Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 168 A Blonde Girl's Big Victory

Chapter 168 A Blonde Girl's Big Victory
In the restaurant box under the dim light, Amamiya Masaki leaned on her chin with her right hand, half lying on the table, frowning in thought.

"Sister Qian, why is Albert at the school gate this afternoon? Who is he looking for?"

Akane Takeshita's movement of holding the teacup came to an abrupt halt, she was in a bad mood, the young lady had already begun to doubt it!

This afternoon, she was driving to pick up the young lady from school. When she was getting into the car, by coincidence, she bumped into the little golden retriever in disguise. He happened to be standing next to their car, and the two sides bumped into each other.

She has been keeping it from the young lady, never mentioning the abnormal sexual orientation of the little golden retriever.

The president insisted on inserting a strange man into the young lady's band, which has already made the young lady very disgusted. If it is an abnormal type, it is impossible to guarantee that the young lady will be even more disgusted and refuse him with a strong attitude, so she has been hiding it all the time. Miss.

Akane Takeshita has an answer for who the little golden retriever is sneaking around to find, but didn't the president say that the little golden retriever has a boyfriend and won't make trouble!

"He may be." Akane Takeshita racked her brains to find an excuse, "Miss, I forgot to lock the car! Please wait for me for a while."

After finishing speaking, she hurriedly opened the door and left, went to the bathroom quickly, and made a call.

Calculating the time difference, it should be three o'clock in the morning on the other end of the phone, but it's urgent now, so there's no time to worry about it.

As soon as the call was connected, Akane Takeshita hurriedly said, "President, something is wrong, Albert."

After listening to the whole story, the phone woke up slowly for a while, and the tone was rather surprised, "The little golden retriever actually cheated? Long-distance relationships are really unreliable, and they only saw each other in three months."

Before Akane Takeshita could continue to speak, the other side of the phone said to herself: "But it's understandable, it's always a man's nature to be fickle. When you see a beautiful girl and boy, you really can't suppress your inner impulse, especially It's the young people nowadays, and the little golden retriever has been lonely for three months, so he can't help it anymore, should he say that the little golden retriever is not loyal enough, or should he say that the beauty of the little classmate Beiyuan is too attractive?"

Akane Takeshita covered her forehead helplessly, what time is it, why is the president still talking about off topic!She hurriedly said: "President, let's not talk about long-distance relationships. Your daughter will definitely put the account on the president's head when she finds out about it. After all, the little golden retriever classmate back then was brought in by the president." , Miss will definitely blame you in her heart."

The other side of the phone said with a smile: "It's not just me, Qian also agreed. Strictly speaking, this is a decision made by the two of us together."

Akane Takeshita was about to cry, "President, don't joke anymore at this time, once the lady is angry, it will be very difficult to calm down!"

The other side of the phone accepted it as soon as they saw it, and said with a big heart: "Okay, it's just a small matter, don't worry if you have too much debt, anyway, that kid has already written a long list of things about himself in the little notebook that holds vengeance. Mom's name, now I won't be afraid to be remembered by that child again, so how about this, you tell little golden retriever that little classmate Beiyuan already has a girlfriend, so simply and neatly advise him to give up early. "

Akane Takeshita hesitated for a moment, and asked in a cautious tone: "President, I have thought about this method, but who should I say is Beiyuan's girlfriend?"

"Just say it's Yahira."

It seems that the president is also very supportive of Kitahara-san and Miss. Akane Takeshita quickly thought about it, and responded with a little hesitation: "President, Miss is so dishonest with Kitahara-san, she probably won't admit it on the surface."

"Then don't mention the name, let the little golden retriever guess for himself. By the way, remember to tell Yahira in advance, so as not to cause her to misunderstand."

The living room of the "girls' dormitory" that seems empty but still lively.

Kitahara sage walked down the stairs, walked into the living room, and glanced around.

Sister Qinyin and Li Shan were washing dishes in the kitchen.

Hua Gu sat cross-legged on the ground, pouted her pink lips, and studied "Fa Yang Lun" hard.

On the old sofa, Dahejian was holding a magazine and reading it interestingly. On the other side, Xiaohejian was holding the mobile phone in both hands, with a cheerful expression as if venting his anger, and seemed very happy.

Beiyuan sage first went to the kitchen to get a glass of water, took a sip, walked to the sofa and asked, "What's worth being so happy about?"

Tsurumi Chiharu put down the phone happily with a small face, and gradually revealed a wicked expression.

"For the activity of reposting tweets to win tickets to the fan meeting, guess who reposted our tweets?"

Kitahara sage suddenly had a bad premonition, could it be Masahira Amamiya!
"It's the golden retriever, he reposted it yesterday," Tsurumi Chiharu paused, his little face gradually becoming puzzled, "The golden retriever actually took the initiative to advertise for us, we are rivals with them, what does the golden retriever think. "

Huagu, who was studying hard, suddenly raised his head and said with a smile: "Let's make a bold assumption, did he fall in love with Ornisang?"

The sage of Beiyuan glanced at him, and said angrily: "Speak with evidence, and stop talking nonsense."

"Of course Haiji has proof, that street video!" Huagu insisted, his face full of confidence, "Onisang almost fell, he held him up, and wanted him to be his tour guide!"

The sage of Beiyuan was immediately speechless, feeling puzzled, how could this little naughty bastard guess everything.

Tsurumi Chiharu didn't believe it, she just took it as a child's joke, and said with a very wicked expression: "Since the golden retriever is willing to forward it for us, I gave him a ticket for the fan meeting, which is still in the front row, by the way In the middle, one of the best locations."

"Not only the Golden Retriever, but also everyone in the Haitangguo band, I will give away all of them."

Hearing this, Kitahara Kento's expression froze for a moment, she wouldn't even send Amamiya Masaki as well.

"Hey, tell me, are those guys going back?"

The corner of Huagu's mouth curled up into a wicked smile, "Haiji thinks that big star is likely to go."

"Why?" Tsuru saw Qianharu's suspicious face, not quite convinced.

Hua Gu looked at her with a smile, and said nothing more mysteriously.

On the other side of the old sofa, Tsurumi Qianxia raised the magazine in her hand, and said with great interest: "Hey, do you want to hear the latest gossip from "Weekly Bunshun"? Someone was cheated. This time, a blonde girl's Big win."

The sage of Beiyuan took a look, and scolded "Weekly Wenchun" more than a dozen times in his heart, a mad dog, and he still bit him!
He reached out to take it with a blank expression. "Weekly Wenchun" is very considerate, and the first page is their content.

Roughly flipping through two pages at random, it's still a dog blood series!
Last time, "Weekly Bunshun" talked about him and Takanashi, and they were in love, while Kashiwagi Moyu, as Takanashi's best friend, secretly stepped in and became his underground lover.

But this time, he has always been chaotic and always abandoned, he likes the new and dislikes the old, abandons Takanashi, and Kashiwagi Xiaosan is a glorious superior.

He continued to look at it twice, and was immediately speechless.

In that fan meeting, the chorus of the two was actually described in the magazine as a helpless and pitiful way for Takanashi to keep him. He hoped that the chorus would bring back his fond memories of the past.

After watching it, the sage Kitahara couldn't help laughing angrily. Is it true that some people really believe in such bloody plots that even TV dramas have already disliked?

Which editor wrote the content, the industry really picked up the ghost!
After watching it for a while, Kitahara Sage couldn't help it, and laughed out loud, making it look like a Qiong Yao drama, are you sure it's not a sadomasochism drama for women?

He threw the magazine on the old sofa casually, "No one will believe such nonsense, don't worry about it."

Tsurumi Chiharu picked up the magazine, and after a while, she raised her head, her small face was slightly weird, "Which one is the song you sang together?"

"When the cherry blossoms are flying, what's the matter, I have a question." The voice of Kitahara sage suddenly became smaller and smaller.

He was silent for a while, searched "When the Cherry Blossoms Dancing" on his mobile phone, and quickly read the lyrics. It seems that the lyrics, if you insist, are a little bit suitable.

The seasons change constantly, from spring to winter, the girl stays where she is, with longing and hope, always waiting for that person to come back to find her.

Tsurumi Chiharu laughed happily and said: "Weekly Bunshun is outrageously edited, no one believes it, but you can't resist choosing songs to shoot at gunpoint, even people who don't believe it will probably doubt it after listening to your songs. !"

Kitahara sage's face gradually darkened, he stared at the content of the magazine and read it again and again.

It's too late to change the song.

When I first chose this song, it was purely an old song, because Takanashi likes to listen to old songs and rarely listens to new songs, and one of his favorite singers, Hideaki Tokunaga, has sung this song and he has listened to it many times. I can also sing, and Hideaki Tokunaga's version only needs piano accompaniment, which is simple, nice and beautiful, very suitable in all aspects, and finally chose "When the Cherry Blossoms Fly".

I didn't expect to hit the right side of the shot now, and it happened to hit the gun of "Weekly Wenchun"!
Forget it, when the big deal comes on stage, just clarify it in public.

Although it was not a big deal, the Kitahara sage always felt disgusted.

Even if he clarifies it in public, it will have no effect on "Weekly Wenchun", and he has also done publicity to increase sales. No matter what he does on his side, the other party will not suffer, and he will be taken advantage of for nothing.

The sage of Beiyuan asked helplessly: "Didn't you sue those mad dogs some time ago, how is the lawsuit going?"

Talking about this, Chiharu Tsurumi was also very depressed. The number of times that group of mad dogs have been sued by others is like a sea of ​​water. The legal department is very experienced, and the bones of the dogs are very hard. It will be really hard to chew for a while!

She also said helplessly: "It's okay, the Tsurumi family's lawyers are not raised for nothing, and they will definitely win the case in the end. There is a high probability that they will lose money to settle the case. It's just that the time may be delayed, but it's okay to knock on his door hard." Yes, I have the right to recover some reputation damage fees for you."

The sage of Beiyuan nodded understandingly. The group of mad dogs should also know that they can't win, so they simply took advantage of this period, the hottest time of the Gravity of Destiny band, to pluck their wool frantically and recover some losses.

Boom, the text message alert sounded, Kitahara Kento took out his phone and looked, it was a message from the manager of his part-time piano shop, asking him how the competition was going.

The Kitahara sage immediately thought about it. Last time, the store manager Akiyama forced him to give him 20 yen, which solved his urgent need. He still had no chance to repay the favor he owed.

Although the store manager Akiyama insisted that it was a tuition fee, the store manager said the same thing when he bought a guitar last time, and that guitar was not cheap, but when he bought it, it was so cheap that it was like a free gift.

He now has a way to return favors.

Do you want to use the guise of warming up for the fan meeting, take the band to the vicinity of the piano store, and perform on the street again, so that the door of the piano store will show their face on the Internet.

A 6-minute advertisement with tens of millions of views is enough to repay 20 yen in favor.

But be careful, don't allow people to find out his identity by following the clues.

After careful consideration, he turned to the big benefactor and asked, "The day after tomorrow is the fan meeting, do you want to have a warm-up?"

"Warming up?" Tsuru saw Qianchun's small face slightly stunned, "There are only two days left, is there still a need for warming up?"

"It's kind of useful."

Kento Kitahara's serious expression said, "When we founded the band, the first street performance was at the LUMINE Shopping Center in Shinjuku. We used the slogan of not forgetting the original intention, returning to the very beginning, how about doing it again? Sample?"

Tsurumi Chiharu thought about it for a while, and felt that this was not bad, and readily agreed.

"Okay, you are the captain, you decide."

A busy sidewalk.

Albert, who was disguised, followed the flow of people with a pensive expression.

He raised his head, and what caught his eyes was the lively and bustling night scene, tall buildings lined with strangers, and strangers who kept passing by.

Albert stared blankly at the scene in front of him, feeling lonely in his already lonely heart.

Just now, Ms. Takeshita had a serious talk with him and told him seriously that Kitahara-kun already had a girlfriend.

He was surprised that Ms. Takeshita knew Kitahara-kun, and she seemed to be quite familiar with her.

He asked, but Ms. Takeshita did not say who Kitahara-kun's girlfriend was.

He just said that Mr. Beiyuan has never been short of girlfriends. In other words, this is a knock on him from the side. Mr. Beiyuan does not need a "boyfriend".

Albert, who was in the crowd, sighed lightly. In fact, he just wanted to make a good friend who could chat often.

Tokyo is 200 square kilometers, with [-] million people. It is very large, with many people, but there is no one who can talk to him often.

To talk about the fantasy in my heart, there is only a little bit of it.

However, he can understand Ms. Takeshita’s approach. The national conditions are different. LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) in Japan has not been fully legalized. In the eyes of most people, he is regarded as a heretic and exists Secular prejudices are all too normal.

Mr. Beiyuan has never been short of female friends, otherwise he would not have six girls, let's form a band with him. Albert was thinking wildly in loneliness until he passed a newsstand.

On the booth, there was a magazine with an exaggerated cover that attracted his attention.

Albert gradually settled down. He turned around and reached out to pick up the magazine. The text pattern on it was "Weekly Wenchun", but he couldn't read it.

However, he can understand the four Chinese characters "Gravity of Destiny", which is very familiar, and he has seen it a lot recently.

He turned the page, and on the first page, he saw a photo of Mr. Beiyuan wearing a mask, but he couldn't understand the content on it, but he could use the translation software and go back to the hotel to take pictures and translate slowly.

Albert raised his head and asked the newsstand owner in English: "Hello, is this a news magazine?"

The owner of the newsstand is a skinny old man in his sixties. He can't understand English, but it's all right if he can make money!

The thin old man stared intently at the magazine in Albert's hand, leaned out from the window, pointed at the magazine with his dry index finger, spoke English that he only knew five sentences in his life, nodded all the time, his throat stuck Phlegm said: "very good! very good! very good!"

Albert said thank you, paid the money, and couldn't wait to return to the hotel.

On the way, a text message sounded, and he took out his phone to check it out. Fate Gravity's official account sent a private message to congratulate him. He was lucky enough to get a ticket to the fan meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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