Chapter 166 Is It Worth It?
A Grade A office building in the Central District, the top floor is the rehearsal room of the Begonia Fruit Band.

Ando Weiyang sat opposite each other in front of the piano, she looked around sideways, in the spacious venue, there were only three of them scattered around the room, accompanied by a bunch of musical instruments, it seemed deserted.

Amamiya Masahiro is still absent, as usual, she doesn't bother with song selection and arrangement, like a hands-off shopkeeper, she doesn't even see a person all day long.

To put it bluntly, I handed it over to them with confidence and boldness. To put it bluntly, the big star didn't care at all, and had no interest at all.

Ando Weiyang looked around the deserted room again, feeling extremely depressed and helpless.

Since you don't care, you are not interested, why do you still want to participate in the competition, who and what is more important than your career and reputation!

A female member asked with a surprised expression: "Where did Albert go? Usually he comes first and waits for us, and he was also absent yesterday, and he came very late the day before yesterday. He seems to be very busy recently. "

Talking about this, Ando Weiyang became more and more angry.

It doesn't matter if the captain isn't here, but the lead singer actually went missing!
God knows where the little golden retriever has gone!Not even a letter of approval!Now there are only three accompaniments left, so why not rehearse!

Kento Kitahara helped Nakamura move some things, and he left school later than usual.

At [-]:[-], it's not yet the peak time for school and get off work. At this time, there are not many people in the subway.

Wearing an oversized mask, he stopped in front of the subway platform and was about to go to Shinjuku Kabuki Erbangai for rehearsal.

Kitahara sage's expression was very ugly under the mask.

When he left the school gate, that little golden retriever was guarding the school gate again!

Get sick!
Can you still meet a normal person!

The large LED screen on the subway advertising wall shows the promotional video of the Gravity of Destiny band.

The two girls looked at the advertisement wall of the subway and chattered:
"Yumiko, did you see the latest tweet from Gravity of Destiny? The next round will be their real lead singer! It's the girl who has been hiding and never appeared on stage except for the first round of qualifiers."

"I've seen it, but I'm more looking forward to their fan meeting, the collaboration between the masked man and Takanashi Xufeng! The Tokyo International Hall can accommodate more than 5000 people. Just retweet and sign up by email. Chance to see it for free!"

Kitahara sage gradually withdrew his attention.

Chiharu Tsurumi also spent a lot of money, saying it was a fan meeting, but it was actually a concert at all.

Moreover, in order to expand her publicity, she also promised to draw [-] lucky retweeters and give away free tickets. This matter was once again on the hot list.

In the distance came the rumbling sound of the approaching subway.

The sage of Beiyuan heard the reputation and was about to take the car, but just as he turned his head, a familiar figure suddenly broke into his sight and stood beside him.

He had run into band members many times and walked along the road together, but this time was the first time in history.

Although she wore a tight white knit cap to cover her overly conspicuous hair color, and specially wore a mask to cover her face, her bright green pupils and her calm demeanor were so recognizable.

Kento Kitahara did not expect to meet Moyu Kashiwagi by chance. It seems that she is also busy with the student union and plans to take the subway to Shinjuku to find her ideal wife.

He sighed in his heart, what kind of emotion is this.

After dealing with the student union, just go home after school. It’s not like I won’t be able to see you tomorrow. I have to take a taxi to get there, and then run all the way to Shinjuku. After more than an hour of tossing around, I walk to Kabuki Erbangai , just to see the wife in mind for a little while? .And you can't disturb her rehearsal, you can only sit on the sidelines and watch quietly.

The eyes of the two met for a moment, Baimu Moyou turned her head lightly, and then very maliciously, as if disgusted, she walked to the other side, far away from him.

The Kitahara sage didn't have a hot face to put on a cold butt, and cooperated with her very much, pretending that they didn't know each other.

Gao Li Xufeng was not on the scene, and there was no need for the two to maintain a superficial friendship. He just pretended not to offend her, and it was enough to pretend that he didn't dare to turn his back on her.

But to be honest, the matter of Kashiwagi and Takanashi, according to him, is very close.

Although he doesn't know much about Takanashi, he can usually see that the girl's views are very conservative and traditional, and she definitely can't accept the relationship between a woman and a woman. It is estimated that in the end, she will only end up as the wife in her heart.

After the subway came to a complete stop, the two walked to different carriages.

After arriving at the station, he found a public toilet with few people, quickly changed his clothes, and temporarily did not wear a mask. When he arrived at the alley of the opera troupe, he checked that no one was around, then took off his mask, put it on quickly, and pushed enter through the door.

The ticket sales girl at the door raised her head when she heard the sound, and her expression became surprised when she saw the familiar mask.

She looked at Bei Yuan who was wearing a mask in surprise, as if unexpectedly, but also within reason, she kept looking at him curiously.

"You are the mask monster, Sakamoto-san?!"

The Kitahara sage nodded, changed his voice, and said hello.

"Hi Sakamoto-san, nice to meet you, please take care of me," the ticket sales girl quickly stood up with a smile on her face, and reached out to lock the door, "Everyone is here, Sakamoto-san, please follow me."

Walking into the stage hall, there were more than 40 people standing on the stage lively, half of them were in charge of the orchestra, and the other half were the chorus.

When the Beiyuan sage approached wearing a mask, everyone cast their eyes one after another, all with very curious eyes.

The weird masked man who is in the limelight, who doesn't know recently, as the only man in the band, he still wears a mask and forms a band with four beautiful and lovely girls. If you count the two behind the scenes, there are six girls child!

The band of six girls is strange, what kind of band is this, I have never heard of it at all, it is clearly an alternative girl group with a man in it!

The divergent eyes focused on himself, and the Kitahara sage has long been used to it. He has two layers of inner height pads in his shoes, and a fake abs made of silicone on his stomach to support his figure, so he is not afraid of being recognized.

He briefly greeted everyone, and then went to ask Ibuki-san.

Kento Kitahara organized the language, and carefully said: "Ibuki-san, you should have heard this song. In fact, Kuriyama-san's timbre is different from Sarah Brightman. Sarah Brightman is a coloratura girl. Although Kuriyama can sing coloratura, her timbre is more like that of a drama girl."

Classmate Yibuki sized him up interestingly. At first, she wondered whether the real body of the masked boy was that little classmate named Beiyuan from last night, but looking at it now, the masked boy is taller and has a more fit body.

"What Sakamoto-san means is that we need to make some changes in the arrangement?"

Kitahara sage nodded slightly, "The prelude is already very good, and it remains unchanged. For the lyrics, you can make Kuriyama's words a little bit heavier, with a bit of iron-blooded murderousness, and the accompaniment is also heavier, creating a majestic, more military marching song than the original version. A style. This may be more suitable for the scene, more expressive, and more suitable for Kuriyama-san’s voice.”

Ibuki thought for a while, then murmured to himself: "But that doesn't match the lyrics? The meaning of the lyrics of "Fleurs Du Mal" is rooted in the evil desires of human beings. Philosophical The seven evils, just matched with the gothic charm, create a strange sense of confession."

She continued to think about it for a while, raised her head, and said in an open tone:

"Well, it's okay. How can Mizuho sing gothic style? The original version's secretive singing style is really not suitable for her, and half of the lyrics are in French anyway, so the audience can't understand it. It's a good way to prefer a marching style? Magnificent momentum? , Thank you, Sakamoto-san's suggestion, we will seriously consider it."

The Kitahara sage nodded, did not disturb them to continue the discussion, and quietly stepped aside.

This song, if imagined according to his image.

The original version is under the doomsday battlefield, the torrent of steel sweeps across the continent, the girl in red walks on foot on the land full of corpses, groaning loudly, and the crazy desires and evil thoughts of human beings.

In the Lishan version, the girl in red came to the front line of the battlefield in person, serving as the command center of the town, commanding and ordering the torrent of steel, and shouting: Forward!go ahead!Move on!Push everything!Crush everything!Destroy all enemies!
Kitahara sage retreated to the side, quietly watching the heated discussion among the people on the stage.

After a while, Takanashi Xufeng and Kashiwagi Mayu also walked into the hall.

His expression was a little surprised at once. In the last round of the competition, after the suggestion of the makeup artist, Takanashi cut his shoulder-length short hair in order to match the style of the song.

When Kashiwagi Moyu took off his hat, he was surprised to find that classmate Lily had also cut his hair. It was also shoulder-length and short, and it was exactly the same length as Takanashi Xufeng.

It's just that the hairstyle is slightly different. Takanashi's shoulder-length short hair is slightly buttoned in, which looks cute, while Kashiwagi flows down silky.

The sage of Beiyuan quickly withdrew his gaze and sighed inwardly.

Is it worthwhile to like someone, to keep chasing the path she has traveled, to cater to her changing preferences, so that unconsciously, she gradually lives like her?
 I got up late, and I didn't wake up until four in the afternoon. I don't know what happened recently, and I can't get enough sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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