Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 219 Celebration Dinner

Chapter 219 Celebration Dinner
In Minato-ku, Tokyo, on the terrace of the Marina Hotel, six women and one man sat looking at the sea, having a lively dinner.

Streetscapes and shorelines glow with colorful neon lights.

The sage of Beiyuan looked outside. Although there was a table full of exquisite and delicious dishes in front of him, he really didn't have much interest. He was more concerned about the mood of the small house girl than the ongoing celebration banquet for the winner.

She shouldn't be angry. Judging by her expression at the time, she had the feeling that she had been mentally prepared for a long time. According to her personality, she should not care about the outcome of the game other than the bet.

Tsurumi Chiharu saw that he was not interested, and asked in a strange tone: "What are you thinking, are you not happy after winning the game?"

The sage of Beiyuan withdrew his thoughts, and explained casually: "It's just more emotional."

He straightened his waist and smiled in keeping with the atmosphere.

"Your luggage is still left at my house. Find time to get it. By the way, Li Shan, how are you negotiating with your father?"

"Oh, Dad agrees, don't stop me from learning music anymore."

Kagawa Ningning said with longing eyes: "Senior Kuriyama sings so well, he can definitely lead students."

Hearing this, Takanashi Xufeng couldn't help asking curiously: "I saw on the Internet that many people said that Lishan-senpai's singing skills are very good, but they have never had a clear idea. Kitahara-san, how good is Lishan-senpai's singing?"

The Kitahara sage thought carefully and explained:

"Singing skill is actually a very general term. If we use the official statement and the scientific method of vocalization to characterize it, Li Shan's vocal cords are very powerful, which can support her to sing all kinds of super difficult songs, and her basic skills are also very solid. There is no doubt that She is an S-level singer, but if she considers the requirements of technology, emotion and other aspects in an all-round way."

"Kuriyama's singing skills are very strong, but her use and performance are a bit green. I gave her an A grade. By the way, everything I just said is graded in the category of pop music. In fact, Kuriyama is not a pop music singer. .”

Takanashi Xufeng nodded in understanding, and then asked curiously: "Is it true that a professional singer has good vocal cords and good singing skills?"

"It's not accurate, but it's barely a problem. After all, any voice training method, in the final analysis, is to exercise the muscles around the throat and diaphragm."

The Kitahara sage paused. He remembered that Takanashi seemed to have a Chinese grandmother, so he explained vividly:
"Have you read martial arts novels? In fact, the function of the vocal cords can be regarded as the internal strength of martial arts masters, while various techniques - SLS singing, mixed voice singing, closed singing, etc. - are the basic skills of martial arts, intonation and breath of each sect. It is Zamabu. As long as you are proficient in both internal strength and martial arts, you can be called a master of the rivers and lakes. That is to say, a talented singer can be called a powerful singer, at least for the Japanese pop music scene."

Generally speaking, the singer's "internal strength" and "martial arts" are also directly proportional.

But generally speaking, conservative numbers say that at least 90.00% of pop singers on the market, their singing skills will not improve with time, but will continue to regress, regress, and regress.

Professional singers are also human beings. They also want to be lazy and play games. If they have money and are not short of money, they can make a lot of money by relying on their fame. Who wants to practice their voice every day and keep so many precepts? Isn’t that torturing themselves?

Wuxia novels, Zamabu. Takanashi Xufeng thought for a while, she had seen martial arts novels in her grandmother's relics.

But the book is in traditional Chinese characters, and she can't understand many characters, and her mother can only recognize half of them.

Xufeng Gaoli nodded with a look of confusion, and said emotionally: "Student Beiyuan knows a lot."

Has student Beiyuan read many martial arts novels? Gaoli Xufeng Shensi asked with great anticipation: "Student Beiyuan, is there a book called Yitian that seems to have the word 'dragon' in its name? Have you read that book? What story did you tell?"

"Hey! We're having a party right now. We're talking about martial arts novels." Chiharu Tsurumi looked at Takanashi dissatisfied. "If you want to talk about it, go to school and talk to classmate Kitahara tomorrow. It's a celebration dinner now."

The sage of Beiyuan glanced at him from the corner of his eye, and classmate Bai stared at him quietly without saying a word.

Of course, he would not cause trouble for himself, cut off the tail of the matter, and said: "I haven't read that book, I just know a little bit, a little bit."

Takanashi Xufeng felt a pity in her heart. It seems that the relics left by her grandmother can only be deciphered slowly by herself.

The celebratory dinner continues.

Crane saw Qianchun's small face proud of the spring breeze, and the spring breeze on his face was full of majesty, I am afraid that the number one scholar of the common people who "become the farmer in the morning and ascend to the Tianzitang in the evening" is no more than that.

She was so happy that she never closed her mouth, she just smiled like a little fool.

Tsurumi Chiharu grinned, moved her seat, and turned to Kagawa Ningning, "How do you feel about beating your idol with your own hands?"

Kagawa Ningning hesitated for a while, and said with a lack of confidence: "Actually, although we won the victory with a narrow margin, I think we just--woo!"

Takanashi quickly reached out and covered Kagawa Ningning's mouth to prevent her from continuing to die, and said to Tsurumi Chiharu with a smile on her face: "Ningning, she said that we are just, just. Fortunately, Senior Tsurumi helped me with all my strength."

Just win in Amamiya Yahira, don't want to win, Kitahara Kento silently completed what Kagawa Ningning hadn't finished speaking.

Tsurumi Chiharu was too lazy to worry about it, she had a more important matter to announce, so she cleared her throat.

"Next, I'm going to announce a big plan."

"What plan?" Bei Yuan sage asked casually.

"Summer vacation!" Tsurumi Chiharu said in one go.

She paused, and then said in a rather dissatisfied tone: "Before, I suggested a dinner party to celebrate, and I suggested it at least four times! Every time it was either you or theirs, there was no gathering, right?"

The sage of Beiyuan remembered silently.

As early as the day when the first qualifiers ended, Chiharu Tsurumi proposed that they fly to the teahouse Hosen together to celebrate.

But sister Qinyin suddenly returned to China and called him to move into his house for a period of time, so he had to rush home in a hurry, and everyone didn't go.

Afterwards, Tsurumi Chiharu also proposed to celebrate many times, but either Takanashi or Kuriyama had something to do, and they didn't go there once.

Kagawa Ningning raised her little hand and said in a weak tone: "But isn't it a success this time?"

Tsurumi Chiharu glared, and corrected with gritted teeth: "Idiot, this time is this time, and the previous is the previous! And this time is the celebration dinner after a big victory, how can it be compared!"

Tsurumi Chiharu looked around everyone, and continued: "Summer vacation! You must have time! I told you so long in advance, don't make excuses when the time comes, everyone must be present, and no one can be absent!"

It was because he was afraid that someone would be absent, Li Shan might not go, right? Kitahara sage said silently.

The sage of Beiyuan asked: "Tell me what is the plan?"

Tsurumi Chiharu pretended to be mysterious, and with a wave of her small hand, she spread out her small fan and shook it gently.

"Secret for now."

"Don't forget, the program team promised before that if any band wins Amamiya Masaki, there will be a mysterious prize after the match."

Tsurumi Chiharu waved her fan, looked around everyone again, and said with a smile, "I'll give you a big surprise. Anyway, you'll find out after the summer vacation."

"By the way, the 300 million yen prize money for the competition and the damage to the reputation of the lawsuit have been settled. You will leave your bank account later, and you can remit the money tonight. Those who don't have a bank card can also use their parents' account. If you want to leave pocket money quietly, you can come to me to get cash."

As he said that, Tsurumi Chiharu glanced at Kashiwagi Moyou, he had used her once before, and he couldn't let her work for nothing, and he still had to pay the "hard work" that should be paid.

"If you have no objections, I will share equally with everyone present by default, and I don't want my share."

Kento Kitahara had no objection, the bonus of 300 million yen, except for Tsurumi Chiharu, was divided equally among the five present. Although it was not too much, the reputation loss was the big one. It is estimated that "Weekly Bunshun" lost a lot of money.

He had thought before that when the game was over, he would give Huagu a surprise. Now that he had reached the foundation of funds, it finally made sense.

And the most important thing, the thing that has been on his mind for a long time, is that someone lost the bet and owed him two unconditional and obligatory demands.

The sage of Beiyuan retracted his thoughts, and Shanshan noticed that Bai Tong, who had always dressed very conservatively, had now changed into cool summer clothes, a sky blue silk long-sleeved casual dress.

Summer is here.

(End of this chapter)

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