why can you eat such sweet things with a relaxed expression and a natural expression?
(End of this chapter)

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