Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 150 Professional props are ready

Chapter 150 Professional props are ready
The next day, the Disciplinary Committee.

Except for Xiaolin Lianghua who looked sleepy and listless, the four women's soldiers all stood up straight and stood in line at attention.

The sage of Beiyuan looked like a stern instructor reviewing the formation, with a stern face and hands behind his back to inspect the Women's Army.

He glanced around, selectively ignoring the "fool, the shame of the Disciplinary Committee".

"The recent performance is not bad, not satisfactory."

The four women's soldiers breathed a sigh of relief. The chairman had a stern face just now, and he gave them a lot of strength!

The sage of Beiyuan glanced away, and suddenly reached out and slapped the table heavily!Remind them to cheer up!
The four female soldiers were just a little relieved, when the sudden muffled sound startled them again, and hurriedly straightened their bodies even more, without looking sideways, and stood at attention.

He was quite satisfied in his heart, and said in a serious voice: "During the next month, I have other things to do, and I don't have time to take you on guard and patrol the campus for the time being, but this is not only a good opportunity for self-training, but also a good opportunity for me to treat you. I hope you will not disappoint me."

"Yes! Chairman!"

Beiyuan Xianren glanced at Xiaolin Lianghua who was still in a daze, and said a little tiredly: "Student Xiaolin is fine, just let her stay at the door of the Disciplinary Department and sleep."

As soon as she heard that she could sleep, Xiao Lin Lianghua regained her spirits immediately, and replied loudly with a small face, "Thank you, Chairman!"

Beiyuan Xianren's eyelids twitched slightly, he ordered a few words about the Women's Army, turned around and called the "secret agents" beside him, and left the Disciplinary Committee.

Walking on the campus, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that Xiang Wukui was sitting alone on the campus bench under the big willow tree, with a wandering expression, as if he was in a daze.

Li Shan also noticed that Grandpa Xiangwu asked her to take care of his daughter, so he said something to Bei Yuan and walked towards Xiangwu Kui.

Kitahara Kento stood where he was, and didn't go over. He saw Kuriyama say a few words to "Little One", then Xiangwu Aoi raised his head, looked at him, and then turned and ran away without hesitation.

The sage of Beiyuan was silent, wondering what kind of strange thing that child was.

15 minutes later, he came to Kubo Seafood Warehouse.

The theater troupe where the "female spy" worked part-time had a performance today, and went to the opera troupe halfway.

He first sent a video to Huagu to prove that he did not go to the hospital. When he entered the warehouse, as expected, Mr. Takanashi had already arrived, holding a book and reading it peacefully.

The sage of Beiyuan glanced at the cover of the book, "Wuthering Heights", he had read it when he was a child.

Although he admired the author's endless vocabulary and the fantastic and treacherous depressive atmosphere he created, he personally thought the plot was morbid and dark, and he didn't like this book very much.
Takanashi Xufeng also frowned again and again, only halfway through the page, she closed the book in disgust.

She noticed that classmate Beiyuan had come to the warehouse, and greeted him with a smile.

Kitahara sage nodded in response, and sat down in front of the piano to practice.

Takanashi Xufeng withdrew his gaze and was busy with his own affairs. The daily routine like this had already lasted for quite a while, and the two of them had already developed a tacit understanding, and neither of them disturbed the other.

But today Takanashi Xu Fengshensi regretted looking at the book cover of "Wuthering Heights", and regretted buying this book in his heart, and he didn't want to continue reading. There was nothing to do at the moment, so he tried his best not to disturb, and listened to Beiyuan's classmate practicing the piano .

When Beiyuan was taking a break, Takanashi Xufeng remembered something and asked, "Beiyuan, how is the writing of that book? Have you started writing now?"

"Gravity of Destiny", Hanagu has written more than 3 words on and off. Kitahara sage guessed that Takanashi might want to read it. After all, there is a friend writing a book by his side, so no one is curious.

Takanashi helped him get a paternity test for free last time, and Kitahara Kento thanked her very much.

Speaking of it, he was quite depressed, obviously intending to keep a good distance from Takanashi, but because of various incidents, he came and went, and the relationship naturally got better and better, and now they seem to be friends.

The sage of Beiyuan withdrew his thoughts and said carefully, "At present, I only write the beginning, the part where the future daughter meets the present father."

"If Takanashi-san is interested, I'll send it to you when I get home."

Takanashi Xufeng bowed slightly, smiled and said, "Thank you, I will read it seriously and look forward to it."

There was nothing to talk about, Takanashi Xufeng didn't bother him anymore, Kitahara Kento turned back and continued to practice the piano.

The cheerful melody of "Sonata in C Major" jumped out, and the sage Kitahara raised and lowered his fingers flexibly.

However, within 5 minutes, his playing stopped abruptly, and this time it was his turn to think of something.

Kitahara Kento turned around and asked, "Takahashi-san, are there any good players in our school's Go club?"

"Go club?" Takanashi Xufeng thought about it seriously, "I guess there is no such thing. In the last national Go tournament for high school students at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Minister's Cup, Feng Gao's performance was very bad, and the results were very poor every year."

Takanashi paused for a moment, then asked in a little surprise, "Student Beiyuan can also play Go?"

Kitahara sage originally wanted to subconsciously be humble, but considering his level, there is really no need to be humble in Go, and being too modest would appear hypocritical.

"It's okay, I'm quite confident in myself, and I'm thinking about participating in the Go conference."

Hearing this, Takanashi Xufeng is also eager to try. She learned Go from her grandmother when she was a child, and she is not bad at it. Since Moyou moved, she has not played Go with her friends for a long time.

"Now we have time, let's use our mobile phone." Takanashi Xufeng paused for a while, and said in an embarrassed tone, "Sorry, I forgot that Beiyuan is still practicing the piano, so I bothered you."

The sage of Beiyuan smiled and said: "It's okay, how about the next game now?"

He also has a mind to test Gaoli's level. If she is good, then he can seriously consider whether to form a team with her to compete, but the problem is that classmate Lily is going to cause trouble.

Takanashi Xufeng hesitated and asked, "Aren't you bothering me?"

Kitahara sage nodded, and then under the guidance of Takanashi, he downloaded a Yehu Go app on his mobile phone.

"Student Beiyuan, have you never played chess on an online platform?" Gao Lixu Fengshensi was slightly surprised, "The Yehu platform is very popular now, and the interface looks relatively comfortable. Many top chess players play chess on the Yehu, and they can still Watch chess for free."

Of course he has played chess on the Internet platform, but he has never played chess on the Yehu platform.

The sage of Beiyuan was quite emotional in his heart. Now he has played chess on the Yehu platform. I remember that time, if he wanted to play against the top players from all over the world, he had to go to the Yicheng platform. , but relatively speaking, compared to the international stage, there are still too few masters.

After registering a new account, the initial tier can only be set up to tier 3. He is quite disgusted, and it will be troublesome to increase the tier in the future. I don't know if the account he used before can still log in to Yicheng.

He randomly thought of a name: Lie Yan Cheng Chi.

The two sides added friends, Gaoli Xufeng glanced at his account name, and actually said in Chinese: "One thought is pure, and the flames form a pool."

She raised her head, her mind was very surprised, "Student Beiyuan has read "Cai Gen Tan"?"

The sage of Beiyuan was also very surprised. My father likes to read "Cai Gen Tan", and he also read it by the way. There are two paintings hanging in his study, one of which is "A pure thought, a raging flame forms a pool".

He still wants to ask this question, what kind of books this girl has read, how can she even know "Tale of Vegetable Roots", is there a knowledgeable Chinese fellow in her family?

The sage of Beiyuan didn't want to talk about his past, so he briefly said: "I saw this poem by chance, and I really like this little poem."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Takanashi's account name, which had two Chinese characters: 红豆.

Staring at the word "Hongdou", he gradually became strange in his heart, why it was called "Hongdou".

"When I was thinking about the name, I couldn't make up my mind. Then I subconsciously thought of "Southland Red Bean", so I used red bean. The name is actually more cute." Takanashi Xufeng explained.

Why does this girl always like to use the title of the book to name her? Will she have to name the book when she has a child in the future?

Takanashi's wild fox rank is 5th dan. He judged it based on his previous Yicheng experience, which is probably equivalent to amateur 4th dan.

Although unexpectedly high, but still slightly disappointed.

Although the amateur [-]th dan is not bad, but he checked the information of the previous competition, both the champions of the team competition are the amateur [-]th dan, and one of them is also a young man who is hitting the professional stage, so he deserves a serious opponent.

However, he shouldn't be able to handle the amateur [-]th dan, Takanashi is still not very reliable.

Playing Go is the same as marching and fighting. Every time you take a move, every time you arrange your troops, you must have a clear idea of ​​​​action and a battle plan in your heart, and plan a strategy.

Many war plans, such as: reviving a dead body, entanglement attack, and attacking east and west... can be fully reflected in Go.

A hammer to the east and a hammer to the west, without thinking, playing chess in chaos is a taboo!

Chess played by masters is like a strategist with foresight and foresight. It is often difficult for ordinary people to understand their chess ideas, and those who can understand rarely have the powerful computing power to support themselves to complete the game. It is a grand idea, but also lacks the keen insight to grasp the timing of the battle and see through the defects of chess patterns.

To put it simply, his way of thinking about playing chess and the blueprint for the chess game are very difficult to understand at Takanashi's level.

The calculation of complex scenes is also not good. Once two big dragons are entangled with each other, involving a large-scale fight, one careless move will lose the whole game. This is not a lie, this is also the short board effect of Lianqi.

The sage of Kitahara was thinking inwardly while typing chess pieces on his mobile phone.

Where to find teammate Xiang Wu Yilong's daughter seems to be very powerful, but that little girl is a weirdo, and she is avoiding him now, and he doesn't want to put a hot face on a cold ass.

The sage of Beiyuan sighed slightly in his heart.

Forget it, let’s find it slowly, anyway, there is still one month left, it’s really not good, if Takanashi is willing, take the time to teach her more, play guiding chess, try to train her to be a weaker Karma 5, barely enough .

As for Baitong, let her go. If she can explain it, try to explain it. If she can't explain it, there is also the gravity of fate.

The gravitational force of fate is not only aimed at him alone, and Kashiwagi can't escape historical actions. The gravitational force of fate can affect his mentality, so why can't he use the gravitational force of fate.

An afternoon of rehearsal is over.

Beiyuan Xianren glanced at his own courtyard, and did not rush back. Instead, he came to the parking lot and walked to the door of the white car.

The bodyguard captain in casual clothes opened the car door and tacitly handed out a clock with a black frame.

The captain of the bodyguard explained in a deep voice: "The internal space of the clock is large enough, and there are some new things built in. It can be controlled and monitored remotely within 5000 meters, but it consumes a lot of power after it is turned on. There is also a disposable battery to protect 'information security' , in an emergency, it can instantly short-circuit, burn electronic chips and memory cards, and ensure that no traces are left,"

The sage of Beiyuan nodded and thanked him.

Professional props are indeed professional enough to be handed over to professionals.

(End of this chapter)

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