Chapter 161 Yuki Kubo
"Girls' Dormitory".

Sister Qinyin wore an apron and was washing dishes in the kitchen, sisters Tsurumi were still fighting on the second floor, Mizuho Kuriyama had already gone to the opera troupe, Kento Kitahara thought the second floor was noisy, so he went downstairs and sat on the sofa.

Beside the coffee table, Beiyuan Huagu squatted in front of the fat rabbit, stared at it with a serious face, and threw a tennis ball towards the door.

"Louis XVI, go pick it up."

The fat rabbit moved its semicircular body, hopped and hopped, trying to jump towards the tennis ball, then the rabbit head arched the tennis ball, and obediently pushed it back in front of Huagu.

The sage of Beiyuan was very speechless when he saw it. It was just a rabbit, so why did he train it like a dog?

"Why is it called Louis XVI?"

Huagu turned her head and looked over, her little face was smiling without explanation, she raised her hands to the fat rabbit, the fat rabbit imitated it, stood up on her legs, and raised two furry rabbit paws.

Huagu glanced at it, felt that there was still something missing, and ran to the small coffee table, took out a paper towel, dipped it in some water, and wet it on a chopstick.

She demonstrated twice for the fat rabbit first, and then handed the "white flag" to "Louis XVI".

"Louis XVI" immediately stretched out two rabbit paws, holding the "white flag" and shaking it from side to side.

Huagu sized it up for a while, then turned her head in satisfaction, and said with a smile, "Onisan, did you see it? It's a French rabbit."

Seeing "Louis XVI" trying to wave the white flag, the sage of Beiyuan was silent for a while, and couldn't help but feel sorry for the bad luck, the fate, what mistakes did the fat rabbit make in his previous life, and he was reincarnated as a beast in this life, and put a lily on the stall Classmates and Huagu.

He thought about it again, the fat rabbit also deserved what it deserved, and it did it on its own. If it hadn't been for Oupai who likes to play hooligans and love girls, it wouldn't have fallen into such a situation.

But he was even more worried, if the fat rabbit was spoiled by Huagu and changed from "snowball" to "ice cream", it would be difficult to explain it back.

Classmate Bai may not care, but Classmate Takanashi likes this fat rabbit very much.

Boom, Minister Sugawara sent him a message on Line.

"Beiyuan, are you done eating, and you're going out for a walk?"

It's okay for Beiyuan Xianren to be idle around. Since he no longer serves as the lead singer, and there is no need to practice his voice, he has been leisurely in recent days, so he might as well go out for a walk.

He said casually towards the kitchen, and glanced at Huagu who was still training "Louis XVI" in the military.

Recently, Huagu no longer sent spies to monitor him, and that period finally passed.

Just after a light rain, the bustling pedestrian street, the colorful neon lights of the shops facing the street reflect the puddles.

Kitahara sage and the minister shuttled through the crowd, strolling aimlessly, chatting about the recent situation of the school and the band without saying a word.

Minister Sugawara looked sideways at the clocks in the store facing the street, and suddenly asked, "Beihara, have you ever been to the opera troupe in Kuriyama?"

The Kitahara sage was thinking about the next round of song selection. He withdrew his thoughts and replied, "No, let's take a look now? Is it far away?"

"It's not far away. You can take a bus at the nearby station and you can get there in 15 minutes." Minister Sugawara pondered for a while. "You tell Li Shan first, and ask her to say hello in advance, and the entrance fee is free. You can talk to her, I'll ask her , there will definitely be a fee."

Kitahara Kento nodded, and sent a message on Line, but after a while, Kuriyama didn't reply, showing that he was busy, probably in the middle of a performance.

Minister Sugawara thought about it, and said helplessly: "Forget it, I'll call another person. She has more face than me, and she can just lead us in when the time comes."

"Kubo Yuki?" Kitahara Kento asked casually.

The band rehearsal site of Gravity of Destiny is the seafood warehouse left unused by the Kubo family.

He remembered the relationship between Kuriyama and Kubo Yuki, which seemed to be very good.

The relationship between Kubo and the minister seems to be more complicated, and Kuriyama also dislikes the minister because of an incident.

As usual, Kuriyama called everyone a classmate of XX, but when it was the minister's turn, he didn't even call him by his name, just called him hello.

When she met the minister for the first time, Kuriyama called the minister "half human", and unceremoniously kicked the minister with a can, as if she had a lot of opinions on the minister.

"It's her." Minister Sugawara took out his mobile phone and walked aside.

While waiting, Kento Kitahara continued to consider Kuriyama's first round of selections.

His daughter once gave him a playthrough, the new edition of the magazine in the future, Mizuho Kuriyama was wearing a wine-red dress, and the choir stood behind him—he was the piano accompaniment—and the comment below was Moonlight Goddess.

Combining all the clues, he has already predicted the name of the song, a majestic and shocking masterpiece, which is undoubtedly suitable for Mizuho Kuriyama.

Once that song hits the stage, the thrilling live effect created will be an unparalleled shock to the brain!Soul-stirring!

As for what countertenor?Let's cool off, whether it is rarity or professionalism, the countertenor is still far from the dramatic coloratura soprano.

The only problem to be solved now is the chorus behind Kuriyama and the orchestra that was not filmed.

That song, without the accompaniment of more than 40 people, and without an orchestra, it would be difficult to present an unparalleled shocking style, and if the chorus is included, it would require about [-] people.

The "Band of Tomorrow" program team still owes them a compensation.

The Kitahara sage pondered for a while, and also made a phone call, asking Tsurumi Chiharu to accompany him.

Minister Sugawara finished his phone call, and 15 minutes later, a short-haired girl in a hooded casual outfit hurried over.

Her demeanor and every move are very capable, not sloppy, not as delicate and coquettish as ordinary girls, which is more similar to Li Shan.

Kento Kitahara met Yuki Kubo a few times. The first time was at the gymnasium. Kuriyama taught a boy who humiliated Kubo-san. Sometimes, Kubo-san would occasionally show up at band rehearsals.

The Kitahara sage greeted him politely and simply said hello.

Kubo Yuki glanced at the minister, said in a carefree tone, and joked with a smile: "Hey, Mitsuhiro, didn't you go to accompany your Saturday girlfriend today? Or did your Thursday and Friday girlfriend bump into your Saturday girlfriend?" , was thrown off by them?"

The sage of Beiyuan glanced at the minister without any trace, and was a little surprised in his heart. Does the minister have a girlfriend?Never heard of it.

She called the minister by his name directly, and it seemed that the relationship seemed to be quite good.

The sage Kitahara noticed from the corner of his eye that something was wrong with Minister Sugawara's appearance. He changed from his easy-going normal, and suddenly acted like a naive child who was at odds, pretending to be obviously discordant.

Minister Sugawara's tone was very choked: "Thank you for your concern! But it's still free! Even if that kind of thing does happen, you don't need to worry about it. When I am hungry, I can find at least seven girls to treat me to dinner every week. !"

From the tone of voice, the minister doesn't like Kubo-san?But she didn't like it, and why did she call her out? The sage of Beiyuan was a bit puzzled, so he didn't interrupt abruptly.

Facing the very harsh tone, Kubo Yuki didn't look angry, she replied in a nonchalant tone: "You can do whatever you want, I hope I don't hear your name in the love killing news."

Minister Sugawara seemed to be stimulated by something, and his state instantly became even more angry.

Beiyuan Xianren stood aside, silently being an outsider. He originally thought that the relationship between these two people might be rather ambiguous, but looking at it now, it is not ambiguous, but rather complicated.

The minister was obviously telling lies, deliberately annoyed her, deliberately offended her, but Kubo Yuki seemed to know it well and accepted everything.

Everyone in this world hides an unknown story behind them. Does every family have scriptures that are difficult to recite?The sage of Beiyuan couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional. He coughed dryly and reminded the two of them to go to the opera troupe first.

 happy new year, happy new year's eve

(End of this chapter)

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