Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 163 Kuri Shan's Song Selection!

Chapter 163 Kuri Shan's Song Selection!

Kitahara Kento stood quietly behind the stage and looked around. The venue was not big enough to hold a hundred spectators. Most of the staff behind the scenes were young and full of vigor. A small opera troupe.

After a while, a female college student named Ibuki came over, she smiled and chatted with Yuki Kubo, it was vaguely known that she was the leader of the opera troupe.

Ibuki turned to look at the center of the stage, and said with a very emotional expression: "We used to lose money and persevere for our hobbies and dreams, but since last month, someone discovered that Mizuho is actually a member of the band Gravity of Destiny, and the video was released on On the Internet, thanks to Mizuho, ​​many people know about us, and now the venues are full."

On the stage, at the end of the song, Mizuho Kuriyama bowed and stepped down. Immediately afterwards, more than [-] college students, holding string instruments, filed onto the stage and played the passionate "Ride of the Valkyrie".

"Why are you here? Yuki and Tsurumi are also here." Mizuho Kuriyama looked at the three behind the scenes in surprise, and selectively ignored Minister Sugawara.

Tsurumi Chiharu snorted and said, "I don't have that much time to watch some boring operas. It was Kitahara-san who forced me."

The sage of Beiyuan was too lazy to expose the little Tsundere who thought he was upright, so he simply explained a few words.

The leader of the troupe, Ibuki, interrupted with a smile, and while leading everyone to the backstage lounge, asked with a smile: "Mizuho, ​​the next round of competition will be you as the lead singer, right? We are all looking forward to it now. Have you decided on the song yet?"

Speaking of this point, Kubo Yuki cheered up, clenched his fists and made a cheering gesture towards Kuriyama, saying: "Mizuho, ​​you must let those who smear you open their eyes and take a good look! Our singing skills are not bad at all. !"

When it came to the business of the competition, Minister Sugawara also slowly restrained his hostile attitude, and seriously proposed:

"Kuriyama, I suggest that the first choice of songs should be well-known, and the second should be difficult enough. It doesn't matter even if the song is in a foreign language. Although it conflicts with our plan, it's just a song. It's not a big deal. The main purpose is to warn Those who slander, um, are those naive fans of our old rivals, if we don’t sing, it doesn’t mean we can’t do it! It’s just that it’s simply unnecessary!”

The sage of Beiyuan nodded secretly in his heart. He actually said this to him and suggested it to him.

Kuriyama's first round selection is indeed very important.

Not only was Li Shan's debut on the first floor, but also the band Fate Gravity was reborn from the ashes, returned triumphantly, and re-entered the first battle of the winner group, which attracted much attention.

It is also a competition between Li Shan and Xiao Jin Retriever.

Two old rivals, old enemies, although they haven't met each other strongly, but the outside world has long regarded them and Amamiya Masaki as a comparison group. When talking about one side, the other side will inevitably be mentioned. It is inevitable to compare the two and make private judgments and rankings.

And the first impression after being reborn from the ashes is particularly important.

This invisible battle competition must be won!At least you can't lose face!
Moreover, I hid Li Shanxue for so long before, and the real lead singer never appeared on the stage, making it like a hunger marketing, still holding the pipa half-hidden, seductive. To conquer their sense of anticipation in one fell swoop, once it disappoints, that would be bad!
Kitahara Kento withdrew his scattered thoughts, followed Ibuki to the backstage lounge, sat down, took tea and snacks, and thanked him.

Minister Sugawara sat down, pondered for a while, and suggested: "How about "All By Myself"? It is very well-known and extremely difficult. There are no more than ten fingers in Asia who can sing this song well."

Hearing this, Ibuki laughed and said, "Not to mention the whole of Asia, there are no more than ten fingers in the whole world who can sing this song well."

She paused, then turned to look at Li Shan, "Mizuho, ​​you've sung this song on stage before, and it's very good, do you want to try it?"

Tsuru saw Chiharu's small face very surprised, looked left and right, and asked in a tone of disbelief: "Hey, let me tell you, there are only ten people in the world who can sing well, and she is one of them? She is the only one."

Yibuki sighed slowly, and shook his head helplessly.

"There are always some geniuses in this world. They are young, and they can do things that ordinary people can't achieve in a lifetime."

"Student Tsurumi, do you know Charice? Charice."

Kento Kitahara nodded approvingly, "All By Myself" is really difficult to break through.

If the female singer sang the cover of this song, as long as she could manage to sing it down, there was no doubt that she could be called a capable singer.

And those who can sing well are the best of the best.

As for reaching the level of the original singer. There is no one at all, and there has never been a live proof, because the original singer can no longer do it himself.

However, except for one person.

A young girl at that time.

With her astonishingly extraordinary singing skills, she sang this difficult song almost perfectly, and even surpassed the original singer, Celine Dion, in terms of sound pressure!

She is!Even when she was 15 years old, she had achieved countless hard-working professional singers, worked hard all her life, and looked up to unattainable things!


Xia Ruisi obviously did not receive any professional acoustic training, but purely relying on her continuous self-exploration and practice, she has an unbelievably shocking high-pitched and highly infectious voice. legend.

Since then, Xia Ruisi has soared into the sky and caused a sensation in the world music scene. She has cooperated with many world-famous kings and queens, invited countless, and became a rising star in the world music scene. Later, she announced her coming out as a lesbian.

"This is a genius." Ibuki sighed with complicated eyes, and turned to Kuriyama.

"I believe in Mizuho, ​​just like Charis, whose vocal cord function has surpassed the common sense of the world due to her age. Mizuho is also an incredible dramatic coloratura soprano. With her range and voice, she has no problem singing that song."

Ibuki thought about it, and then suggested: "Actually, "I Will Always Love You" can also be tried. It may be more suitable for Mizuho in terms of technique."

Mizuho Kuriyama sat on the back chair, she touched her neck, and looked around everyone with a little helplessness in her eyes.

"These songs are so difficult. It's tiring to sing, more tiring than running 1000 meters. Can't you change to a simpler song?"

Minister Sugawara had an idea, and he raised his spirits and said: "How about "The Phantom of the Opera"? Once the E6 treble is played, the live effect will definitely explode, and the golden retriever will probably be stunned!"

"Hey, did you hear what I said?" Mizuho Kuriyama's expression became more helpless, "This one is even more difficult. I'm not even sure how to sing well. Please don't pursue the difficulty too much."

Kitahara Kento couldn't help laughing, the lead singer of other people's house selected songs, and a group of people discussed whether the lead singer can sing this song, whether the range is too difficult, whether the scene is not sure, and it is a pity and a pity in the end, but it is replaced by the song here in Kuriyama Is the song too simple?It’s not shocking enough, it’s not exaggerated enough, it’s harder, it’s harder!
He coughed dryly to attract everyone's attention.

"Actually, there is no need to deliberately pursue difficulty. As long as the goal is the most shocking on-site effect, it can satisfy the audience's strong expectations and conquer their expectations. It is cool enough to watch and listen to, and it is impressive enough afterwards. That's enough."

Kubo Yuki asked rather curiously: "Does Kitahara have any suggested selections?"

Kento Kitahara looked around at everyone, and said the title of the song that Hanagu had spoiled for a long time: "Sarah Brightman, "Fleurs du Mal"."

Yibuki's eyes lit up quickly, and he immediately agreed: "This song is very good and suitable. Why didn't I think of it just now!"

Minister Sugawara was at a loss. He had never heard of this song. Hearing the title of the song, it seemed that it was not an English song.

Seeing this, Ibuki stood up with a smile on his face, walked to the laptop, found a song skillfully in the favorites list, connected the audio plug, and clicked the mouse to play.

In an instant, in the not-so-spacious lounge, the loudspeaker sounded grandly: clanging iron-blooded drums, neat and powerful violin sounds, like a doomsday battlefield under dark clouds, a torrent of black steel was advancing mightily, and the next moment, a dark cloud broke open. The light shone on the red-clothed girl under the doomsday battlefield, singing coloratura like sounds of nature, and instantly swept across the battlefield like a hurricane.

Minister Sugawara was dumbfounded for a while. As soon as the song started, the prelude surprised him unexpectedly.

Kento Kitahara was very satisfied with Minister Sugawara's expression. This effect was what he wanted. He immediately grabbed everyone's ears and shocked the audience's brains.

"Fleurs du Mal" is a perfect combination of classical bel canto and goth rock, with a touch of jazz.

Sarah Brightman collaborated with the Pope's choir and sang an epic masterpiece to God in Stephen's Basilica. The song has a strong religious color.

But according to his understanding, compared to religious songs, he is more inclined to that sentence-the Pope?How many divisions does he have!
So I have always listened to it as an army march, it's strong enough!Enough cool!
Ibuki-san thought carefully for a while, raised his head and said:

"This song is indeed very suitable for Li Shan's voice and range. Although not many people have heard it, the live effect is unparalleled and shocking, and the memory is also very deep. Even if it is not well-known, there is no problem at all. It's just... this The song needs a string orchestra and a choir, right?"

Kitahara Kento nodded, then turned to look at Tsurumi Chiharu.

Tsurumi Chiharu understood in seconds, and instantly understood Kitahara Kento's intention for bringing her here.

She said confidently with a small face: "Okay, leave it to me to discuss over there, the program group still owes us a compensation, you can do it at ease!"

 I strongly recommend everyone to listen to "Fleurs du Mal", the Sarah Brightman (Sarah Brightman) version. Believe the author, you will never regret listening to it, and you will find a treasure.

  All music platforms have them, but you may have to spend money to buy copyrights, but you will definitely not regret buying them, and if you don’t buy them, the first 60 seconds of audition is actually quite cool. Station B has a live version, but the prelude is different. That paragraph of coloratura.


(End of this chapter)

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