Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 179 I Can Help You Convince Her

Chapter 179 I Can Help You Convince Her
The next day.

At five o'clock, just before dawn, before they got up, the sage of Beiyuan got up early in the morning and went out for a walk with the rabbit cage.

The fat rabbit was lying in the cage in a daze, and it seemed that he hadn't slept enough.

Rabbits are nocturnal by nature. They usually have fun at night and sleep during the day, only sleeping for a few minutes at a time.

The sage of Beiyuan reckoned that this rogue rabbit should be of a very lazy character. He had been up for more than half an hour, and he hadn't seen the fat rabbit squinting his eyes until now. In the past, when a girl hugged it, the rabbit's face would immediately lose energy. up.

He wandered to the parking lot, where the white RV had been parked for more than half a month, without moving.

This time the car door didn't open in advance, so the Kitahara sage guessed that he hadn't woken up yet?Bodyguards shouldn't just stick to their posts 24 hours a day.

He knocked lightly on the car door twice.

"I'm coming."

A relatively unfamiliar man came to open the car door in a hurry. He looked just 30 years old, with a towel around his neck and a toothbrush in his mouth. He seemed to have just woken up.

The sage of Beiyuan saw that he was relatively unfamiliar, and he was probably a shift worker, so let's chat a few words first to get acquainted with him before we can talk about things.

"Excuse me, just woke up? You go first. Thank you for your hard work."

The young bodyguard quickly washed up, turned around, and said in a rather enthusiastic tone: "They are all paid, nothing is work, and it can't be called hard work."

He looks more talkative, much more comfortable to get along with than the facially paralyzed captain before.

Kitahara sage: "You know me?"

The young bodyguard laughed and said, "The captain mentioned you specifically, and it's still an important matter."

Or is it important?The sage of Beiyuan felt a little curious in his heart, "What did he say?"

The young bodyguard hesitated for a moment, then he stretched out his hand to cover his voice and said, "The captain said you are the future boyfriend of the young lady?"

The sage of Beiyuan coughed dryly and quickly got down to business.

"I'd like to ask you something." The sage of Beiyuan raised the rabbit cage in his hand, and pointed to the "little fat girl" who was still sleeping inside.

"Think of a way, can you do something with this rabbit, such as installing a miniature camera, or a recording device or other gadgets, but you must pay attention to concealment and try not to hurt it."

Although it is unethical to do so, what else can he do at the moment.

The handle of my own death is firmly held in the palm of the other party, and the other party has already taken action, and after the game is over, he starts to threaten him and do things for her.

Since she doesn't want to pretend to be dumb and dumb, don't blame him for being ruthless first, and then for being ruthless.

The young bodyguard looked down, his expression froze for a moment, did the rabbit do anything?
He studied the fat rabbit seriously, and the fat rabbit finally woke up, the eyes of the rabbits were a little confused, one person and one rabbit stared at each other.

After a while, the young bodyguard gradually showed a embarrassed expression. He scratched his head in distress. To ensure the concealment and not hurt the rabbit, he couldn't come up with a good idea for a while.

They are bodyguards, not secret agents. They are good at combat, investigation and security, but they are not professional in spy equipment.

Although I am very curious, why do you want to attack a rabbit, but the eldest lady's boyfriend has come to the door now, even though the matter is difficult, let's try our best.

The young bodyguards thought in their minds that it doesn't matter if they are not good at it. This work can be outsourced to more professionals, so they thought about it and said, "For three days, leave it here for the time being. We will study it collectively for two days, and come back after three days."

The unchanging school life came to the end of school time in a blink of an eye.

After school, Kitahara Kento went to the opera troupe as usual.

When he came to the backstage lounge of the opera troupe, he was the first to arrive earlier than Takanashi for the first time.

The Kitahara sage was so bored, he was stunned for a while before he suddenly remembered that the Go app was installed on his phone!So I logged on to the online Go platform, planning to play a game of Go to pass the time.

As soon as he logged in, he was surprised to find that in the friend list, there were friends online who were still playing chess.

His online chess account has only one friend, no wonder Gao Li Xufeng is playing chess with someone uncharacteristically.

The sage of Kitahara clicked in to watch the battle, and the other person's ID was a string of numbers, and at first glance, it seemed that he was too lazy to name it and just made up a random username.new account.

After thinking for a while, he guessed it might be Xiang Wukui?
I remember Takanashi-san said that occasionally he would play chess with Sangwu-san.

Kitahara Kento continued to check the game records, there were a total of more than a dozen games, the earliest one was half a month ago, very close to the time Takanashi met Aoi Sabu, so it should be correct.

It seems that the relationship between the two people is developing well.

He was considering whether to say hello when the door to the lounge was pushed open.

Takanashi Xufeng looked at the phone thoughtfully with his head down, walked in and greeted with a smile.

Kitahara Kento nodded in response, kept his voice down, and did not disturb. Takanashi sat on the sofa and played chess quietly, while he sat on the other side and watched the battle quietly.

However, I haven't watched the two-movement game yet, thud thud, the Line message sounds, it's the greeting from the little naughty boy.

"If Dad's future girlfriend knows that Dad used to live with four older sisters, will Mom forgive you? Will Mom beat Dad?"

The sage of Beiyuan was stunned for a moment. This question seems to be more serious.

He thought it over immediately, first pondering whether the little naughty boy wanted to make trouble again, and after judging that it should not be, he gave his daughter a vaccination.

"If you don't want to be beaten, don't think about it. As long as you don't tell me, your mother won't know."

"Tch. (Dislike.jpg)"

Kitahara sage cautiously deleted the chat notes and continued to watch the chess game.

After watching more than a dozen moves, Kitahara Sage's expression gradually became serious.

Xiangwu Kui's chess strength is not simple.

Although it is a new account, it is impossible to judge the strength intuitively through the record, but a person's chess ability can be seen by just looking at the chess moves.

One touch here, another one, exchange two cheap hands of the opponent, retain the aftertaste and borrowing of various changes, immediately take the lead to seize other more critical big fields, play chess smoothly, two words evaluation-professional.

Those who dare to play chess in this way are either beginners with stunned heads, or professional masters who have thoroughly calculated the gains and losses, have a clear mind, and are familiar with the follow-up changes. .

Takanashi Xufeng looked at the phone screen thoughtfully.

After a long while, she let out a breath, and clicked with her pale index finger to admit defeat.

"Student Xiangwu is really good at chess," Gao Li Xufeng turned his head, "However, you must have the chess strength of a professional chess player."

Kitahara sage nodded slightly. He underestimated Xiang Wukui before, not just an amateur 6th dan, conservatively guessing, at least the level of the first or second dan of a career.

If he can have this kind of United Chess teammate, it is really a stroke of luck, and if he encounters such an opponent, he will have to make serious pre-match preparations rather tricky.

Takanashi Xufeng put away his phone, thought for a while and asked, "Has Beiyuan really stopped thinking about playing? If you can form a team with Xiangwu, the National Go Tournament for High School Students should be very easy."

The Kitahara sage thought it over and said: "She is already a professional chess player, so it is not convenient for her to participate in this kind of amateur competition."

Gaoli Xufeng smiled and said, "Student Xiangwu hasn't set a rank yet, in fact, he doesn't even have an amateur rank."

Kitahara Kento was a bit surprised, and Takanashi Xufeng continued to explain: "She told me that playing chess is just a hobby since childhood? The original saying is 'When I have nothing to do, I play chess with a computer and AI', which should also belong to Like it?"

"If Kitahara-san thinks it's feasible, I can try to convince Xiangwu-san for you."

 There is one more in the morning

(End of this chapter)

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